misha's Friends
josh joshgiants
Garmers Garmers21
Hi there,wanna friend me and play smash?
DarklyToad DarklyToadMC
mollie mollierose985
hello i am 16years old my names mollie dont judge me by my hair and dont judge me by my clothes dont judge me by my face or the right thats in my nose dont judge me by my house or my boyfriendor my height just judge me on the way that i fight Dont judge me by my eyes And dont judge me by my teeth Dont judge me by my skin or my weird accessories Dont judge the way i build xoxo
pikachu drigonvarley2010
love minecraft
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Brune BrandonBrune
Giveaways! WedGiveaways
Hi, Im Wed. My old account Was Giveaway. I accidentally erase that account. Giveaway For Free!!! Smash Wii U/3DS!! Followers Goals √ 100 Followers √ 500 Followers √ 1000 Followers 1500 Followers Profile Only For Giveaway™
P~tunes pinballcho
hola, me llamo jeray,no wii u chat sorry . vivo en macarralandia, tengo wii u y 3ds, llevo nueces en el bolsillo, sabes porque llevo nueces en el bolsillo? ¡¡¡PORQUE ESTOY LOCO!!!!! who let the dog out ¡UH, UH UH UH! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ quieres leer mas abajo no bajes mas no lo hagas tonto el qhe lo lea :)
Mac Macasan77
Hi Im macasan i do builds of statues from mc story mode and i have fun worlds to play on come join and friend me so we can play!!!
gigi tristan112907
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
ATmineboy BalisticTip
『MιкеуBCA』 XNoThisIsPatrick
sup its MikeyB-CA's 2nd account
herobrine mastermario6332
hi! im herobrine (minecraft refrance) i play minecraft skylanders supercharges i love playing with friends so send me a friend request and wii u chat allowed im super nice and come to my academy when wanted i have a headset so chat with me whenever you want (^-^)
δεςτιπγ★☆★ destinymartinezz
★нι паме ιś Ðέśτιпу ιм 10 γеагś οļδ ★Follow me and i follow you back ★And i ♥ kawaii,draw and anime ★наьļσ еśραйσι у ιπġļεś
Gin Hsdjjhff
Hey guys welcome to my profile,Some times i do minecraft,ssb4,splatoon,slender the arrival,octodad,hyrule warriors,mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olympics games,and tons more games
darius canyah123
Liam liamian0831
Hi guys im LizardCat or Liam I love playing SSB4 & Minecraft Also feel free to friend request me! Also don't Wii U Chat me without my permission
Darrius xMedicDutchx
Whats up miiverse, my name is Darrius. I love all types of games and very easy to get along with. Im 20 yrs old but a kid at heart. So add me n lets play some games. #teammegaman
TG|Genesis Darkraisilver456
I play video games :3. My favourite game of all time is Sonic Colours, then Fire Emblem: Awakening
natsu xavierdeadpool
HOW DID I GET HERE hello im natsu from fairy tale and if you don't know me i can create fire and eat it so DONT TRY ME OR ILL BURN YOU NO BULLYING OR GRIFING
Jonathan Rougethe123
Hi im Jonathan anyone want to be my friend im new to this
jojo jojojojo3
hey! i like smash! you do too! so lets play! add me :]
Karla karlanthropy
semi-rebellious teen
Shawn B.Shawn96
Beast at Super Smash Bros.
Mako Miles16852
steljack1 steljack1
wii u chat me play minecraft and send me a friend request
Felix Felix1990-25
Hello my name is Felix and i'm a gamer. I'm 27. Things I Like: MLP, MJ, 1980's, HTF, Purple Rain, Zootopia, Prince, Equestria Girls, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Metroid, and Miiverse Friends. Things I Don't Like: Yeahbombers and Mods in SSB4. My Best friends are Pöisiónívÿ, JALOLBASS, My girlfriend Rin, JR, and Tyler. Thanks for the 1400+ followers. I joined Miiverse on Jan 3 2015.
☆ĢĄŰЙŤĚŔ★Ω fireblast51
..::welcome all::.. Gaunter here I post mainly draw so expect a sheet drawing once n a while If you have a request don't be afriad to ask i'll try my best even if its you im drawing Likes: Ssb(all of them *^*) Mario kart, etc bet u dont care Dislikes: ehh figure them out ill be banned to explain lol
Hello my snowysters its a me SnowyIzAwesome check out my channel on a goal for the most amount of good friends!
Arazhul HD MoooNLiight
LTB abadasme
ya aint ready
caleb craig8243
my name is caleb not craig so remember when your playing minecraft with me ok
Hey :) I'm 21. How old r u? :) Sendet mir ne Freundschaftsanfrage wenn ihr wollt ;) You can add me if u want ;)
Neo cerussell3
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Ethan ChOcOcOwCaKe
My name is Ethan, I like pie.
Paul pmcrutch
I still like Splatoon after losing ten rounds in a row. Reason of continued losses: One VS. Four because my teammates keep quitting.
Starlux ShiningStar118
Min Min mrwproperty
I like undertale and by the way here are my favorite undertale characters 1.asreil 2.temmie 3.alypes(i spelled her name wrong:( ) favorite mario characters 1.daisy 2.rosalina 3.luigl favorite zelda characters 1.lana 2.zelda 3.link favorite pokemon characters 1.braixen 2.pikachu 3.ho-oh goodbye miiverse :(
Bryson brysonyoung23
Nathan Rocker_2002
Hello miiverse, I'm Nathan.I am a 13 year old who enjoys to develop my own video games,also I make wonderful art on cube creator 3D. I also own a mini youtube channel. I play the following games: Super Smash Bros. Mario Bros. Punch-out!! Halo Minecraft Tomodachi Life ETC. I enjoy the following: Video Games Pizza Nintendo Sand-Box games
Mino A1-Mino
I go by the name Aeon-Mino, you can find my Deviantart account by searching Aeon-Mino in google : )
§nazzy<3 Gigazilla2000
Hai peeps! (/˘¬˘)/ Gigazilla is here to welcome you to my profile. I have many games to play for the wii u. Have Smash? Lets smash it up! Have Splatoon? Try to no scope me ;] Have Mairo Kart 8? Lets race to the finish :D Have Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? Lets go beat monsters to death. And more games to come. So lets play some games º³°
gavin stratboy1970
Noctis Noctis_Uchiha
Gaymer :P, me encanta las consolas de Nintendo y Sony :), Videojuego favorito Final Fantasy IX, videojuego de Nintendo favorito Super Mario Bros 3
Jebinite GBohn73
★☆★Rey★☆★ Ayyoo95
Ayo wassup?I'm Rey from California.Some of my favorite games right now are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3Ds,Majora's Mask 3D,Pokemon Omega Ruby,and Tomodachi Life.Huge Amiibo collector. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
VCR King PapaPoo
Seddy Sherlock1495
Tamamo Yuko_Stylez
MEGALOVANIA! Otaku! Fav characters: Magnolia Arch, Neptune, Noire, Uni, Pit, Nu-13, Makoto, Severa , Ge-Ge, Sans games! MH, SSB, pokemon, n Fire emblem Im a furry <(>~ωo<)> Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship-never. Don't try to impress people. Just be you. YO! DOOD!!! LETS GO!!! Have fun! Hyperdimensional Neptunia! Fire Emblem Fates! Fursona: Kaden Leonhart (Feline)
Diego ThePanda01
Banjo and Kazooie for super smash Wii U and 3DS n64 version please don't do the nuts and bolts one
theguy ekim703
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