MichiMeg's Followers
JayJay bee489
Hi im 32JayJayi love my family my sister patty my brother mike @ my mom @ dad @ i love my best friends honeysweet @ chris @ sammy @ kelly @ Alyson @ sheay@ taylor@ talya
LOLO lzkirk
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tootie The_Fergusons5
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Jack sonicfan137
Hi! I'm Jack, I love Paper Mario and just about any RPG series you can think of. My favorite TV show is The Office, and my dog is bae. Thanks for reading my bio, have a great day!
mr shayne shalester
はかる3k hakaru3k
みけ(hakaru)です! どうしてもスプラトゥーンがやりたくて本体ごと買ってしまいました。 6/14からほぼ毎日やっております、初心者ですがどうぞよろしく~! フレンドがいっぱいで合流率の低い方を消してますが、機会があればまた遊びましょう! ぜひ誘ってください(><)
Chronoboy chronoboi
I'm an avid Zelda fan, and own most of the games in the series. Can't wait until Zelda U!
Chriz Chrizile
Adult living in VA looking for that small taste of my childhood again lol
Ryan <3 AdaptDarkspawn
My Name is Ryan I'm a 14 year old, I'm with Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony My favourite series is Zelda, And despite being on many platforms, Nintendo is where my heart is c: Except miiverse is kinda trash, I still love talking to people though.
Midnight AmyrMurray2
Hello, thanks for clicking on my face. I like Call of Duty: Black Ops 1, 2, 3, Ghost, Advanced & Infinite Warfare. I play Splatoon sometimes, and I am a HUGE fan of Pokemon. I also play Terraria and Minecraft. Currently playing: Terraria(3DS), Minecraft(Wii U), Pokemon OR, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titans (And Untold 2 Fafnir Knig, and Super Smash Bros 4(Both systems)As of 6/7/17, I am 14.
Hi everyone!
mike.c mikerock1982
Lipe Felipeslipk23
Welcome to my profile. I'm a simple man who likes to enjoy my New 3ds when I'm off work. Feel free to coment and yeah my posts if you like them. Have a nice day!
Kyleop Kyleop4
Hey! Stop reading my public stuff! :p Well since your insistent defiance isn't stopping I'd might as well say something... There ya go that's something :p Anyway, I'm 21, and mostly just on here to draw, make jokes, and to converse about video games I know and love on a more in depth level than most people. I WANTZ TUH FEELZ DA CREATOR'Z DEZIGNS!!!! I also have a Youtube channel :D No kids please!
JP FlashEm80
Cringer: Adam? Prince Adam: Yeah? Cringer: How about turning off the alarm clock? Prince Adam: We don't have an alarm clock. Cringer: Well then...turn off the falcon. Prince Adam: OK... Both: Falcon?!?!
Lily Lily31
Jasonms Jasonms
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Shyam Herooftime123654
Please Follow
Nas★ 7ThMordicia
sυρ му ηαме ıs томıх, i dгαω ρıхеl αгт αηd ςтυff. fгιεπδs- David, lesile, Springtrap, pup-autunm, Fΐς★Chris,and Fΐς★kim ηιсе★★★★★ меαη★★★☆☆ sσсιαΙ★★★☆☆ αяτιsτιс★★★☆☆ i♡σяеσs тнх foг уоυг ςυρρσгт
M.Wilfred PunchOut.Mike
New adopter to WiiU on Oct/2013 Playing: (Disk based games) -Batman-DeusEx-LegoDimensions-M.Kart8 -Splatoon-SM3DWorld-SmashBros. -Tank³-XenoBladeCX- WiiSports;Golf On 3DS I am playing: A.Crossing.-PokéMonMoon-StarFox3D-Sonic3Dclassics -SuperMarioLand2'GB-Shantae'GBC -S.SmashBros.-TLoZaLinkBW. -If you like to play, a online match let me know. "Settle It, In, Smash,," Last updated on : 20ThNov/2016
Daddy whatswhat1
Hello. My name is Jesse. I love old school NES, old school horror flicks, old school rap and metal. I guess I'm just old. Been gaming for close to 30 years. I live in Northern California. Professional beer drinker. And I can ride my bike real fast!
ghost~comb altMike2891
Hallo My name's Michael, and I'm 17 I really like art and music, and games with good vibes Things are complicated, so let's try to understand I wish you the best
John HalfShelledHero
Heroes in a half shell, TURTLE POWER!!! Been gaming since I was 3 on my Atari & NES. My all-time favorite games: Ocarina of Time Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario Bros. Halo: Combat Evolved A Link to the Past Star Fox 64 Majora's Mask Metroid Prime Earthbound Super Mario 64 CoD4: Modern Warfare GTA: San Andreas Red Dead Redemption Black Ops 2 Favorite Ninja Turtle: Michelangelo
Lou Melvin DizzyDeuce
Let’s see, I'm a gamer, mostly old school. I’m not a foodie, that’s just my inner former fat kid taking over. I’m 75% mature. Top 3 games: Chrono Trigger The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Super Mario World
Scott alfalfalaffa
Oh... hey. I'm just your average low-life no-life waste of human flesh who spends far too much time playing with video games and with himself. I've been a Nintendo fan ever since my childhood neighbor wouldn't share his SNES. I currently game on my 3DS, Wii U, PC, and PS Vita. My favorite Nintendo games as of late are Kid Icarus Uprising and Splatoon, in addition to all of the classics.
Nu~gewqtd⇒ nugewqtd
Just an electrical engineer who likes to chill while playing nintendo games. Got the NES action pack in '87, never turned away.
Arielf forestgamergirl
♪♡♪♡♪Hello, friends of the forests my name is Ariel but some call me Fairy Arie... ♪♡♪♡♪ I love forests &fairytales
marv that_boy56
im cool
Willy tramontana33
hola soy nuevo
mr. john larish1
my 3 favorite games are pokemon omega ruby the legend of zelda ocarina of time and mario kart7
Billy Mays mooseguy547
Default Essence_of_Odd
Rhos librastarsign
Hello im rhos
doodles doodles81
Hi, everyone! I've been into gaming most of my life. I love various types of games, music, art. I'm open to meeting new people and making new friends.
Angel tmay1979
I am an older gamer from Iowa. I was born in the late 70's. I have children that are almost grown. I haven't been a huge gamer. I ammostly used to playing on older game systems than the newer ones, lol. I collect Angel dolls and figurines. I am a lover of old and new Rock and Heavy-metal Music. Also love horror movies. Thanks for visiting.
ahgel 1D2583
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squiddy keithanjeff
Hi im keith, i love video games! So if you send me a friend request i will accept it as soon as possible but i will not anser wii u calls sorry. so if you want someone 2 play with send me a friend request. My favorite game is splatoon.
Hannah Hannah0803
Hi. Welcome to my page, I guess(._.) Name: Hannah Lauren Birthday: I'll be 14 next year Pet: A turtle named Donatello and a dog named Smokey Colour: Orange and Turquoise Favorite game: Not really into anything, but I enjoy playing Mario Cart 8. [Message me if you want to join] Shoutout to Madison and Kylee‹3 Okay see you later... I said bye... Leave [.__.]
********** Hoffman2
William W1llki11edSnake4
mike mrandolph
~Mews~ Meowsalot
Letsee meow~i'ma 36yr old Male Kitty & Mews haz two Clawesome Cats named Panda & Piggy! =^.^= Fave Animew ~Azumanga Daioh~ Fave Manga ~Dramacon~ Please Play Nice & Be Respectful Meow Got a Nintendo Switch & like Cats? SW 3343 0498 1223 (You don't actually have to like cats. But you should! hehe) ~Have a Mice Day!~ =^,.,^=
K U-mann
40 yard dash in 4.2 sec's Position: Running-back/Free-safety #21 Nickname: Eye-shield 21 Name: Kevin Age: 22 Hieght: 5'10 Weight: 160 Ethnicity: Hispanic, Pacific Islander, & Asian Languages speak: American English & Russian School: Community College Work: Gas station Skills: Sports & video games Hey! I work 40 hours a week, school 3 hours a day monday-thursday, and practice tuesday-thursday.
ana helguera84
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M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
I eat, sleep, and breeeeathe zelda! So if you consider yourself to be the biggest zelda fan on th...
I eat, sleep, and breeeeathe zelda! So if you consider yourself to be the biggest zelda fan on the planet? Friend me! I need zelda buddies. :) Im not exclusively a zelda player of course... mario, fps's, splinter cell, etc... Im from michigan so peace and love to my fellow michigander gamers! Oh, and im 29 So no gamers under the age of 20 please.
Currently playing: too many... lol