MichiMeg's Friends
Darrius xMedicDutchx
Whats up miiverse, my name is Darrius. I love all types of games and very easy to get along with. Im 20 yrs old but a kid at heart. So add me n lets play some games. #teammegaman
TheOneN7 TheOneN7
My fantasy has turned to madness and all my goodness has turned to badness My need to possess you has consumed my soul My life is trembling i have no control.... Obsession
loveswii loveswii
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K_Mad00 tankers11
mr shayne shalester
Daddy whatswhat1
Hello. My name is Jesse. I love old school NES, old school horror flicks, old school rap and metal. I guess I'm just old. Been gaming for close to 30 years. I live in Northern California. Professional beer drinker. And I can ride my bike real fast!
Russy Russell_Archer
Hello Everyone reading this, I'm a gamer, been gaming 20something years; but I prefer to do art more than play, so I'll own games without realing playing them... I'm weird like that (Winter 2016) fhew~ another year of teaching done, and now it's back to WiiU until the next job (^o^)
ninja ninjaturles
wii u are the best
Arandol Arandol
Monoxide monoxide2dope420
Names Brandon. you can call me monoxide. im from portland oregon, i love music mostly rock and rap. im a zelda fanatic beaten about every zelda on console. i love ssb, also love mario kart, luigi is the best. always down to help friends / make friends. im 24. also i love xbox as much as zelda. but currently dont own 1 for awhile.
Old School Gamer Dad here. If your too young to remember cords between your console and your controller, don't fret when I don't accept your friend request. I game primarily on Nintendo Systems because I recognize quality. But I do not limit myself to only Nintendo. If your looking to game online hit me up. 3ds Players as well. Hit me up through Wii U to exchange ehem ehem....
Prototype Proteautype
William W1llki11edSnake4
Hinojosa RYU6588
I am a street fighter player and love fighting games hit me up if anyone hear anything new thats coming out. The consoles I own was NES, SNES, Gameboy, Virtual Boy, N64, Gameboy Color, Sega Dreamcast, N2DS, N3DS, Playstation, PS2, PSP, PS3, and Wii U. I hope nintendo shop get to have all the NES and SNES game for download miss those games, but at least put N64 games too? Add me too Mii friends :)
Trotters Cunningsinger
Hey my name is Matthew and Marcus, Malik, and I are sharing the Wii U. also we like Transformers movies our favorite autobot is Bumblebee. we also like softball, basketball, hanging out, listening music, seeing movies at the Movie Theater, dogs, comic books we like reading Sonic, Fantastic Four, Spiderman and X-Men comics and our favorite NFL team is Seattle Seahawks
Tay★ TayyLindseyy
Tay + The Legend of Zelda= ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Hey I'm Taylor. I'm 23 and was born and raised on The Legend of Zelda. :) Pretty much been a Nintendo fan my whole life so far. Friend request me if you play Hyrule Warriors ((I play it the most))!! Or Super Smash Bros or Mario Kart 8!!
bleachell bleachell
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
ποχ ιzυπια GoddessHylia2010
Hi everyone!
Nic Deathchant
Wii U Games: The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker New Super Mario bros Super Mario 3D World ZombiU Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze Sonic: Lost World Injustice: Gods Among Us Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 Pikmin 3 Epic Mickey 2 Assasins Creed Black Flag Rabbids Land One Piece: Unlimited World Red Indies: Child of Light Castle Storm Nano Assault Ittle Dew Pushmo Toki Tori 2 Swords & Soliders plus many more.
Jack NatsuDragneel159
Al alanki
K U-mann
40 yard dash in 4.2 sec's Position: Running-back/Free-safety #21 Nickname: Eye-shield 21 Name: Kevin Age: 22 Hieght: 5'10 Weight: 160 Ethnicity: Hispanic, Pacific Islander, & Asian Languages speak: American English & Russian School: Community College Work: Gas station Skills: Sports & video games Hey! I work 40 hours a week, school 3 hours a day monday-thursday, and practice tuesday-thursday.
Chriz Chrizile
Adult living in VA looking for that small taste of my childhood again lol
zakris sirzakris
nyra nyra_and_babyboy
SarePear SarePear
I'm a Zelda and Golden Sun fanatic! Before you ask, I'm married. I also have a cute baby! I can't wait until he's old enough to play Four Swords Adventures with me!
Patrick Arkhamflynn
Hello, I'm Patrick! I am a Whovian (doctor who fan), i also love batman! I am a big dork and love watching movies and playin games like God of War, Star Wars force unleashed, Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Castlevania lords of shadow, and Batman the Arkham series! I'm 30 years old. I have 3 kids and I'm a big kid myself! So add me if you are a dork and feel like chattin about it :-) End of line.
Arielf forestgamergirl
♪♡♪♡♪Hello, friends of the forests my name is Ariel but some call me Fairy Arie... ♪♡♪♡♪ I love forests &fairytales
its.mary.a marioguy70
Everyone i will do giveaways on x and y allot so look out for me, Also I want tons of friends also i like to wii u chat
LoveBug Dcanimus
What in human life can seem vast, to the one who knows of eternity and the exspance of worlds.
KuD FlyingGuillotine
I'm a video game and media enthusiast from Jersey. My game library is overwhelming. I recently returned to my Nintendo roots and I couldn't be happier. If I'm not on here, you'll catch me on PSN or XBL, though not often anymore. Too busy with work and sleep. I'm an urban adventurer. Been exploring since I was a kid. You'll probably streetpass me in NYC. And I have a Mario tattoo. Nuff said.
eu renato1234
My favorite games are: Zelda ( Alttp TP PH OoT WW ), Mario ( 64, galaxy, strikers, kart, golf ), smash bros, Metroid trilogy, among many others...
msquick1▲ Msquick1
Fan of all things Zelda. Don't wii chat, I'd rather just play. I help when networked Links show up on my adventure map. :-}
Diazalus Diazalus
ARTHUR ARRevolution
I'm a video game fanatic! My hobbys are Streaming,youtube content creator, playing video games,cosplaying, playing with toys, decorating for Halloween, dueling in Yugioh, watching movies, typing stories and watching tv shows. I'm getting a dog, a girl friend, my own place soon and a job soon. So I'm a living having fun 28 year old guy pokemon trainer duelist that is partying 24/7.
big trap bigtrap
Jakub Jakub72
I am Jakub, creating Youtube videos under "Slovak Mountain Man", here to join the world of Wii U after recieving the Wind Waker HD Bundle. Jamming to Heavy Metal and Rock while playing a variety of Retro & Modern games is how I roll. Anime is also awesome and The Legend Of Zelda is my favorite franchise of all time. You might encounter my drawings so feel free to comment if it's good enough.
Chronoboy chronoboi
I'm an avid Zelda fan, and own most of the games in the series. Can't wait until Zelda U!
Michael Miguel310
Hello I'm Miguel or Michael whichever you prefer :->. I'm 28 live in Los Angeles Big Fan of Anime, Video Games & Sports. Some of my Fav Games Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, Pikmin, Battlefield, TF2, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Awesomenauts. Some Fav Anime One Piece, Fairy Tail, Naruto Shippuden, Hunter X Hunter, Log Horizon, Sword Art Online Add me if u would like to talk about anything
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Katherine miis123
smash bros anyone? Nintendo should make chocolate flavored Mii snacks! any Zelda fans out there?
Chamke Chamke
I've been playing Nintendo ever since I was a little Chamke. Love all kinds of games but action & adventure games tend to be my favorites. Also I really like side-scroller games. Upcoming games that I'm looking forward to... ~ Zelda U ~ Xenoblade Chronicles X ~ Starfox U ~ Devil's Third Happy gaming!
Jay HecticX
Petey RagChild
Live in Philly by the Art museum, love music, art, The beatles, Pink Floyd, & Nintendo...hooked in 1990 by Zelda on NES....SNES is 'up there' with the best of the best. Wii U definitely is the SuperWii in my opinion and quickly becoming my favorite Nintendo machine.....would love some RPGs… 3DS appears to be delivering in that depart. ♥…♪ ♪ ♪
Comrade ケン nihon96
21 year old college student Who enjoys jrpgs (Tales and Persona) and Fire Emblem games. Last update i suppose till miiverse is shut down
Christian MrCeezyC
Soullezz sharpsoullezz
I'm a Nintendo gamer sense the NES days. (The good old days) Friend request (mature age please) Best game series: Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, Castlevania RIP, oldschool Resident Evil, Tales games. BEST NOW: Zelda breath of the wild WiiU/switch. WORST NOW: Resident evil Revelations SUCKS. LOOKING FORWARD TO: Bloodstained, Super Mario Oddesy, Yooka-Laylee.
Franklin The_Frankster
I was just a wee lad when my mom told me we were getting an NES ...thats where it all started.. *Top 4 FAVES* NES: SMB3, LoZ, MT Punchout!!! Battletoads SNES: S. Metroid, Kart, LttP, Geno.. N64: Mario64, OOT, Banjo Kazooie, oh Mojora GC: Prime1, Melee, Wind Waker, Pikmin1 Wii: Galaxy2, Prime3, KartWii, Skyward Sword WiiU: 3DW, Tropical Freeze, Pikmin3, WWHD Also Monkeyball and FZero GX
Billy Mays mooseguy547
JP FlashEm80
Cringer: Adam? Prince Adam: Yeah? Cringer: How about turning off the alarm clock? Prince Adam: We don't have an alarm clock. Cringer: Well then...turn off the falcon. Prince Adam: OK... Both: Falcon?!?!
DA*CHIGUY* dman1221
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SkullKid SkullKid562
I'm a huge Nintendo fan and The Legend of Zelda is my favorite series. I'm also a huge anime fan and visited Japan for two weeks. Beautiful country! I listen to rock and a little bit of ska, punk and spanish rock. Favorite band has to be Rise Against and The Strokes! I have the WiiU, Xbox360 and Ps3. Nice to meet you all and let's all have a great time. From one fellow Nintendian to another.
jay jaytheray97
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Jasonms Jasonms
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Paradoxica paradoxica
☆Paradoxical Nightmare Female☆ Long time Nintendo gamer (30 years?!) and full time geek. A little bit glam, a little bit punk, and entirely weird. I love robots, dogs, Bowie, and gaming. Currently playing: Xenoblade Chronicles X, BOTW, and Story of Seasons. Favourite board games include Catan, Dominion, and Carcasonne.
nicci niccisensible
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
I eat, sleep, and breeeeathe zelda! So if you consider yourself to be the biggest zelda fan on th...
I eat, sleep, and breeeeathe zelda! So if you consider yourself to be the biggest zelda fan on the planet? Friend me! I need zelda buddies. :) Im not exclusively a zelda player of course... mario, fps's, splinter cell, etc... Im from michigan so peace and love to my fellow michigander gamers! Oh, and im 29 So no gamers under the age of 20 please.
Currently playing: too many... lol