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DioX2015 MiivershionFun01
WHATCHA Touch me face? NAME Dan GAME Minecraft! :O FAME Yep! ABOUT ME I ...... uh ...... Dance a lot! And i game a lot! Usually I have a 2nd account Name: Dan NNID: SSMysticSS I am the Leader of the Genocide Clan. List: 700 Followers ERROR: If your happy and you know it scroll below!
Sarah GirlyRanger
Hi!!! Favorite things: Colors: Purple, Blue, Pink, and Green Youtubers: Aphmau & Aaron and DanTDM Candys: KitKat, Hershey Kisses, and Reese's Pieces Peanut Butter Cups Animals: Evrey animal Wii U friends: Matciolia, MidoriTori, MeowBeans, Abigail, BrookeMeow, FuzzyKitten, EsteFab, and MommyAndMe Faces: :3, -.-, Ü, ö, XD, :), T^T, ^o^, ;3, and >o< I am very athletic!!!
Dante J. Derpy_Dante_Evan
Hi,Im dante,and i like xbox games and also ssb4 and super mario maker,i will always accept friend requests too! o_<
Ro Aneiwor
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Oko Hussein2008
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PF2M SquidsOutForPF2M
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Rowan Rowanpppp
Hai! I'm the King of Derp, Mayor of DerpLand. I don't post much because... uhhh... reasons. Yeah. Reasons. Anyway, when I do post a thing, be sure to see what the heck I'm up to! Okay... bye. Seriously. Go away. Oh. And check out Tails.exe. He is the account I use all the time. This account just... exists. Oh, and when I post there, expect randomness!
sean.A pencleface
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhey people I love smash bros so if you play online Ido to boi!!!!!!!!!
Captain.K CaptainOfAngels
Me: Ahoy, Maties! Welcome back to the Ship! My name is Captain Kailynn! And Welcome to my profi- Salad Fingers: Kailynn Karianna Crowley! *Slides his hands down to my shoulders to my arms* I...I thought you were out fighting The Great War! Me: N-No...I.....I wasn't....oh by the way...that's Salad're not really gonna see very good art around here so...Bye.... Bye
(→·3·)→ TheHerobrime4298
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AnnaBanana midwaybanana
if u want to join me or Jzabehl's (goddessofwater) just friend us
remy TheGamingKitty
Hi! i love to play all different types of games! i also love to roleplay! friend request me if you roleplay and want to!! ♡♥♡♥♡♥ legend of zelda twilight princess, super smash bros, minecraft, splatoon, and many more!!
Gage Doomgame2003
Stampy stampylongnoseyt
Erika NintendoErika
I’m Erika, your Miiverse guide. I'm here to provide you with all Miiverse-related news and updates, so feel free to follow me! I love to play puzzle and adventure games and I'm pretty good at them, I think ;). My favourite character is Captain Toad, just because he’s so adorable! I look forward to seeing your posts and drawings, and I hope I can help you all out in Miiverse! Happy Miiversing!
ましこ MarioMaker_JP
スーパーマリオメーカー公式職人の、ましこです! 「スーパーマリオメーカーコース作成講座(番外編)」のコースをアップしました。 講座の様子は、公式ホームページの「ニンテンドーキッズスペース」からご覧いただけます。もしよければ見てみてくださいね! 番外編のくわしい内容はこちら
Katherine Katherine-LWG
I'm Katherine from Lightwood Games. We make word puzzle games! * Word Puzzles by POWGI * Word Party * Epic Word Search Collection * Word Search by POWGI and more! :o) When I'm not making or playing games, I can usually be found knitting or playing with our 4 cats - Amy, Pixel, Sasha and Jack :o)
aranok aranok29
Salut les hunters je suis Vincent Hoffmann je travaille chez CAPCOM France en tant que Community Manager Monster Hunter France. Je vous dis à très bientôt in game et d'ici là bonne chasse !
Cordero FingerGunGamesCD
I'm Cordero from Finger Gun Games. I'm the programmer of Stone Shire and Ohayou! Beginner's Japanese. Nice to meet you!
mathieu treetetu
Bonjour je m'apel mathieu et j'aimerer être vôtre ami.Voudrez vous joué a des jeux en ligne.
O2 Games o2games
We produce titles for health and family: you can call them "Healthy Games"... Fit Music for Wii and Wii U Baila Latino for Wii U Luv Me Buddies Wonderland for Wii U and 3DS
michael michael1636
cam Marioexpert1204
im making stampys fun land on minecraft
chun chunzaccumulator
It's me chun. yeahs for bookmarking :) Primary NNID: chunzprocessor Using Friend Request form for contact from others.
°*★ゆな:センラー MARIO-145
ハニワ(HoneyWorks)とセカオワ、ゲームはスプラトゥーン、声優は、鳥海s.梶s.緑川s、櫻井s、あすみん、神谷さん、立花さん、歌い手(ネタい手)では鎖那(sana)、そらる、まふまふ、浦島坂田船、コゲ犬、vip店長(引退済み)、luz、S!Ns.詩人、赤ティン、みゅさん、クプラ、アルファキュン、un;c(他にもいるけど文字数が足りない…)が大好きすぎてもうやばi(( ※今年で受験生(泣 (歌い手、声優全員すきなんです…) 歌い手好きすぎてやばいどうしよう…(重症 さなぷり可愛い 浦島坂田船最近→中毒(センラおし)Twitter毎日見てr(( そらまふ神 ハニワ神♡最近どんどん新曲でてきて嬉しい♡ 残り少ないミバ楽しんだもん勝ち☆
AshmaDaeva AshmaDaeva
Mike NostaticMike
I am the main developer at Nostatic Software. I hope you enjoy playing our games!
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