hithem's Friends
reed reedplays
hi every one i startid 2 days ago and my other account is scootshel
Freddy FreddyFazbear140
I Like to play minecraft and five nights at freddy's
DioX2015 MiivershionFun01
WHATCHA Touch me face? NAME Dan GAME Minecraft! :O FAME Yep! ABOUT ME I ...... uh ...... Dance a lot! And i game a lot! Usually I have a 2nd account Name: Dan NNID: SSMysticSS I am the Leader of the Genocide Clan. List: 700 Followers ERROR: If your happy and you know it scroll below!
papiringo fufilango
hola soy ale mis youtubers favoritos son -los polinesios -fernanfloo _elrubiusomg juegos favoritos -legend of zelda -minecraft pokemones -pichu pikachu raichu -hypno -gengar -jolteon flareon -lucario -greeninja legendarios -zapdos -moltres -lugia -ho oh -groudon kiogre -rayquaza arceus
♪♪Alex♪♪® ghazaleh1
Brother of cat. I am not spanish.12 yrs old. Fan of Minecraft. En espanol si. Artifroz ez Alex. Se mi amigos. Patriots fan!!! I love nintendo! Favorite game:MineCraft:Wii U editition and smash! Favorite TV show:The amazing world of Gumball and King of the hill!
dinohunter dinohunter12336
Sarah GirlyRanger
Hi!!! Favorite things: Colors: Purple, Blue, Pink, and Green Youtubers: Aphmau & Aaron and DanTDM Candys: KitKat, Hershey Kisses, and Reese's Pieces Peanut Butter Cups Animals: Evrey animal Wii U friends: Matciolia, MidoriTori, MeowBeans, Abigail, BrookeMeow, FuzzyKitten, EsteFab, and MommyAndMe Faces: :3, -.-, Ü, ö, XD, :), T^T, ^o^, ;3, and >o< I am very athletic!!!
Dante J. Derpy_Dante_Evan
Hi,Im dante,and i like xbox games and also ssb4 and super mario maker,i will always accept friend requests too! o_<
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
astropop kirbypop27
hey guys nice to meet ya i'm kirbypop and i like skylanders, yo kai watch, smash bros, art, and music.
Anorak Vaxath
sagekeyes sageamari1
im a sonic and undertale fan ... play games lol!
Hi, my name is xXEmeraldDaveXx! ~*~ I love to play lots of different games such as SuperMarioMaker,Minecraft,Splatoon,Mariokart 8 and a bunch more. I allso like to find glitches,secrets and details in games as its interesting. ~*~ Followed? Thanks :) ~*~ Im a fan of Nintendo Products such as GameBoy,Wii,wiiU,Ds,3Ds,GameCube etc. ~*~ ~=Joined Miiverse on the 20th dec 2015=~
michael michael1636
Link Linkfan19
Hey guys its Linkfan! and im an Otaku i love anime so dang much!! few my favz otaku teacher, Fma, sao and fairy tail, black lagoon loads im 22 and i love rpgs,puzzles,adventures,shooters,action and musical games and lots more im also a big fan of zelda in the whole world!!! and mario and metroid and all nintendo franchises really big fan i love pokemon 2 im also from the uk :) NIN4LIFE!!!!!!!!!!
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