Lucas's Followers
Chris Sirchrisalot1
Silence64 freefun55
Lost in sauce. clothesvers is Silence. Bird thing is Silence6400
G☆SnipKill expert10
salut ajouter moi en ami merci beaucoup;) lol merci pour les ouais de mes dessins gentil★★★★☆ méchant★☆☆☆☆ passionné★★★★★ cool★★★☆☆ je fais parti de la team G☆ super team ;) je suis un h3cker sur splatoon . mes top game : SPLATOON MINECRAFT MARIO KART 8 j'ai eu la switch console trop cool [■] !!!! →↓ →→↓ →→↓ ↓→[■] ↓ ↓→↓ ® abo ← →→→G☆
dantdm drtray123456
i love PS4
Swag Cat stevebeylon
Hey Guys! Thanks for 850+ followers! Thank you for giving me comments and yeahs!
Marcus15 Marcusallen15
Speedster Kings99
Hi i'm Speedster 15 years old I do not Wii U chat unless we get to know each other and message each other frequently.
juju 321juju123
cc tout le monde je m appelle justine mais appelez moi juju je dedicasse splatine633 tu est au top ne genge PAS BLEHUMBLE je t adore ne change pas nn plus TOTO59 je t adore tu est trop drôle est ton nouveux look te va tres bien EMILIE je t adore BRIAC JE T ADORE C EST GRACE A TOI VOUS ETES TOUS AU TOP JE VOUS ADORE JE SUIS HEUREUSE DE VOUS AVOIR EN AMIE SPLATOON je fai de la GRS depuis 4ans
KamekAdvnc KamekAdvance
Hi! I'm KamekAdvance! I have a YouTube letsplay account under the same name. I'm very friendly and I love video games.
ani aniban1
This user's profile comment is private.
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
matthew matthew6913
Hi my name is matthew i love making friends
brandon bb764hhks
Hello welcome to my profile, I am 17 years old. I love playing Video games. I play call of duty, minecraft, skylander, mario kart 8, mario maker, etc. become a follower
TiffVon TiffVonDoodles
This user's profile comment is private.
loganc themaximumbeast
Hey this is logan im kind normal i can do anything just ask.
HEY im ally im a drawing person and singer i love MUD,DIRT BIKES,4WHEELERS. my phrase:KISS ME IM COUNTRY?!?!!!!!!!$$$‹3 ally * FOREVER AND ALWAYS* *lost the most amazing guy in the world i still love u* *online* *ninja*
muiz muiz56
sammy wiwis1
ow ow OW now that have hurt my face lets talk a little about me it still hurts name:brianna-Sadness grade:4th age:10 sports:basket ball and soft ball likes:singing,drawing,dancing,writing songs and praying loves:GOD plz:follow me or yeah my post i am a tomboy (^o^) wii u chat:aloud Birthday:January13 Oh and I have 3 cousins that share a wii U and just got miiverse can you follow them
Jezza 2 Ronenwolf
I am a person who is: trustworthy friendly caring good to hang around
Kim Kim16993
Hey, I'm Kim. I'm 22 & from Aus. My Wii U games so far are Splatoon, Nintendoland, Mario Party 10 & Yoshis Wooly World. I LOVE Nintendo games and am loving Splatoon. Most games I normally play on 3DS but I'm loving the Wii U! I also have a PS2, PS3, PS4, 3DS, Nintendo 64, Wii, Xbox 360 and 2 Computers. Add me as a Miiverse friend. Would love some buddys to play and chat about games with =)
Raine rainelolbrb1
Hai! I'm Raine and I draw decent anime eyes. I play: Minecraft (PS3 and Wii U) Mario Kart 8 Pokken Tornament Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare kk bye please check out my art on the Art Academy Community
Dark Soul Dark_Soul_YeahBM
Heyho!Ich bin Dark Soul und schau direkt in eure Seele.....hehe.... Das einzigste das ihr über mich wissen solltet:Ich poste nichts....aber dafür bin ich ein wandelnder Yeahbomber! XD XD XD Ach ja.....KEIN WII U CHAT!......Danke. Du lässt nicht los bis du noch eine Info über mich hast?Okay.... Ich hasse eingebildete und selbstsüchtige Menschen.. BYE!
kevin kevinlegoff22
cc sois cool et sa roule
I'm just a guy who likes to play and/or talk about video games.