Users Lucas Is Following
Chris NintendoChris
I'm Chris from Nintendo of Europe. I'll be hanging out here on Miiverse to keep you all posted on events and activities around the latest games! Sometimes I'll talk about old games too. I can't help myself…
おおたに NintendoOtani
『マリオ&ルイージRPG ペーパーマリオMIX』のプロデューサー 任天堂の大谷 明(おおたに あきら)です。 I'm Akira Otani of Nintendo, producer of Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam / Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros.
いけばた NintendoIkebata
「ルイージマンション2」のスーパーバイザー 任天堂の池端 良仁(いけばた よしひと)です。 I'm Yoshihito Ikebata of Nintendo, supervisor of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon / Luigi's Mansion 2.
Tezuka NintendoTezuka
任天堂の手塚です。 最近では「New Super MARIO」シリーズのプロデュースを担当しました。
Miyamoto ShigeruMiyamoto
任天堂のゲームプロデューサー。 工業デザイナーとして1977年に任天堂に入社。 1980年にドンキーコングを作って以来、マリオやゼルダのシリーズ、ピクミンやWii Fitなどを制作してきた。 Game producer at Nintendo. Began his career at Nintendo in 1977 as an industrial designer. Ever since making Donkey Kong in 1980, he created making titles such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda series, Pikmin and Wii Fit.
Iwata SatoruIwataE
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
Collin! Collin.TwoTribes
One of the designers at Two Tribes, worked on Toki Tori 2. Ask me stuff!
Adam awoodsfrontier
Hi, my name is Adam Woods from Frontier Developments, based in the UK. I am the producer on Coaster Crazy Deluxe.
Sugiyama NintendoSugiyama
任天堂の杉山 直(すぎやま ただし)です。 『Wii Fit U』『STEELDIVER SUBWARS』のプロデューサーです。 Hi, I’m Tadashi Sugiyama from Nintendo,producer of Wii Fit U:STEELDIVER SUBWARS.
bravely default official account.
Hi, I'm Yuri from Capcom U.S.A. and I'm the community specialist on Monster Hunter. Keep an eye on the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generations communities for news and fun activities!
Matunaga NintendoMatunaga
任天堂の松永浩志(まつなが ひろし)です。 『Wii Fit U』のディレクターです。 Hi, I'm Hiroshi Matsunaga from Nintendo, director of Wii Fit U.
June BladeSisters_J
The second eldest of the three sisters.
イシダ HAL_Laboratory
ハル研究所の石田 聡(いしだ さとし)です。『星のカービィ』シリーズの情報発信を担当しています。 Hi, I’m Satoshi Ishida from HAL Laboratory. I'm in charge of sharing news and info about the Kirby series.
Calvin Cragworks
Programmer @Cragworks Games on eShop: BLOC Territories: NA, EU
Erika NintendoErika
I’m Erika, your Miiverse guide. I'm here to provide you with all Miiverse-related news and updates, so feel free to follow me! I love to play puzzle and adventure games and I'm pretty good at them, I think ;). My favourite character is Captain Toad, just because he’s so adorable! I look forward to seeing your posts and drawings, and I hope I can help you all out in Miiverse! Happy Miiversing!
J●§н Windshield21
if you're reading this you just wasted 5 seconds of your miserable life
Dan FilipFilop2
Speedster Kings99
Hi i'm Speedster 15 years old I do not Wii U chat unless we get to know each other and message each other frequently.
juju 321juju123
cc tout le monde je m appelle justine mais appelez moi juju je dedicasse splatine633 tu est au top ne genge PAS BLEHUMBLE je t adore ne change pas nn plus TOTO59 je t adore tu est trop drôle est ton nouveux look te va tres bien EMILIE je t adore BRIAC JE T ADORE C EST GRACE A TOI VOUS ETES TOUS AU TOP JE VOUS ADORE JE SUIS HEUREUSE DE VOUS AVOIR EN AMIE SPLATOON je fai de la GRS depuis 4ans
KamekAdvnc KamekAdvance
Hi! I'm KamekAdvance! I have a YouTube letsplay account under the same name. I'm very friendly and I love video games.
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
SethBling SethBlingYT
Welcome back, SethBling here!
brandon bb764hhks
Hello welcome to my profile, I am 17 years old. I love playing Video games. I play call of duty, minecraft, skylander, mario kart 8, mario maker, etc. become a follower
Nester Nester_the_Lark
Thank you for checking out my profile! Also, thanks to all of you on Miiverse who have followed me, helped me out, given me Yeahs, or were just nice to me! :) Favorite Nintendo games include The Legend of Zelda series, Hyrule Warriors, Sin & Punishment series, Metroid series, StarTropics series, F-Zero series, Splatoon, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Star Fox Zero.
Tezuka NintendoTezukaA
I'm Takashi Tezuka from Nintendo, producer for the New Super Mario Bros. series.
Derrick BitnerdGX
Profile comment hidden by admin.
AshGX MaverickHuntrAsh
Diehard Mega Man fan, pro-love/anti-hate. Favorite game of all time: Chrono Trigger. Smash mains: Mega Man, Kirby. Editor @ GameXplain, Senior Editor @ UDON Entertainment, LA Console Game Examiner @ Game On. Former Associate Producer/Comics Editor @ ShiftyLook. Don't take unanswered friend requests personally; I get tons of requests from GameXplain fans, so my friends list is usually full!
André GX GameXplain
The most exciting profile comment
sammy wiwis1
ow ow OW now that have hurt my face lets talk a little about me it still hurts name:brianna-Sadness grade:4th age:10 sports:basket ball and soft ball likes:singing,drawing,dancing,writing songs and praying loves:GOD plz:follow me or yeah my post i am a tomboy (^o^) wii u chat:aloud Birthday:January13 Oh and I have 3 cousins that share a wii U and just got miiverse can you follow them
Kim Kim16993
Hey, I'm Kim. I'm 22 & from Aus. My Wii U games so far are Splatoon, Nintendoland, Mario Party 10 & Yoshis Wooly World. I LOVE Nintendo games and am loving Splatoon. Most games I normally play on 3DS but I'm loving the Wii U! I also have a PS2, PS3, PS4, 3DS, Nintendo 64, Wii, Xbox 360 and 2 Computers. Add me as a Miiverse friend. Would love some buddys to play and chat about games with =)
Jezza 2 Ronenwolf
I am a person who is: trustworthy friendly caring good to hang around
Raine rainelolbrb1
Hai! I'm Raine and I draw decent anime eyes. I play: Minecraft (PS3 and Wii U) Mario Kart 8 Pokken Tornament Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare kk bye please check out my art on the Art Academy Community
I'm just a guy who likes to play and/or talk about video games.