Mijo's Followers
Emoscene Noodlegirl
I'm into the virtual console. My favorite games are Mario and Zelda but I find nice budget friendly titles too. I have a cat named Noodles Thomas Gray you can call him NTG. He loves turkey bacon it's healthier after all. Enough of that.
BI★Akbar● Xx_Cris_xXU
Fanatico de Nintendo desde niño :D Siempre listo para las retas en Smash, una buena carrera de Mario Kart 8, una guerra de tinta en Splatoon. Miembro del clan Brave Ink de Splatoon
Bruno brunogeat
pipe AFOS13
Sean SuperSean67
Hi! im sean, this is some info about me, Things i love: Miiverse, Splatoon, Spaghetti, Mario bros, Soccer, and Smash bros. Things i hate: Losing, Rainstorms, Creepy pasta and SCHOOL! Other info: I suck at drawing, (a little) I have a girlfreind, (Not on wii u) and i LOVE POKEMON!!! ^-^
Parker TheCoolGuy1002
viviff9 vivisteinerffix
Games games games
Jarren babymario14
Hello I'm Jarren you may now me on my wiiu. I love youtube and nintendo.Lets make it to 25 followers by the end of the year and I'll try to try to follow you and like all your comments!
J. H'ghar Mark_Lenders
Buscando gente para jugar online a Xenoblade Chronicles X, Terraria, Bayonetta 2, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros y Mario Kart 8.
Luke mrtduke
hi my name is luke! i'm 11 years old. follow if you like... i don't post that much anymore. yeah my post for me to do more posts for you! please be kind and follow. if you know ROBLOX my user name is coolboyoldwest. see yea! by the way this is my last user page post.
rzanatta rzanattaa
Celebrating my 22 years as a gamer. Celebrando mis 22 años como gamer
Alex birchmeadow78
Hello! I can help with Pokèmon games, I know how to do lots in Omega Ruby and Pokèmon X and Y! If you need help just ask. I play Fossil Fighters Frontier, The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask, Hyrule Warriors, and Twilight Princess. I'll smash with you on Wii U if you ask. Also, I take pixel art requets (Mostly Pokemon). And lots more... but if your reading this... you've probably had enough... bye!
STEPH scordov2
Azael azaelcarrera
Nikita nkhazov
私はビデオゲームが好きで、どのように私の名前はニキータで行うのですか私の夢は、日本に住んでいることである私は友達を作るには非常にいい人と簡単なんだまた、私はガールフレンドを探していますよ. how do you do my name is Nikita i like video games my dream is to live in japan and my dream is to have a girlfriend also i'm a very nice guy easy to be friends with i'm only 22 so i only make friends with ppl around my age or older 私は唯一の私の年齢以上の人々と友達を作ることができるので、私は22歳です i wii u chat also
Emanuel shingy99
I'm a veteran gamer who likes good ol' Nintendo games. Love Mario Kart 8 ! I follow back! Soy un judador veterano a quien le gustan los buenos viejos juegos! Sigueme y te sigo! Y se buscan oponentes competitivos (pero amistosos, claro está)!
☆☆☆JAX☆☆☆ jaxcity
☆☆☆Video gamer all day☆☆☆ Hello everyone... My Number 1 Favorite Nintendo Character is Mario. My all time Favorite Mario Game is Super Mario 3D Word, and my 2 Favorite Classic Mario Games Is Super Mario Word and Mario All-Stars. My Number 1 Favorite Sega Character is Sonic. And Im also a PlayStation Gamer... #VideoGamingLife
RTA Marzo Marzito
PAT! Kokumaker
こんにちは! I'm an old-school child of the '80s, science fiction nerd, hopeless amiibo addict, rock & roll lover and metalhead, student of 日本語, and proud papa of one amazing daughter. I still miss the sweet thrill of arcades and have two NES's hooked up at home to this day (as well as every other Nintendo console ever made, plus a PS2, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One)! I am now loving the Switch, as well!
Nick ndansby98
Hello.... how you doin?^˛^ Part-Time M3M3LORD Splatoon is fun I would love some friends to play Smash Bros with... I'm a lover of newer and retro games. Thank you for taking time to read this :3
Gouh Gouhrock
sad sad256
hello............... my name is jonny I AM SAD!
Juan Pablo juampis116
Pude resolver mi problema :) Me voy a crear otro perfil, Mi ID será JuanGamer8970.
xcplotting Marth_Love
My Wii U broke... :( Please bear with me, and when I get a new Wii U I'll post my new name here, so we can continue to be friends! Love_Marth Yep, that's it. Please friend again! Comment on one of my posts if you wanna chat, because for some reason that still works... -_- I'll never give up on you guys! Me and Marth will NOT allow all that opponent searching to go to waste..
RTA Inu inuandblinker
Bucho BuchoRamirez
Nintendo Gamer and I write short stories. @StabbyTaco I will follow back, I love RPGs. My dream is to one day create my own videogame.
RaúlH RaulHolguinM
Magiobus magiomagio
Gabo GaboQui
Lotas pepe0289
josh lndianaeastutc05
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Hello, I'm Luis Carlos Pando but some people just call me "Mijo". I’m a music enthusiast, web dev...
Hello, I'm Luis Carlos Pando but some people just call me "Mijo". I’m a music enthusiast, web developer, beer aficionado and a Nintendo freak since 1990. I'm now also playing on the Nintendo Switch! Ask me my friend code via Private Message.