Mijo's Friends
Sean SuperSean67
Hi! im sean, this is some info about me, Things i love: Miiverse, Splatoon, Spaghetti, Mario bros, Soccer, and Smash bros. Things i hate: Losing, Rainstorms, Creepy pasta and SCHOOL! Other info: I suck at drawing, (a little) I have a girlfreind, (Not on wii u) and i LOVE POKEMON!!! ^-^
Boatil boatil1979
Hola espero que todos esten disfrutando y divirtiendose, con sus amigos y su familia.
Bruno brunogeat
torito88 oomars88
Javier JavierFreak
kurko kurko01
gaelito antisocial33
Irving soulblue27
Tabetic SR juanpis95
RTA Marzo Marzito
Alex AlxNev
Carpe Diem ;)
J. H'ghar Mark_Lenders
Buscando gente para jugar online a Xenoblade Chronicles X, Terraria, Bayonetta 2, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros y Mario Kart 8.
Gouh Gouhrock
Kfc Is God joserodri326
Emanuel shingy99
I'm a veteran gamer who likes good ol' Nintendo games. Love Mario Kart 8 ! I follow back! Soy un judador veterano a quien le gustan los buenos viejos juegos! Sigueme y te sigo! Y se buscan oponentes competitivos (pero amistosos, claro está)!
Tecuan FaboTecuani
Bucho BuchoRamirez
Nintendo Gamer and I write short stories. @StabbyTaco I will follow back, I love RPGs. My dream is to one day create my own videogame.
Merry iCharIy
RTA Joii Jorge1357
Magiobus magiomagio
HOMARU gogodogo
Hector hectorbustillos
Tu cola!
Zorch Zorch12
FreddOc Freddoc
RaúlH RaulHolguinM
Cesar’z cesarroco9
ALFR3D Qronos
Hola, me llamo Alfred y soy fan de los juegos de Nintendo. Puedes encontrarme jugando en linea Splatoon, Super Smash Bros. y Mario Kart 8. actualmente estoy en espera del nuevo Fire Emblem y de Bravely Second
Ulises The_Ulises
Hola me llamo Ulises y soy de mexico, tengo 18 años, me gustan los videojuegos, anime y ver peliculas. Mi saga favorita es the legend of zelda :)
sebastrese sebastrese
-------------------Hola a todos!------------------ Mi nombre es sebastrese. -Estoy dispuesto a jugar: splatoon, Mario Kart 8 y recibir invitados en mi pueblo de Animal Crossing.
AdanPFurro adanfime
Que tal! Bienvidos a mi perfil de Miiverse. Publicare una que otra cosilla aqui mismo.
omar omarb86
k rollo!!!
Alex AlexChilton
RTA Inu inuandblinker
Gabo GaboQui
Sofi Surfia
Hugo Sætre Silverthorn13
Hello. My name is Hugo, i'm Mexican, therefore I love tacos and burritos :D I hope you enjoy my posts
Alain dormus
Soy un gran fan de Nintendo, entre los juegos que me gustan esta la saga de Super Mario, Metroid, Kirvy, etc, pero principalmente Zelda que es mi saga favorita XD
Pache L_Pache
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Boomfire!! M-spector
Edwin edwinduran
Valar Morghulis.
Azael azaelcarrera
Lotas pepe0289
Ux★enrique enrique77
soy gamer de 21 años de chihuahua
Rafa radio_apeshot
Been playing Nintendo consoles since the NES when I was 3. Now I am 25 and I'm loving the Wii U. The community aspect of MiiVerse is great. Hope to meet you all in a game online soon!
PAT! Kokumaker
こんにちは! I'm an old-school child of the '80s, science fiction nerd, hopeless amiibo addict, rock & roll lover and metalhead, student of 日本語, and proud papa of one amazing daughter. I still miss the sweet thrill of arcades and have two NES's hooked up at home to this day (as well as every other Nintendo console ever made, plus a PS2, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One)! I am now loving the Switch, as well!
Hello, I'm Luis Carlos Pando but some people just call me "Mijo". I’m a music enthusiast, web dev...
Hello, I'm Luis Carlos Pando but some people just call me "Mijo". I’m a music enthusiast, web developer, beer aficionado and a Nintendo freak since 1990. I'm now also playing on the Nintendo Switch! Ask me my friend code via Private Message.