Maddie ._.'s Followers
WaggaWagga Wagga2000
speedster speedster99999
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
nic ghettomemo
ShOrT sToRy TiMe... So YoUnG pEoPlEs... I'm 17 YeArS oLd AND a GiRl, dOn'T fOrGeT iT!!! aNyWaYs... I lIkE :BendyAndTheInkMachine[B.A.T.I.M], UnderTale,FNAF,MeMeS,MineCraft AANNDD MiiVerse!!!Ps: PiXeL ArT __________________ FrIeNdS: catmac.exe MasterRS redapple123 ted0417ghost GameStudio ToadAwesome12 _________________ TrUst No OnE!!! (Me ToO ._. ) ByE ByE!
Adam Adam2828
sebastian sebastian15352
Ace Facemelter_zer0
OI OI OI OI Oi i'm Aubrey I consider my self one with le memes. //Inactive due to Splat2// Nekos~~
Crispy swagmaster297
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•▲γαχнì▼• yoshi3641
hello there i'm Sεlεηα but u can call me yoshi(thats my nickname in school)and on here i draw comics or random things.And u might see crystal that i draw alot and i will be drawing her an comic soon.(and draw an other comic)the comic is a redraw from 2016.And u might see galaxy,melody and me.Am yazhi if your wondering because i change my name as you see.So bye.have an barkaful day.
j SackBoy01
RP Part 0 (newcomers.)
v mmmmmmmmmmmmmmvv
Daddy BranimFamily
minecwaft Budbud2
hey all you people. anyway some stuff you should know about me i love music i also hate school and if you want to be friends we can be friends and my favorite sports are swimming and soccer im single and a guy
kuy guy legoplayers
i have tp say my proper bye
emilio emiliogabyalex
CK#çwçhápä connorash
Hi guys! just want to say i love minecraft and other online games to! plz be nice to me and my friend!!!!! see u guys out there! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS follow for follow plz join my clan CK
Freddy BatmanBangarang
hello mortals im freddy fazbear and dont play FNAF DONT YOU DID YOU WILL DIE sorry mortals but you will regret outsmating me we know were you live we will find you and we will turn you into pizza MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so dont mess with me *twitches* srry a little to dark
εммуισνε<3 Emmylove2006
This user's profile comment is awesome. My lil' bro broke my old 2DS, I had to get a new one, and a new account. :c His ID's Couch33224 if you wanna follow him. Likes: art, anything Dav Pilkey, Pokèmon, Popee, Undertale, BatIM, anime, games, etc. My real name's Emily, I'm 11. My club is Character Club. Meh crush is Gengar now! :D
gracie Gracie_P_2007
squidudily mirkwoodshire007
sam bonnbonn2
its me bonnbonn1 but my 3ds was broken ive missed miiverse. well you know my name but im just a weird girl whos bad at spelling, loves to draw and dreams of becoming an artist so i always try to improve i like mario, OLD sonic, cookies, drawing[duh], and more. i also sing alot and play minecraft every once and awhile.hope you enjoy your stay have a cookie for reading my bio cuz you didnt have to
M. Simpson davdim
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youtube770 pacman3656
manaka toddhermon
ΣψDarkrai ffipsms
Leader of Builders Club I love terraria im on whenever i can be My favorite color is Blue. PLZ FOLLOW! Im out of posts Yes( ) No (√)
RedLeader lbjkkj
Hi guys! RedLeader104 here i mostly play mc or mario maker. Im 11 and yeah! Hope you have a great day!btw you follow me i follow you
adrian admedra
UK mario1 nathanj04
Feeling: HAPPY. Lol u clicked on my face didin't u. well nice to meet u my name is Nathan and I love video games sports hunting fishing and going outside if u are wondering how old I am im 9 im turning 10 this year I LOVE MARIO MINECRAFT TRERRAIA AND CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPPS 2 AND MIIVERSE!!! SO MUCH! i have 1 brother and 2 sisters my gender is a boy plz follow me and yeah my post have a great day!
Imp AdmiralScipio
Luv is Rage-Lil Uzi Vert Graduated...... Advid Gamer.... Flordia State Commit* God+Family
Luigi19042 angelinajoy
name:faith joannbennett
hey guys !!! i'm in 7th grade and i live in kentucky!!!!! its so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ibrahimb ibrahimb848
Hello my name is ibrahimb848 my friends are ask343,gamerboy. ill post stuff when i can.
Rogue nightmarecore
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shaneo mac deanambroseandro
name is shaneo mac 13 years old born 12th may in love with wwe. I want to become an actor and a wrestler thinking for singing too and i want to be selena gomez future boyfriend friends~CHRIS.J,kody and connorjr$$,★harriet★X..and follow my gf nikita thx favourite singer~lucy hale,selena gomez,taylor swift,ed sherran. favourite wrestler~dean ambrose,seth rollins,roman reigns,john cena etc.
jerimiah kemiah565434
Xion Okamikun69
Birthday: April 27 Zodiac: Taurus Likes: vid games, food, dudes, art, my doggo dislikes: negativity and clowns age: 21 ew im getting old Hi! im Xion its a pleasure to meet you. I hope I make alot of new friends on here & i hope everyone has a great time. Also I don't mind the friend requests, having more friends is nice haha, well sometimes...anyway have a nice day.
Mineking09 Mineking09
hi i like to play lots of games im good at roleplays and my Favorite games are splatoon minecraft THE LEGEND OF ZELDA and SUPER SMASH BROS And The Food I like Breadsticks
Spacemeow Spacemeow1124
It's me, Spacemeow! I have a New Nintendo 3DS XL! Yay! I got it from my b-day! Bye!
Deadpool☆★ arazeli
HEY DEADPOOL HERE I have ADHD and ADD and i love super hero and i LOVE ANIME like naruto, vampire knight soul eater , baka and test and more . i get lonely easy please talk to me 0^0 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ ˙³˙ ˙¬˙ ˙^˙ ˙ˇ˙ ˙˘˙ °¯°
Hello.... I'm Maddie and Im 15 years old.
I love to draw (even though I'm terrible)
If you need...
Hello.... I'm Maddie and Im 15 years old.
I love to draw (even though I'm terrible)
If you need to talk to someone I'm here, shoot a friend request♥
I don't bite I promise
Most of the time.... :p