Users Maddie ._. Is Following
Daddy BranimFamily
Ace Facemelter_zer0
sebastian sebastian15352
speedster speedster99999
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
nic ghettomemo
ShOrT sToRy TiMe... So YoUnG pEoPlEs... I'm 17 YeArS oLd AND a GiRl, dOn'T fOrGeT iT!!! aNyWaYs... I lIkE :BendyAndTheInkMachine[B.A.T.I.M], UnderTale,FNAF,MeMeS,MineCraft AANNDD MiiVerse!!!Ps: PiXeL ArT __________________ FrIeNdS: catmac.exe MasterRS redapple123 ted0417ghost GameStudio ToadAwesome12 _________________ TrUst No OnE!!! (Me ToO ._. ) ByE ByE!
Casey Snyder78
MemeSenpie WinstonBoZ
MemeSenpai's back up :^>
dantheman catrin7911
im dan i haf my birthday on december the 21 aim 8 years owld i cim from brtan in wales ai live in get road i like mi friends on my wiiew becuse thei let me play with them
geo I.maPeach172
i'm new here, and this place is so cool! Please follow: ★Bluti★(DA BEST :3) Pandachan(panda panda!!!) and me(but i don't like my art :/
mari yamari123
Hey everyone .... if you don't know yet then listen up ......i ♥♥♥♥ FOOD lol u know the name hit that follow button (I will follow you back)better yet a friend request yall now im about to eat some chicken♥♥♥♥$$$$$ ♥♥♥♥Queen♥♥♥♥ oh yea respect my man Tom (aka big bro ) or he will disrespect you♥♥♥He's special also another Queen★ you know who u are♥♥♥She is amazing person
courtney zzzCourtneyzzz
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Yo I'm Josh. Yeah I'm currently playing my Switch so I don't be on my Wii U since its a dead console.
Kiki MissMario1013
hello guys im missmario and its almost my birthday i have wolf characters they have powers no one knows about these characters yet they are Zekin the lightning wolf Ucansis the fire wolf Daora the grass wolf Gafandulor the water wolf and Rakanine the ice emblem master arctic wolf i love wolves and dogs i love video games i play minecraft and mario my bffs are qawxajs4 and kaneshiro_family byeee
******** Ahmad_of_Dark
some friends i'll miss Saki Bacon c: Speed c: Orange c: Mike Sora Ed Thunder Amon JR lily Danny Beth Pichu :'c
Hello my real name is Erick I'm have 14 years old,send me friend requests in this account,I will talk about youtube for the color of my shirt (red references youtube),my second account is SharGirlBy,in this account I will play videogames of favorites communites if you want to see it,see my first following or friends(#7) is my second account ok search it ok bye guys `=í
boi boiawesomeness12
Hi I am 18 years old My name is christian my favorite games are PICK MEN 3 MARIO MAKER MARIO CART 8 and any mario games.
lolgaming dizzygrant
hi my name is jose aka lolgaming9911 i live in colorado i have a youtub channel i'm 12 year's old my i play watch_dog's in wii u
Nathan NateMate21
Hey I'm Nate! MUSIC IS LIFE Thank You everyone for the supportive comments, yeahs, and follows. I LOVE YOU ALL. I'm 14. I'm a (really→) (weird)³, funny, energetic, talkitive person so feel free to hit me up with a friend request or a comment on any of my posts to talk. :P Make sure to hit the follow button before you leave. Thanks, peace.
røi joss josselin12
saibo shobna
Rae oxdoll87
нм мιdnιте Frosty-Snowballs
949 343 24465 84373 927 82583 46 7658464 8447? 74623 968 343 97483 86 63. 4 629 36 6673 ^^
Massimo FazeTeam
Fan de Mario et Zelda Depuis Mes 4 Ans Et Depuis Je n'Arretes Jamais De joué A c'Est Jeux Vraiment Genial. Si Vous Me Demander En Ami J'accepte Tout Le Monde ♭♀♪♡õ
gamerguy Gamerguy4
Super mario maker
HeroofTime sadrock
augie augie123
hi im augie TGOD for life clan name for bo2 love to play zombies and supersmash and a fan of dragon ball z thats all i have to say
Zσρнıα Rahfiama
Hey im Sophia :> Facts about me because im very uncreative ?>_< ~Im playing Splatoon and Fire Emblem Fates ATM ~ I'm a huge nintendo geek ~ I love youtubers! apart of the phandom (^-^) ~ I love anime ~POKEMON i wanna be the very best xs Anime suggestion - ERASED Ok im done err... BYE
Nickolas nickolas28
Hi my Name is nickolas but some of my Wii u friends call me nick. I like playing on my Wii u but I mostly play Minecraft, Mario Kart 8 and splatoon. Besides my Wii u I like soccer and travelling and I also have an Xbox one. The games I play on my Xbox one are Even more Minecraft, Rocket league and Roblox. I you want to join me on any game you CAN!
Joe ★ jdaywalt717
Marshall L Yoshi_Lover290
I don't Wii U chat (friends only that i know very well) Fav Anime:AOT,Tokyo Ghoul,Highschool DxD Fav Song:The Ghost Of You-My Chemical Romance Fav Game:The Last Of Us,Zelda,Overwatch,and Pokémon Fav Pokémon's:Dragonite/Espeon/Pumkaboo/and Mareep You can call me Aspen WARNING:NEVER CALL ME YOSHI EVAA! Have a great day Peace Out Online(●)Offline ()
blackraven legochaseWEREPOL
A few things about me. I am 15 years old, my favorite games are minecraft wii u edition and the zelda series! I dont want wii chats.
Retro WindwakerHD0906
Hi, my name is parker, I am lds (mormon), but I am the same as you, I am a huge Zelda fan and Smashbros fan... oh and I made up ditto link. If you follow me I will follow you back I also accept friend requests though not like a follower.
DigiFights ColonelKirito
I am a top-ranked splatoon player and I am well rounded in ssb4. :- Follow for follow -: Games I play: - Splatoon - ssb4 - Mario kart 8 At the moment, I REALLY FRICKEN LOVE SPLATOON!!
BleakExprt Ninja365247
I don't make posts that often but when I do its mainly on new and recent stuff but I do sometimes make posts on other things. I am willing to be friends with anyone as long as they are funny and a nice person (And not a robot.... maybe....)
Minecraft MinecraftCT
Official account of the Minecraft Community Team!
cade the_bros24
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Declan wolfgang981
Hi! My name is Declan, but most call me Wolfgang981 and I am 11 years old and my favorite games are Minecraft and Transformers Prime the game and I play guitar and I DO NOT video-chat with strangers but I will friend you with a purpose.And I play guitar. Btw do not stalk stop reading quit it Do you know who you are messing with? |:-< go troll someone else!!!
Nico Nic_Perales
English ~ Español Minecraft online servers
darkday apple5018
Hello.... I'm Maddie and Im 15 years old.
I love to draw (even though I'm terrible)
If you need...
Hello.... I'm Maddie and Im 15 years old.
I love to draw (even though I'm terrible)
If you need to talk to someone I'm here, shoot a friend request♥
I don't bite I promise
Most of the time.... :p