Miiverse:('s Followers
Evan W. evanwilsonzandxx
Sup I'm Evan I enjoy gaming, My most fond gaming experiences were with the N64 & GC though I also played the NES & SNES. If you enjoy my post's feel free to give me a yeah or follow me! Also a fond farwell to my miiverse followers & everyone who yeah and/or commented on my posts, see ya later space cowboys! -Evan RIP Miiverse.
lana ptijul
salut je m appelle lana et si vous vouler me demander en ami vous pouver
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Rj YvetteMack
Hi I am Rj, I love to play video games!. And I wish to be a youtuber.
jonathan dclonn
This user's profile comment is private.
Dookiedude Pikachu990team
I like splatoon and minecraft. They're really fun games, u should play them! Oh and also, please friend me! I want 100 friends before miiverse ends. Speaking of which... y does miiverse have 2 end? :( if u were wondering my age, i am 11 in fifth grade. i also have a separate 3DS profile (hints: Every body part except the hair is the same [yes, even my yellow shirt]; i really like kirby).
leolöwe leoloewe2005
´д` miu0728orz
Walid walidwaziri
I love to play all sorts of games and also playing with friends. I have almost max friends so I can't accept all your friend requests, but I try to view as many as possible.
Reid707 Reidy1205
hi my name is reid and i love playing nintendo games
mr j mr.j66
i play video games
Dylan XxUnDeadZombiexX
message me if u wanna wii u chat feel free to send me a friend request
Scheihing Scheihing
Hello friends!
miguel migue46
hola yo soy miguel y si me siguen yo haré lo mismo estas son mi cualidades: soy listo siempre atento no soy grosero soy buena persona no abuso aganme una pregunta y la respondo adios!!!
ALEX alexander354
Hola soy Alex, mis juegos favoritos son los de kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. Intentare aclarar cualquier duda que tengan sobre cualquier juego, gracias. (•ω•) Hi my name is Alex, I love games such as kirby, super smash, luigis mansion, pokémon, etc. I would try to help you in any question that you have about any game, thanks. (•ω•)
superpro Jacarri1222
name: jacarri hobby: youtube,splatoon,netflix and chill age: 8 fillings: happy funny crazy#$save miivearse$#
[MK]うめぼし ryoryohan10
よろしくおねがいします! フォローしてくれる方是非お願いします。フォロー絶対返します。 壁キック好きはフォローしてください。壁キックのコースを13つ投稿しています。ちなみにマリメは今年の1月から本格的に始めたのでまだまだです。みんな今までありがとう!フォロワー450人突破!!Thaks!さようなら!! 所属チーム Cora、MTY、KTURN、Ngr、KGM、MK、壁キックの会 うめぼしって、おいしいよね。
かほ kaho20902
Alexandre zazou25
たいが 1127tai
jed kkkjj008
Friend code:SW-2507-2149-6020. I'll miss Miiverse and everyone on it. It was the first social media I ever had. It helped me through the thoughest of times. I'll be here all day tomorrow, even at school, I'll use my laptop to go on Miiverse even though it's against the rules at school. I'll use my Nintendo Switch after Miiverse ends. For everyone who will miss Miiverse, it is now time to move on.
isaac cheriez
everyone lets try to save miiverse and convince them not to close it so lets try our best to save miiverse before its to late now who's with me
Luna Mariakawai
Profile comment hidden by admin.
alanah alanahlu
I AM A CATTTTT :< Why are you still here? >_< im a derp :p :< :> i love cats meow meow meow meow meow ok plz drop of 10000000 cats in my yard XD ok bye :< what now? ok im done :3 cats will rule the world! meow ok im done see ya :D
★Starzy☆ EpicGamerGirl284
The End Is near.....♥My Followers♥. If you want to know more about me, here are some things about me below. ↓ #1. Fav. Colors: Blue & Green #2. Best Friends: Jon303, Kaiden, Sienna, TJGalaxy, Charls, Colin, Max and Logan #3. Taken by ♥Jon303♥ #4. Age: 10 years old #5. Dislikes: Anyone who bothers me or is mean to me #6. Very Athletic #7. Tomboy
Lil Manic ManicPlayz
YT:Satan Manic the dark hedgehog yeah You can call me Manic,Lil Manic,Mani or whatever 0w0 i wants hugs quick question:DO ALL YOUNG BOYS COUNT AS SHOTAS INCLUDING MYSELF?!?!?
T.O tox360
Hey, I'm T.O. Im a funny dude who plays videogames, and like to draw! But I don't do Wii U chat. I'm sorry! Rules: I don't tolerate rude comments about me on any of posts. I report people who insult me. If you continue to break my rules on my posts than I'll block you. I'm also a founder and leader of TΩ
=Benjamin= FilipeNova
RIP Miiverse :'-( P2: U play minecraft? Me: Yeah, I play most of the time P2: U play mario? Me: Yeah x2 P2: I <3 u Me: Thanks. P2: So lemme guess.. u r Filipe? ???: Hello... Me: Who is he? ???: I Am The God of miiverse P2: What is happening? ??? and me: IDK Me: R U Miiverse COC? Miiverse COC?: Yes, I am but I will betray miiverse and END IT!!! Me: Oh noooooooooo! I want miiverse to stay!!!
ethanjs123 ethanj8000
ILLUMIN▲TI Marcel29404
Hey guys ich heiße Marcel und freue mich über jede Fa (Freundschaftsanfrage) ich bin 13 Jahre alt und zocke gerne Minecraft,Splatoon,Mariokart 8 (Mk 8) und Terraria meine lieblings Yt (Youtuber) sind: Glp,Paluten,Keysjore,Rewinside und Gomme HD Ps: Ich verdopple euch gerne sachen in Terraria
Dark⇒Fake? ellinora
hi ich heiße eleonora und am liebsten male,lese,gehe raus und zocke XD ; )
Paperluigi Papermario2003
hello this is papermari0. wanna see more content from me? try following me and will become miiverse mates. see yall than. p.s i follow the people who follow me!
orange slendertop
おとうさん kenichi0221
grayson Grayzilla
Ashton jordanezell
Hi everyone! My name is Jordan. I love God and I'm a huge fan of Nintendo. I realy like to make new friends and I build puppets. If you ever see me on a game "which is rare" I will be a good sport. Just follow me and we'll get along swimmingly. See ya!
Jack DJJLC409
hi guys :-)
Tgirl Tgirl1978
ganginou35 guillaume3384
sallu moi j'ai 18ans bail
Panda alanc485
im the best!
keke cutiekeke1
Because of November 7