Miiverse:('s Friends
Dookiedude Pikachu990team
I like splatoon and minecraft. They're really fun games, u should play them! Oh and also, please friend me! I want 100 friends before miiverse ends. Speaking of which... y does miiverse have 2 end? :( if u were wondering my age, i am 11 in fifth grade. i also have a separate 3DS profile (hints: Every body part except the hair is the same [yes, even my yellow shirt]; i really like kirby).
Gamer Supergamester
Dylan XxUnDeadZombiexX
message me if u wanna wii u chat feel free to send me a friend request
sofie101 Adawun
Miguel_YT Mifefa1
Suscribete a mi canal (Miguelgamer7) en Youtube
Panda alanc485
im the best!
Lorena lorenamamaisnaba
Hola a todos !
Lapin Toad alrichoffmann
^∀^ VEGAS1258
FabioYT N-Player2.0
Hi! My name is Fabio and I live in Germany. I like to play Super Mario Maker and it's one of my favorite Wii U games. In general, the Wii U is a great consol with many fantastic gemes like Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart 8 for example. Of course I'm a Nintendo-Fan and I hope, that you'll enjoy my Levels in Super Mario Maker! See you, guys!
PabloRB PabloRB18
Juguemos juntos
Giovanny a_gio_t
Spartak biryukov.spartak
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)
Angelo baupodesta
scotty scottwrobel
hi welcome to my friends list
fed ex foltrol
tito arturgouveia1975
hola disfruten el nivel, enjoy the level
gary garycolver
S☆PAPOUNET cowboye123
supersonic RIOSFam0914
ethanjs123 ethanj8000
Sylvester Puma196602
Sr Jayden jaydensmith09
leolöwe leoloewe2005
かけるです! フレンドリクエスト待ってます!! フォローしてくれたら必ずフォローします!! テレビ電話しよう~!!
pedritopin pedritopin2015
k pasa pollo?
Sophia :-) Soph0129
What the What?? Yeah I'm a gamer. My favs are Splatoon and Minecraft, but I also have Mariokart 8 and Super Mario 3D World. Follow me and I'll follow u too!
batman ryderlarson
hello everyone i just want to say if you like one of my posts feel happy to like it or comment I love reading peoples comments on things I posted or maybe you can follow me I dont have much followers at the moment so yeah feel free to do that. and if there is a post you dont like you can still feel free to comment and then I will read your comment and try to make it better for you.
ralf JustinDianaRalf
Yea.... It´s Super Mario Maker Time.... Thanks :-)
Eu Alc.Eu
carole Feuxdelamoule
je suis fane de tous les mario je les est tous en game cube wui ds et en wiiu
moy Angus2006
Soy Moisés Mi Cumpleaños Es El 29 De Mayo Soy Mexicano Tengo Super Mario Maker Mario Kart 8 Lego City Undercover Lego Batman DC Super Heroes Donkey Kong Country Tropical Frezze Guitar Hero Live Your Shape Fitness Envolved 2013 Yoshi's Wolly World Star Fox Zero Star Fox Guard ZombiU Y Un Canal de You Tube LLamado Josue Rico Kamikaze Master 71 Espero tener muchos amigos y Seguidores
Luc SmashBrawler57
Hi, i like gaming like fighting, racing, adventures, and action. I like listening to game music. I do Wii U chat sometimes, when i'm not busy. If you want to play with me online, you can. Bye. ;) Note: Don't Wii U chat me while i'm busy.
Henk Ramnoxia
Hey all Wii U fans. I and you will hopes more Nintendo games coming soon in futures and very funny games too. I will play so many nintendo games its possible and will you play many games too? I hopes too ;-D
Because of November 7