sid's Yeahs

Farewell my friends. I'm off to float in my nonexistent world. Conquer your dreams and goals ♥♥ -Jilly

alice you're welcome and thank you so much. I will miss seeing your art here. And i will miss you too. *hugs* And i wish you the best in life take care. ♡ ^_^

I'm glad this chat post is up to bring us all together like this. It's a nice send off that oddly makes it more heartwarming despite the end being a mere 30 minutes away. I'll miss being able to ta...

These last few days were quite the emotional rollercoaster,the hustle on getting contacts with everyone,the nostalgia of looking through all old drawings to save them,the mess the old NSLU unleashe...
Hey!I'm Sid blue bird: Sid master,master__sid
I love playing Pokemon,acnl I want daa.
FMA and FM...
Hey!I'm Sid blue bird: Sid master,master__sid
I love playing Pokemon,acnl I want daa.
FMA and FMA:B <3 That anime should've been named feels metal alchemist tbh.
I dunno follow if you feel like it and I look forward to us becoming friends. :3