Users sid Is Following
titanya ali131313
Hi , I'm Ali I really love wolves . I'm famous and and I 'm not taken. I love making friends. I will follow anyone who follows me, please follow me before miiverse ends also I like anime and cute stuff sometimes anime everyday. i am in the wolfo clan. i really love wolves. So yeah ..... wait one more thing # don't end miiverse......********
Yoshi FennicYoshi
I know this service is ending in a month, so I just wanna say thank you to my friends and followers, both here and in my main account. And my dream address? 6D00-000F-F5FC.
ミルヒーDumbo baranohanamuko
Dude 2 Jaden-Avner
I've been a 3DS user since the beginning. I've been a Wii U user since spring of 2013. I've been a Miiverse user since 2/24/2016. I received my first Nintendo system (a GameBoy Color) in spring of 2000. The first Nintendo system that I used was my parent's NES.
Gregory Greg395
My name is Gervaise, and my online nickname is Greg. I think Nintendo is pretty cool, and Sonic the Hedgehog rocks! God bless!
*Indiya* WhiteTiger2
SquidDaddy ZouaA13
Krill: "Don't go muddling around for too long unless you plan to walk the plank" The Pirate Crew: June/Viny_Snake\Mollux/Dingo Likes: Naruto/FNAF/LOZ/FFVII/Fatal Frame/Splatoon/Nightvale/Horror/Not so serious Splatoon battles! (Also no blank friend requests unless we battle very often together or squid party alot.) F/24
Siddiata Diana61
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean i'll miss you untill we meet again.
Nathan BaconTactics
If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first. Oh yeah, and Miiverse is ending or something. Bye. And if you couldn't tell, my nickname is BaconTactician. Put an @ in front of it to find me in birdland.
Swindle SoManyMegaStones
"Expect betrayal and your friends won't disappoint you". ~Slugfest As the NNID implies, I have tons of Mega Stones. To be specific: - 342 XY Mega Stones - 204 ORAS Mega Stones - 546 Total Mega Stones - 10 Orbs Not much to say about myself. I like solitude and quiet, and despise basically everyone I don't know, or should I say, don't want to know. Sorry, not sorry.
Miyamoto ShigeruMiyamoto
任天堂のゲームプロデューサー。 工業デザイナーとして1977年に任天堂に入社。 1980年にドンキーコングを作って以来、マリオやゼルダのシリーズ、ピクミンやWii Fitなどを制作してきた。 Game producer at Nintendo. Began his career at Nintendo in 1977 as an industrial designer. Ever since making Donkey Kong in 1980, he created making titles such as Mario and The Legend of Zelda series, Pikmin and Wii Fit.
Mattias mattiasolsson
pokemon, princess Zelda, professor Layton and super smash bros. The best of it.
Artistic14 Artastic14
☆Artistic★/xxArtistic14xx isn't posting art on Miiverse anymore. Admins h8 meh lol xD Goodbye everyone! Until we meet again! (´;ω;`) This was a great year on Miiverse! <3
Snoopysnoo Mes00130
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Jilly JustJillin
Do not let our final moments be a forever goodbye. We should say hello to a new beginning, a new twist...To a new chapter that will be added in our life. Instead of Goodbye, why not 'See you later'? Follow your dreams, achieve your goals, conquer your world. Do it for those who can't. ↓My beloved friends 1Ninjagirl Ace Eduardo Sem Darby Tucker Ty Ty I ♥ ya'll ♥We're Texas strong Pray for us♥
→[Banana]← BananeKawaii
Salut. Une banane aimant lire en salopette dans une baignoire vide. Voilà viens parler si tu veux 😊 🍌❤
☆.galaxy.☆ xTitanPopcorn
a piece of Scottish trash that draws. I really like Fallout and Steven Universe, but I also like Pokémon, Animal Crossing, Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall and a lot more but I don’t really want to type it all lol
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
Frodigan astridcat.3000
Hello i'm an awkward homeschooled teen... That's basically all you need to know.
Brice.S PurpleLink828
hi im brice, i like lots of video games like kirby, mario, halo, pokemon, and much more. please enjoy your time here, also i like to roleplay as u might tell. and i have a few OCS. idk what else to say so have a merry christmas, and a happy new year! and if you have any questions please let me know! out of posts:
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Luna☆ Luna22
My favorite game franchise: Tales of Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Super Mario Donkey Kong Ace Attorney Animal Crossing Love Kpop!
ur mom CourtlynJenkins
[♀ She/Her][Leo][14] ♡my pals™♡ Leonard (SnivyTheSnivy) Sophia (BoradorG123) Δngelique (ALD-07) Daddy Kayla (Dirntbag) (Undertale_125) Nathaniel (NathSmolBeanz) dorknerd (BecksMcDonaugh) x-----------------------x ♡ty for 196+ followers♡ Joined: 07/09/2015
Zainab Siv_White
Welcome to my profile. This is totally not a prerecorded message. You may know me, but you probably don't. Stuff I post about: Pokémon Gravity Falls Steven Universe Cartoons Splatoon Mob Psycho 100 OCs Random stuff That's all folks!
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Éli ElianeGosselin
Hi, I like to show up to say stupids things in your posts! Have fun because this is full of jokes and drawings that I had pleasure to do! I'm 20 year old french-canadian. Status: I'm gonna miss my followers/friends of miiverse. ;v; I am here since october 2016 ˇ\_(;v;)_/˘ ★ Everyone can draw!›■‹ :DDAISFIRIANNE
Brandon MrTrac
Thanks for the memories! Let's cherish our final months! :') <3 Stuff V V V Dee Aye! Mr - Trac The Cord! Mr Trac # 3 5 1 7 (no spaces)
Moshi Strikerwott12
(temporarily profile post until I make a new one) Hi everyone, the name's Moshi! I'm a teenage Shellhead girl who has a HUGE fictional crush on Donnie >w< I also ship AprilTello a TON! It's my OTP! >v< I love: -drawing -TMNT (mainly 2012 series) -SRMTHFG -Trolls -The Loud House -Transformers -Pokemon -Nintendo -Memes -Cartoons -Video games -lots of others My OTP: AprilTello! ♥
.:αлτh:. eulovonutella
Hi guys...welcome let's be friends if you want i like to some foods...animes, games youtube channels i don't like bad people requests [ x ] yes [ ] no 2001 - (future) bye^
Noah. DankeDummkopfs
*Insert "Funny" "Ow you poked my face !!1! or "Profile hidden by administrator" Hi im Noah I Like PilotRedSun. The Miiverse Monarch David... Is pretty dope yo Owner of a defected link amiibo with no right arm Also i like Fanta and Birds First lenny face mii on Miiverse Also im a Veteran Smasher Wheres my Medal Of Honor.
Flora FlowerGirl90
Hey, I'm Flora. I am a Zero Escape, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Final Fantasy, Undertale, The Last of Us, and Persona nerd. I also love to draw, read, and watch a little anime in my free time. The anime's I've seen are: Inuyasha, DBZ Kai, Kaze No Stigma, Sailor Moon, AoT, SAO, FMA, RWBY, Spice and Wolf, Soul Eater, Death Note, and Code Geass.
Dumbo DumboK
"Apples rule. If it weren't for a conspiracy of the fruit manufacturers, we'd all have apples." ・ Sorry, I can't follow anymore (1000 limit). ・ May get lost in notifications/activity feed. ・ May run out of 30 comments. ・ May not manage to keep track of all yeahs received. ・ May not accept random friend requests. ・ May often not be on the Wii U. ・ May like April May. ・ Thanks for the support!
Mia CharizardChar
Heya!~♥ Im Mia. Im a massive Pokémon nerd that loves to draw! Please take a look at my drawings! Thank You!~♥
Reshiram★ dogz546
Profile comment hidden by a Temmie. yaYA!! H0i!! I'm Reshiram★, and i used to be puppy. Welcome to my small profile :3 Things i like~ ~Pokemon ~Undertale ~Drawing ~Temmies (YAya) Cheak out my friends: Nexus ( IthNPMin151 ) Izzy ( Isapup ) Sheeplion ( CaptainMudkip ) Soleil ( Rayquazanomnom ) Temmeryn (DarkHorses) *You're carrying too many dogs. Dogs. B0I!!
Aviles Aviles101
They may take our lives, BUT THEY MAY NEVER TAKE OUR-Miivere is ending. "People like [me] are all talent and no discipline" -VGHS *dabs*
Hey!I'm Sid blue bird: Sid master,master__sid
I love playing Pokemon,acnl I want daa.
FMA and FM...
Hey!I'm Sid blue bird: Sid master,master__sid
I love playing Pokemon,acnl I want daa.
FMA and FMA:B <3 That anime should've been named feels metal alchemist tbh.
I dunno follow if you feel like it and I look forward to us becoming friends. :3