luigi's Followers
dinoboy123 ipoduser
Leo Hyperhitman
Hellooo world it's hyperhitman if you want mario and luigi U minecraft and super smash bro's? then just the just friend and follow the HH crew btw i'm hopin to ge 100 follwers then i'll update this and do a mii compition!!! who ever has the best mii i will give them a free house on minecraft up for grabs also i follow all of my followers
pelusa natsalredjesus12
Aiden Savage1345
Corgan heather1084
join my minecraft world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alan alan956123
i like minecraft and pizza and friend me and play all lot of minecraft mario games
DeltaX V XxmastergamingX
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
Roundhead RoundheadGamer
Goodbye Miiverse! I've created so many memories here! I'm going to miss you all.
red gaming red030
taken and i love her im famouse for playing mc i like pickles BYE MIIVERSE. this social media site is basically dead by now
Zoe nashnash09
ShadowWolf 32lovebird
hi im shad....and the leader of the RK clan boyfriend: KP (KawaiiPaws)#ShadPaws BFF: QueenDeath, John Adan,TFKZackS ,Dr.Carnage,Octogirl,RK★Cole and RK★Electro (plz follow all of them) Things i like: food, memes and puns
Normoo Normoo
? gumbyman67
Goodbye everyone FOREVER Accepting all friend request untill 10 Pm Also Fowllowing back
i 4rhveVbc
$¶€ÁLÉX§¶⇒ happyfarm158
Hello everyone i'm Alex, aka AlexGamer!. I like a wide variety of games from action and adventure to racing games. I follow everybody that follows me, I will accept messages to games I have. Plz follow me and freind request, I'm a very nice person. I don't swear or trashtalk, insult other people, or give up everytime I lose something. Once again plz follow and thankyou.
puppupgirl mollyandpolly206
hi my name is puppupgirl and I just want to say although our time is cutting short as in we have 1 day left I loved every minute on Miiverse even tho I only started 3months ago you guys made me feel welcome I just want to thank my friends for sticking by me and I will never froget you guys and THANK-YOU everyone for following me+378 and you guys are REALLY KIND and you guys my friends ARE AMAZING
Christine Christine11111
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gage Super_Gage_10
Darkrai PowerFireIce75
mommy jovy5689
ςςкł Dł dseljkkl
hi the only games that i really play are splatoon, super smash bros, and minecraft and friend me
Xavier pierre111xavier
Bonham MikeWestcott
I'm Bonham! I'm able to play minecraft, splatoon, and smash for online play! Minecraft for gamechat!
kaneki(しろ) sakecyanz
wiiu初期化したので最初からですけど、よろしくお願いします 小学4年 電車好き 良く電車に乗ったり、撮ったりします。 嫌いな食べ物野菜ほとんど 好きな食べ物メロン <-こんな僕ですがよろしくお願いします YouTubeやってるから見てねー!ハピ<hapi> フォローしてねー! wiiuチャットおkだよー(言ってくれれば、顔出しするよー)
chara 9xcharax9
снıсκепмап ImBenjaMine
Follower goal: 500 #UNSUPFROMSHOT Thx for 100 friends! BGE 10 is out! I make daily WIIU + 3DS posts Age: 16 Favorite games: MINECRAFT / mk8 / super mario maker Favorite youtuber: Unspeakablegaming My sisters account: AbbyGail1017 Wanna get on #CHICKENARMY? Than comment on my favorite post and say, "#CHICKENARMY" ♥♥ Hope you like my profile!♥♥
David DaAaSa
hola a todos , es mi primera vez qué estoy en miiverse
keeg cool_zombi_boy
Hi Im Cool_ZombiBoy Call Me Zombie! I Am Friendly!! Why Are You Still Here?? O-o Are You Still Here???? Why!!!
Not Common StillNotBanned
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.•☆Jade☆•. Jade003
-A LITTLE PRESENTATION •Name: Jade •Age: 14 •City: Rome -COSE CHE HO ⇒2 piercing ⇒2 sorelle ⇒1 fratello ⇒1 ragazzo Tantissimi amici e amiche -COSE CHE ADORO ~estate ~musica trap ~me stessa -CANTANTI PREFERITI (trap) ♪Izi ♪Tedua ♪Dark Polo Gang ♪Sfera Ebbasta ♪Rkomi -CANZONI PREFERITE …Mercedes Nero (izi, tedua, sfera ebbasta) …Con me (izi) …Apnea (rkomi) …Cono Gelato (DPG) If u want follow me
Mike thedawn30
デク Kamagawa
どうもこんちゃーっす!りほです。 自己紹介 性別:女 誕生日:11/28 元気な小6だよ。(?) 好きなこと 読書 観察 実験 お絵描き 趣味 卓球 勉強(来年受験!) ヒロアカ好きな方 語り合いましょう!! 轟君と上鳴君と響香ちゃん大好き! 暇、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 NHKをぉ~ぶっ■■■ 友達の真似デス。 では
Shy Guy CookieMan2256
well i like link alot my favourite games are mk8, Breath of the wild, the wind waker,minecraft and terraria i like to play soccer im 12
Slurpee123 JasonTheSwagLord
Hi! I am the new Mii! (YOU'LL SEE) Miiverse will end soon so I'm gonna wrap it up. :( NEWS •Miiverse will end. (THAT'S WHAT I WAS TOLD) •All my clubs are now closed! Sorry! :( •MY SWEEPSTAKES AND STUFF ENDED!!!! Questions?
HC|Bö$$ómè dslkfjvftklntri
Welp, miiverse is dead very soon. Doesn't matter anymore about anything here. I enjoyed this service and sad to see it pass but I hope someday soon another service will exist that's new and improved. If you're reading this, comment #ripmiiverse on any of my posts, please and thank you. Why bother write up much. Thanks for the fun times, miiverse will be missed.
βαιz RageGamez
◆A DERP WITH GLASSES AND A SECRET POINT◆ What is poppin guys! I'm balz, a cool and positive miivershian, and I don't say anything mean, but sometimes do get triggered. Games i play: Splatoon, minecraft, nintendo land, just dance 2018 (oct24) Totally cool to follow me. I don't really mind, i just mind the games. Great, i think the derp finished. bye. -_-
CAT-Edniel ednieladam_123
Hi here is info about me Name:Edniel Age:14 Favorite game: mario and pokemon games Favorite Wii u game:paper mario color splash Favorite 3DS game:mario&luigi dream team Favorite song: Never let up-BigBang-pokemonxy wild battle Favorite pokemon: Oshawott and Popplio My neko twins:Noah13Pink-cindy Bestfriends:Satu~Kun-Ice-sky My sister:amber My pokken teacher:Rubyrose61
Skillet valjakelarbus
Yo Im tyler or Skillet! I play minecraft and youtube! I play Lego Jurassic World too! My favorite youtubers are Aphmau,PopularMMOs,GamingWithJen,and FGTEEV! I love WWE,and Basketball!
milo Milomax143
i love minecraft wii u edition
hi im mc78andrew aka luigi my real name is blake