luigi's Friends
ThePanda ThePandaGames
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Ghost Boy ItzGhostBoy89
hello guys plz make sure to check out my utube channel thank you
Callum =J Victuri_11
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fuzz FuzzyLemur
Favorite games are Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Minecraft. My favorite youtubers are Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and Sharax.
bay Bayleyyates01
harleyquin harleyquin2.0
i love wii u
luass blakeeeeeeeeee09
0612blake 0612blake
please yeah my posts please pitty please please and comment please comment please please comment on my so please comment and yeah my posts okeydokey
Alice Nikala5185
Joey Clay8844
Shy Guy CookieMan2256
well i like link alot my favourite games are mk8, Breath of the wild, the wind waker,minecraft and terraria i like to play soccer im 12
elaine emcandrew
pelusa natsalredjesus12
Red panda 21flores
Minecraft rocks.YA
Austin monkeyhead880811
tj toddjames228
Ethan georgeben2010
doghunter 22155k
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Junior BeastMaster64x
yo whats good its you boyie beastermastee hear ;)
jojo jojohautesavoie
Mommy LetsPlayWiiUGame
GH☆Cloud XToycat
my best friends are adz,coolteam,kjard,tiny and oscarjay Im lonely so bye Go your still here so my favourite games are minecraft,roblox,mk8 and pokemon sun hah i stopee you
rico 1234imtheman
Azaan u.raza10
I hate school
chris AlejandraBrandon
kari yt rocket1240
im kearstin
bam bamrcmmmm
l like minecraft i loveto post plase follow me im 8 yers old play minecraft who wochis ibxtoycat who has super mario maker i do i hope i will be a yubtuber i hope i will buy super sluse broders i like sploon mario kart 8 i whch yubtub and super mario 64 3DS on the wii u and who post so munch i post on minecraft the most i play minecraft the most on the wii u thx for reding this buy be nice ok
Matthew Matthew22555
Umm just saying hi X3 XDD
upsidedown fanman1wv
i am 12 years old my favorite games are minecraft if you follow me i will follow you and you can friend me if you want to and have a good day
memesuper rushyeselo
"memesuper!" yes? "what or who are you" well I am the son of memesempai "why are you here?" well ya see I was born here and learned how to draw! "are you a good drawer?" go look at my posts, it's your opinion "ok, while we're here can you just tell about yourself just a little bit more?" sure! So, born right in miiverse helped me a lot I made lots of friends and didn't go to school! "lucky!"
Zygarde100 nate2390
Da Walrus purplelightr2d21
I am human.
Poobwar GPCPoobwar
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Pedro 420Pedro
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Fox craft Trinity102102
Jesse Diego904
Hi my name is Giselle im 9years old and i like to play minecraft and splatoon alot, and please friend me to join my minecraft world!
diggs diggs85
Ruby scorpioman40
cameron stacyrn321
[Ink] FC luke072805
Juan Elewa5
Grim mleggett
i have minecraft,terriara,and super smash bros
ZELDA+SKI bighnet
What up guys this is BHnether.Like minecraft red stone? If you do then you are just like me!!!!
olivier08 mii_oli_08
George Betsy2015
hi im George and im 6
Nikki bobby3010
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chris christobal1738
hey im a boy l like mincraft and splatun 4 brothers and sisters
dad CombsFamily25
Alex squintz76
£™¥¤⇔√↑↓§¶$#&(^_^)&#$¶§↓↑√⇔¤¥™£← half snapchat with a line through it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rospetl mzmoney79
Luigi michaelfortune
lorenzo tokaystreet
sans cashcaelan3
Ð☆Andree andree2005
Hi my name is Andree im 12. And i like Minecraft, splatoon, Super Smash Brawl etc. you name it, i like it and ill accept all friendships so if you wanna play together we can!!! best friends and people that you should follow!: sdn*daimian, CFF★joςeph, shingona#1, alice! also i love wwe/ wrestling so you could be in the list of andree drink it in maaan! just send me a friend request and ill accepted
Aiden clarkjw1
Mario zach.red6
players I will join you
Kooltool T00K0o1
Favorite Things 1-Anime What type?? My Hero Academa 2-Minecraft 3-Splatoon Why Cuz u a squid or kid?! 4-Furrys i try to draw my own Thats all you should know!!
tyler jessicastern4
These are my favorite games minecraft splatoon mario cart 8 mario 3Dworld super smash brothers Thats my profile
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TANNER terilynluna
OrcaRock16 mariowii22
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Jordan Jordan1137
ye ye savege ye ye
Pooky36 hji458
Hey. This is kind of awkward... There used to be a very detailed description on who I am but since the end of Miiverse is approaching, there's really no point in having it around anymore. Miiverse is dying. I'm ready to embrace death.
panda1221 KrazyKANkatz
im nice and i take friend recwest
james jamesandamy1
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Aiden BOOMER2006
smash bros,nintendo land nes remix, sonic lost world,super mario 3d world,sonic boom rise of lyric,lego marval super heros, lego movie video game, pacman and the ghostly adventure 2,tank tank tank, lego deminsions,ninja gaiden 3 , ben 10,the legend of zelda twilight princes,the Amazing spiderman,mario party10,Adventure time, minecraft,splatoon,minecraft,star fox gaurd, disny infinity,and more
Bran sabrangobran
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steph monkey614
doug rounjl
iornman!!! bigmamakaz
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oscarb15 oscarb15
omega parick
Vicky ITS_420PRO
えいりょう eichan.T
sharky09 asfarfam
ty andreamcutcheon
Cool boy EvinFB21
Matt Getsalvation
MagicaI smrk04
こんばんは。こんにちは。 大乱闘では、よくカービィ、デデデを使います。 マイクラは、よくサバイバル、PVPをします。サバイバルやりたい人は、募集します。フレリクOKです PVPでも、いいですよ。これからは、テストとかあったら、あまりできませんが、宜しく。 大事なフレンドォ メルトショコラー>いうことない とよろんぽう>リア友 たい○>リア友 かず⇔あかねん>神すぎぃ ゆっち⇔さりんご>謎!? *JUSO*PRILさん>ミニゲーム上手い! りんさん>最近やってないよ。 らむちゃん・ж・>名前ww 神?>何これww宜しく この人たちを追放したらマジ ぶちギレます! だからといってほかのフレいじめんなよ!! 悲しい事件 充電出来ないのでしばらくデキマセン。フレリクは、OKです。1ヶ月後くらいかかると思います。それでもよければ。では、さよなら。フレンドさん。1ヶ月後にあいましょう。さよなら
Tacko:) SoldierGryphon
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sab man chelseamatt79
ctr1hill ctr1hill
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hi im mc78andrew aka luigi my real name is blake