Ashley's Followers
JD scurvebeard
Bye! ¡Adios! Tschüss! ❤ --.- ... -.. Unofficial Pushmo, Pushmo World, & Stretchmo 101% Master 🎮 + 🎶 + 📅 = Earthbound, Smiles & Tears (I'll miss you, Miiverse.) PLAYING • Picross 3D Rd.2 (🅿:3051) • Tetris Axis (🏃40: 87.43s) • Crashmo (🐥249/260) • HOTS (🌏,✋,💀+👑) -.-- --- - . -. --. --- 1C2017: 📈 39/86/86 -.. .. . -- ..- -.. . 1F41A 1F441 1F35C 2622 /Plantae: Arborealis perseverant/
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Anthony WarioTacoShacko
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Siqueira Siqueira77
Jane JamesRameirez
Hello world, I'm Jane! I love all Mario games (I have 019) and I hope to get more! I love a variety of subjects. I think everyone thinks I'm boring. Like a lot of people, I play video games. Some of my favorite works of literature include Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Keeper, The Three Musketeers, and Brian's Winter. B.T.W. I don't Wii U or in-game Chat for obvious reasons.
Cj jkawesome150
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone
Julian roi-yoshidou
WELL HELLOW THERE! OwO -I'm 100% cringy trash, and i don't post much beside bad memes…so i basically give you a free cancer. -I like bears~ -Lemons are best big bros,trust me uou -"The History of the entire world,i guess" is doing a better job than most of my teacher. -I speak Le Baguette/Le Widowmaker -PMD2 is the best game of our era. -Spicy i know~
Sabiano.D8 sabianodegaetano
hi my name is sabiano D.8i would really want some friends on miverse im very good at wii u games and igo to play at minecon and i need followers
Samus Aran AnimalCrossingN
Just your not-so-average Wycademy Hunter/Deputy Researcher/Shepherd/ Bherna Ambassador-person living out in the middle of nowhere with my two pet ducks. -------------------------------- It takes skill and strength to slay a monster, guts to carve it, and finesse to capture it. -Me -------------------------------- I don't do Wii U Chat, so don't ask!
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Near ShadowZX2003
Someone who draws. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ • • ★★★★★★★★★★★★ I used to have around 40 post dunno why I deleted them all :/ ◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆ ◆Anime fan◆ →νιdεσ ςαмеs← •♪мμsic♪• ●●●●●●●●●●●● ★εηjσγ му dгαωιηςs αηd рσsтs★ :) •Status: online ¬¸¬˙ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
Borb DeformedBanette
Made a new account. This account will not be used anymore.
GP| Tait Eightfield123
Warning: Connection errors imminent. GP| Tait, but you can just call me Tait. Welcome to my profile, where the grickle grass grows. I upload SSB4 replays from time to time. I don't have a consistent upload schedule, therefore hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out!
Сiεlsεα ‹3 Kellei.tommason
Hey I'm Kelsea! I'm 13 Years Old! My Best Friend Is Claude F.! My Fav Song Is Count On Me By Bruno Mars! My Fav Youtuber Is Markiplier! I Luv Ciel Phantomhive! I'm Allergic To Cats! I Can Play The Keyboard! I Dream To Go On BGT! I Am Sensitive! I Luv When Ciel Says 'Woof'! I Suffer With Depression! I Dislike Alois Trancy! ★☆Bye-bye!☆★
Jeremy MisterKerby
Hey! I'm Jeremy, and I'm a Metroid fanatic! Of course, I love most other Nintendo franchises, too! So in addition to Metroid, expect to see Zelda, Mario, and even a stop or two at Animal Crossing! I'm an F-Zero racer, and a Pokémon trainer, a Star Fox ace, I'm all over the place!
◆ςiιvεr◆ DarkMagalor
So, this is the final chapter... DARN IT!!! Well, this is it, then. I still remember my first post here.. If for some reason you want to, let's just say, K.I.T., check the comments of my last post. Now, let us hold vigil for the great Miiverse, which joined so many gamers & artists together. R.I.P., MY FRIEND!! ... ... If I may do the honors.... ...Nova face. :3
braulio J. braulio286
Soy un veterano videojugador y fiel seguidor de la ciencia. Juego Splatoon, Smash Bros., Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, juegos de Zelda, Pokémon, y mi saga favorita es Metroid. Que la trifuerza te acompañe!!...
Laice LaiceAterna
Ich bin seit über zwanzig Jahren Nintendo-Fan mit Herz und Seele. Bei Mario, Zelda, und ein paar anderen Serien lasse ich kein neues Spiel aus, auch wenn ich gar keine Zeit habe, sie auch alle wirklich zu spielen, und mit einigen Spielen manchmal monatelang hinterherhinke. Ich bin auch mit meiner Switch online.
James ChipsNCircuits
General gaming guy, nothin' special about me. Mainly play Smash 4, but not much else on the Wii U otherwise. Most of my gaming experience lies outside the Wii U. A Lucario main in smash, with Wario, G&W, and King Dedede as secondaries. I can kinda draw, but not really (lazy & too busy to practice) Hoping to upgrade my connection one of these days so I can spar online more often.
nénétte lealoutski
sava et toi
Jack Goldenboots
Hey peeps, just your everyday Otaku here. I'm 17 years old and the only one at my school who likes nintendo. :-( Anyways, I'm a huge fan of anime, splatoon, mario, star fox, Pokemon, Sonic, Bayonetta, Smash bros and many more! (3DS name: Crossiant)
★Magalor★ DDD13Dia
Hi! My name's ★Magalor★! Pleasure to meet you! Be sure to check in with my temporary account, Nyan, as well! I'm a HUGE Kirby fan if you haven't noticed already. I also LOOOVVE to draw, especially Dedede as well as myself. ¦3 Other awesome artists? Check out Scarlet, Lola, and Shardas! Ok, I guess- Kirby! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? QUIT PLAYING WITH THE MASTER CROWN!! ¦3
Amelia Awesomekid218
Amelia here! -Random Shiz about me- · I love manga. · My favorite Anime is FullMetal Alchemist, with Death Note at a close second. (Yes, I am an Otaku) · I am an aspiring artist and author! · I own a Death Note. · I can speak and understand Japanese.
Asriel mathalot
NekoKing is my virtual bro some things I like *pokemon *undertale *sonic *etc. some other things Im 10 I hope you have a good day. Leave me here to DIE ALONE
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
carlos Krlos_83
‹/3 Zylo1996
Hi.I'm known as Z,Zeta, or Zylo and I like playing video games. Oh and one more thing: TAKE THAT!-Phoenix Wright. Please be respectful to others around you unless he or she began the spark to make the flame.I can be polite but don't be douchey. ^_^ I love using Ryu a lot along with Cloud,Mario,Falco,etc. (: √<3=Nonexistent.(Its not real for me relations wise.)
Escargon degesuzoy
Hi! I like Kirby (Escargon is my favorite character, he's from the anime ^^;;), Splatoon, and other games too! Add me for Splatoon matches/squid parties ^^;
matty eg teddybearfoods
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Roger RogerC
Hey everyone! Roger here, long time Nintendo gamer, started with GB Tetris when I was 3! Drop me a line!
Dς☆ Gimpy Hellhound562
to all my friends, thank you for being here, each and every one of you.. Rip Miiverse.. it was fun meeting you all here, we had a good run, i'll remember all the times we had here together, there were bad times, but we all still managed to stick together, as fellow nintendo fans
Kelvin darkacez
It's nearing the end..... Thanks for all the laughs and fun times Miiverse. There will never be another place like it. Love all you guys! Let's enjoy our final moments. "Don't be sad it's over, be glad that it happened"
Rheanna huggybear1234
Hi there everyone!!! :-) I like Kirby, Mario and Sonic! My favourite Pokeman is Lucario!
Anthony Tamaki_Damo
arianna Netflix0919
it's galex and this is my 2th account fallow my friends ok you can leave now do you want to have a bad time? if you made it this far you get a cookie
Part of me is going to miss this miserably failed attempt at a social network.
Not a very big...
Part of me is going to miss this miserably failed attempt at a social network.
Not a very big part of me, but part of me.