Ashley's Friends
Katie MaximusScrubLord
Bozo Bozo2200
Francis Smokingspoon
Mst3k fanatic. I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings. Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon. I'm a huge fan of Metroid, StarFox, LoZ, Mother & also Fzero (keeping it to Nintendo). I preferred M:OM over Prime, deal with it. Metroid 0,2,3,4 are my favorite.
Dixie TwiggyYoshi
I love anything Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, or Kirby. I am a Yoshi fan, in specific. If you ever see anyone wearing a Link outfit (sword & shield included) and piggybacking a friend down the street yelling, "Faster Epona, faster!!", there's a good chance that it's me. Feel free to check out some of my art! :) I've downloaded Art Academy; I'm having a blast! Accepting drawing requests!
Adam Dark_Visions
Under no circumstance do I WiiU Chat. <<<Insert amazingly witty profile comment here>>>
Zoso1701 Zoso1701
Parent, songwriter, teacher, sci-fi fan. Gaming in the morning. Before work. Regular voice on GamerParent's Magic Hour Podcast. I've been gaming since 1989. Mega Man (NES) is my favorite series, and I'm partial to survival horror and sci-fi genres.
Part of me is going to miss this miserably failed attempt at a social network.
Not a very big...
Part of me is going to miss this miserably failed attempt at a social network.
Not a very big part of me, but part of me.