goodbye all hope your hats tasty jules
Jules's Yeahs

It's been a pleasure people. By morning this ship will have sunk. Goodbye Miiverse, and admins, I hear venus flytraps give great head👌

🖕👉👈👌✌️🌵🍄🍆🍌🥕🥖🌭🍗🏐🏐🏀🏀⚽️⚽️⚾️⚾️🎾🎾🎱🎱🎤🌡💉🎈🎈There you go, plenty of suggestive imagery. Here’s one for good measure. - - - €====8

Hahaha, this thread is brilliant! What did i start? 😂 The last day of miiverse was brought to you today by the word fannies!
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scam...
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scamp, Dig Doug, Ron, James, Ryan Mushroom and Master lee. I'm still a top gaymer come join mii!