Jules's Followers
Mitch Hedgie10
Move along, nothing to see here...DO A BARREL ROLL! I love Zelda games, most classic N64 franchises, am an avid gamer, and love meeting all the amazing people out there in the world of gaming. I am very down to earth and would love to hear what's going on with everyone else! ¡Me encantan los videojuegos! May the Triforce guide you to greatness ▲ ▲ ▲ Oh, and one more thing... NO WIIU CHAT! NONE!
sinnie sirenstone
Hi! I'm a happily married adult gamer! I LOVE playing my 3DSs! I mostly play AC(NL&HHD) Maisie: SkyHaven Sinnie: H~Town 5D00-0015-44AD Like my life, my towns kinda haphazard *shrug* Also like Miiverse, Badges, Stretchmo, Puzzles & Pinball. I really just enjoy playing to ease my mind, laugh & have a good time! :·) Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid ~John 14:27 :·) «sinnie»
ISMEGA☆Tim 3DSgamerTim
Experience the ultimate challenge and creativity with my select remake level for Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars in this unique opportunity! Can you beat it before time is up?
vamp jones_ss
hi!! i'm vamp i haven't changed remember life is a game go play and if you get a switch please befriend me so we all can play.
SuperAngus coolgamer1108
hey! I have a Wii u too! my favourite game on the DS is pokemon rumble world! thanks to Ron for always yeahing me and being cool! Miiverse is closing...?!!!
matty cairnsroad
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Milos Game4wii
Goodbye Miiverse :'( Hello you Miiverse poster. I play Splatoon and other games. If you do, send me a request so we can play!! Did I mention I am also a YouTuber?
stephen 56squadron
I'm a Nintendo fan. I also like Lego, RPG's & stealth games. My other passion is books, favourite authors: Philip Kerr, Karen Maitland, George Orwell & Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Happy times & happy gaming.
clint hona_hona_2
Come on Nintendo, we need a new version of Wave race :-p ( zippy on VG chartz ) Im a huge Nintendo fan, i also own 3DS, Wii and GameCube. NINTENDOMINATION!!!! currently own over 50 Wii U games...and counting. The finest Nintendo consoles of them all!!!
Lordi coopertrooper
Hi everyone, my names Lordi! I'm 48 years young. Fav books: The Hobbit,The Green Mile Fav film: Shaun of the Dead Music : Alice Cooper, Nightwish, Iron Maiden I also have a 3ds,PS4 and Kindle e reader,love them all.. Never Too Old To Game
BatVinMan gyyhbcd
hey guys im 10,i live in NZ aka new zeland and i was born italy.ciao io sono 10 e vivo in nuova zelanda ed ero nato in italia.
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Craig neonSnowLeopard
Back up account for Craig (smaffie)
Welcome to my Miiverse Profile! I am all about gaming and art! I don't accept random friend requests, sorry. Thanks for stopping by.
Arthur harveyted
Greetings...I am Arthur! Long time gamer here! My favourit games are- Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, AC, Earthbound and many more! Out of them all, AC and Earthbound will always have the best place in my heart. I'm a M●ther4Team Member. Join the PKC pls! Rover is my all time favourite Game Charcter. My good friends on miiverse are Ron,Pete,Jules,Simon,James,Luke and David. Wii U- ARTHUR PKC Cya!
twig 8ricky8
hi everyone,i am a older user,over sixteen friends only please.have more games,than years two play them....no blank friend requests please...no wiiu video chat,only good friends...age 62......love steam trains and an arsenal fan...up the gunners....star sign libra...
Roger J.V Roger3Force
Hello ! I'm Rodrigo (Roger) I am 18 , and currently studying Computer - Science engineering. [Big nintendo gamer] PoKeMoN trainer/Fan, a Smash 4 Glorist , and also a hardcore Splatoon Fan (S rank) My Favorite franchise is The Legend of Zelda , I bow to it I feel a strong passion for Rpgs . Specially the FINAL FANTASY and Kingdom Hearts series, I'm also a Pro , Miku Project Diva player.
RYH.OscLOL benficaoscar2006
Hola la street sa va ou quoi ? Je m'appelle Oscar.Joaquin c mon prénom complet . J'ai 11ans , jsuis en 6ème et je réside en New-Aquitaine mgle !!! Jsuis celibataire, youtuber. J'ai la switch et Splatoon mais sa depuis 3mois ! Donc jte dis sisi la famille et a buenotot mgle !!!
TJ YearofLuigi4ever
I love Nintendo & have never owned a competing console but have played games on PC (I grew up with a Gamecube & a GBA) & I love my Wii U! FYI I don't do Wii U chat.
Sertes SertesNake
Hi, I'm a old avid gamer,been gaming for some 38 odd years ,first console was handmade by a relative who was a tv engineer. Love martial arts and run a website about the arts and the films. Quite a Sega fan ,love the Dreamcast ,i have six . Gaming is a chance to escape & I'm happy playing on the latest tech or a retro console. Don't forget to say hi if you see my posts.Thanks NO WiiU Chat.
мληδλ™ deelie813
My only reason for living is to tell youngins to stay off my lawn and eat prunes... AND I'M OUT OF PRUNES @–@
Paste AmethystGirl
-Formerly known as HappyEevee- I私は日本語と英語キーボードを持っています。 B) You jelly? あなたがいる場合は、外に出て。 I do not have the Wii U sorry plebs :p i hax
abdullah wiilets
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Ricky Lostbhoy
Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.... Marcus Brigstocke
matty tadybears
i like yoshi games cats miwo dogs woof this is made by admin crew
♪Lехıа~ HaydenX14
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mason mjfd33
Stephanie BedtimeBear01
SSJ Kalob bluePikachu22.me
Hey miiverse! About me: I like Anmies most, and life's been alright, so yh. I'm modest i suppose, and feel free to talk 2 me 'bout anything realy! Have a nice day!^_^ I play: 'mon: OR & Y & moon DBXV (PS3) DB fusions Smash: 3ds! I'm Kalob, AND I'M A SUPER SAYIAN! Hope u leave a follow! ^-^ P.s. My follower goal now:50 total followers now:36
LizardLips tyfinn
Luna sternchen03
Hey schön das ihr da seid Dann fangen wir gleich mal an. Name: Luna Alter: 13 Klasse : 7 Hobbys : Mit freunden treffen,singen,tanzen, splatoon spielen Lieblings youtuber: LPMarkus, Domtendo,made my day,Bibis beauty palace. Lieblingsessen: Käsespätzle. Beziehungsstatus: vergeben♥♡♥♡♥. Charakter: Selten nervend, verspielt, lustig, Achtung: Kein Wii U chat
Dad knbstone2
widowed dad to two really nice kids... graphic designer/artist avid cyclist illuminati confirmed 1 Wii, 2 WII Us, 1 SWITCH
LordSinner Kirus-Knight
This user's profile comment is private.
Opa OpaPan
I am retired. I have been playing on the Wii/Wii U since 2011. I have enjoyed many of the games. Enjoy all Lego games, Mario games, Zelda game, Sonic games and many others. Favorite game is Fantasy Life on 3DS. Only Wii Chat with grandkids.
demented jack666russell
older gamer....likes twiglets....called the old foggie....talk too me on FRIEND REQUESTS PLEASE........
Noah gingerbear7
game consoles I have wii u 2ds nintendo switch I like memes that are dead snowyjupiter is my roblox name I made a GREAT game I am 12 years old I am a HUUGE theorist I am a big fan of RGP games pokemon rules I still play pokemon go lvl 35 trainer Always watches "The Flash" The Earth Is Flat I asked jesus in my heart
Zeus Zeus81
Thanks for stopping by. ...why not stay a while? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿? !¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!¡!
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scam...
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scamp, Dig Doug, Ron, James, Ryan Mushroom and Master lee. I'm still a top gaymer come join mii!