DrZerp's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: mlgswagster420

Super Mario 64 DS


09/30/2016 10:31 AM

Now we are back to Running With Mario. Its just Mario running 24/7 365 until you die.

Super Mario 64 DS


09/30/2016 9:21 AM

Beware that Face will haunt your Dreams. Time to call the Mariobusters.

Super Mario 64 DS


09/30/2016 9:15 AM

Yoshi is now Flattend like a Pancake or in other words Yoshi is now envolved into Yoshi 2.0 He is now ready for Adventure.

Mario Kart 8


09/19/2016 9:37 AM

Not only does lakitu save your life but he also robs you in the process.

Star Fox 64


09/15/2016 4:18 AM

See ya later ship and i don't care if it cost's millions of dollars.

Star Fox 64


09/11/2016 8:06 AM

Will these guys ever get tired from running.