Users DrZerp Is Following
Rasmus rasmsboy
ĞΘŁDžσмβîε★ kinga1
i love all the player and people in the game and everbody in the world everbody is friend and family to me :3
Chan NordicWiiU7
Welcome to my Profile! Today is the Final day of Miiverse. I know you had enjoy my profile of Tails for long time. My posts remaning for today: 4 Comment: Wait until my final drawing will be soon. I am the leader of Tails fan. I dislike Sonic. (Sorry) I am doing a Team Tails gets some Top Ranks. Difficulty:★★★★★ Online: O Offline: Age: 15 I spoke: English & French
vishichalu victorkenzowatab
end miiverse se o miiverse ainda esistir digo que foi bom ter a experiencia não tirem o miiverse porfavor eu sei que provavelmente o adm do miiverse não verão esse comentario mas nem tudo e do jeito do que ajente quer não sei porque mas pelomenos acho que vão colocar outro aplicativo enves do miiverse então essas são minhas últimas palavras no miiverse eu sei que e triste e eu sei que e triste /:
Aaminah123 Aaminah-Hafsa
Hi guys, be nice to eachother and no bullying plese and i am 10 now by the way and be nice have fun dont be mean take cear of echother and i will be watching you guys if you are fititing so have fun bye
cjfavela09 cjfavela09
hi guys im cjfavela known as cjfavela09 more super mairo marker levels soon!
wee al weealix
hi i play lots of games like minecraft and wii sports club
SK☆みつこ#もんが yuiakilove2
顔ポチされてとても顔が痛かったので病院に行って来ます。 私が帰って来る頃には皆死んじゃっているでしょう!! 誰もいない世界を楽しみにしています タラタラしてんじゃね~よが今家に箱であります。っあついさっき完売しました。 欲しい人はギターで自分を殴りつけてから来てください.私は小学生の頃眼球にヨーグルトが吹っ飛んできて頭がおかしくなりました...でもこの紹介文はおかしくないですよね?そこのおかしいと思った君.明日の朝ブロッコリーの塩漬けにします. ということで納豆が食べたいです。 はい。あ、フレリクいいけど条件があります。 1、髪の毛を洗っている人で。 2、理由を書くこと。 3、カラクリ人形にヨーグルトをかける自信がある人 それ以外はフレリクNO× 日本語が通じない人はマヨネーズに。 はい。終わり。うん。ぐっバーい。 ななななさけないゆわそ情けない.お前何かこの世にいらない♪わ・か・る・?
Spo★ky vvgffh
hi everyone my new name is frankie so plz call meh frankie or vv i love to play mincraft with my friends stitch,cristian, and i think thats it. oh and everyone kicks meh but my friend stitch and cristian lolol there my best friends they give me good storys to tell!
Net very_worthy
Nikky Nikky06
Tomas Tdop123
Hello there :)
★Oмgρσρ 1337ggs
I go by Omgpop
みかくにんせいぶつ# 0ttr5qag
Concon Concon85334
Moved to Nintendo Switch.
killzer626 Kilianlel
I love zelda pokemon mario terraria and more play with me if u like
sascha SAS987
Heloki I speak both english and dutch. my native language is dutch but I'm good at english too. (and un peu français) I love RPG`s, (especially xenoblade and etrian oddysey) but i play other genre`s too. (NO random friend requests/follows sil vous plaît) i also have a second account for my new 3DS (yes, i'm still using my 'old' 3DS) other acount NNID: 777SAS777
Azzie Arvilino
Sascha awesomeface42
Hey there, I'm Sascha, but you knew that already. My posts mostly consist of tips for games and drawings. Even though I'll be posting mostly in English, you can also speak to me in Deutsch, wenn ihr das bevorzugt. ;D My favourite games are the Mario RPG-games: The Paper Mario-series and the Mario & Luigi games, though I do also enjoy platformers since my first game was Super Mario Bros.
☆エモンガ★♪! PokePlat4
Thanks for checking my profile to see my final drawings on Miiverse! Yet to draw: Nothing If you want to follow me and see my drawings after Miiverse closes, friend me on Wii U and ask me there to find out how! Feel free to chat in the comments of any of my recent drawings. Follows are welcome and yeah-bombs are appreciated! Arigatou everyone, see you! Joined Miiverse on: Jan 11th, 2014
Coops coopcohen
Hi everybody! Lots of things i'd say but most things break the miiverse code of conduct but i hope you have a nice day!
8itmap_k1d 8itmap_k1d
Heroes unite!
Ashley...? ashleyfluffycat
Hi my name is Ashley Im 20 years old Im from Puerto Rico I Like Pokemon,Animal Crossing, Mario Maker,etc. I hate spiders. I love my friends and family. I love anime. I love ghibli. I love chinese food. I love my life Now you know 10 things about me! ;) ps.I do not use wii u chat
Ed Sheeran jammerpa
(NL) Hoi ik ben jammerpa en het liefst speel ik minecraft Wii u. Als je minecraft speelt volg mij dan en misschien volg ik jou dan ook en komen we elkaar misschien tegen in minecraft! Thanks for the 100 followers! (Uk) Hello i am jammerpa. I prefer to play minecraft Wii u edition. If you play minecraft then follow me and maybe so i follow you and maybe we'll meet in minecraft!
onken kasajizou2468
はーーもう9月か早いなーw あっ 自己紹介をしなきゃ 性別 男 好きな食べ物 ハンバーグ 好きな果物 メロン 簡単に説明するとこれくらいかな これからもよろしくー セットでフレンドの方もよろしくーw 2017/9/14
Arian8,1 MOS420.avi
Yes its me Arian Kordi. I'm not MOS420, just calling it that for fun. Why not follow him. Where are my followers?
Noel★Mc Fabian2571
justin justinjames7
i love LEGO,S
Camille camilla003
cc je m apelles Camille et j ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème
mikey harsofia
hi there my name is mikey im 11 i love fifa and mk8 and mario and luigi thank you so much for the 550 + followers have a nice day see ya !
Seany Sonicnang
Yo, im sean i like 2 play games my favourite top 3 r; SSB4,AC and TL. i mostly make contests 4 ppl i think miiverse is the best place!
Sadie! rymiller
Hi guys I am back. I broke the disc, but i got a new one so now I am back and that is a yay! I am 8 old I am turning 9 really soon and also my birthday is August 19, 2008 and my name is Hannah and I love to tell storys about the drama kid to you guys ok that was alout of writing I think I will be done now by thanks for your support once again thank you and by!
chris anarchy13c
Ali-A TheRealAli-A2
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Just a happy girl playing on her WII U!
samantha SamKaepora
Chris gym0630
Hello, my name is Chris. I'm a Nintendo and anime geek. My favorite thing to do is play piano :)
morenoli dinotru2
hallo ich bin 10 jahre alt 22.3. 2006 geboren mag minecraft und splatoon, freundesanfragen sind erwünscht deutsch sprechende bevorzugt. junge.(Ich habe eine Wii U und eine Nintendo Switch) freue mich auf dich !!!!!!!!!!!!! Zweites Mii von Morenoli. ( dinot...
This is my alt account. I'm a guy who's an expert retro gamer since '96, a serious Brony, old car enthusiast, and I ♥ cute things. Look in my main for more info. Little x Fluttershy/Princess Cadence forever ♥. Because MV is about to die, my MLP meets the General Lee comic is sadly skipped to the ending wedding scenes to finish it ASAP. I'm very sorry, fans. Thank you all for supporting me. :'(
R.I.P Miiverse we will miss you
[insert tears here]
R.I.P Miiverse we will miss you
[insert tears here]
and knuckles