Mya's Followers
I love mario games and I especially like super mario maker. I love to draw and play video games. I also like to code games. I like super mario maker because it is creative. [i like creator games] [I also like RPG games] i love racing games paper mario colour splash is cool because of the paint bucket. [100 MARIO CHALLENGE IS COOL] racing games are great + cool racing games are outstanding.
KawaiPokéX thebreeze346
Hello Miiverse, My name is Sally,I'm a HUGE fan of Pokemon,Adventure time,Minecraft,ROBLOX + More! Can we hit that goal of 100 followers? I'll follow as much as you guys as I can,plus Follow me= Free follow from me!
Silver SilDicap
EmmieNae97 erh160
The name's Em, and I love the new Super Smash Bros. game for the 3ds! :D
gabe gabethegamer1234
ΣΨRockruff OliviaWysynski
I'm Liv/ Rockruff I love Undertale Warrior cats and Pokémon I'm apart of Clan blue moon and Eclipse I'm looking forward to Ultramoon. I'm also leader of clan Ready Rockruff i'm buying pokemon Ultramoon of which i already preordered meaning i'll get lycanroc dusk form favorite band unknown favorite pokemon: Rockruff I'm looking for a Shiny alolan Vulpix and shiny Rockruff please follow
◆røi zebru SeigneurSkull
salut c est clément j'ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème j'aime les console jeux vidéo les dinosaure les animaux les véicules je voudrais avoir maximum 30 amis et objectif 480 abonnés je fait parti des teem ◆ et røi (la miene) gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★☆☆☆( sauf si on m énerve ) humour☆☆☆☆☆ pasian★★★☆☆ intelligence★★★★★ amitié★★★★☆ bizare★☆☆☆☆ drôle★☆☆☆☆ stupide★★☆☆☆ voilà vous savez tout sur moi
Balmori HeroOfSplat
~~~Welcome To my Profile!~~~~ Thank you for 710 Followers! It means a lot! :) Description: 1 More day for Miiverse to end! - I hope you have a great day! :) Goodbye Miiverse T.T
shato seke shadow-seek
Juliet :3 JulietDelgado
my favorite stuff : game grumps : markiplier : jacksepticeye : pewdiepie : pizza : video games : horror movies : viva la bam : hollywood undead : system of a down : korn : slipknot : creepypasta : voltron : attack on titan : egoraptor : anime : audioslave : amarican horror story : adult swim : south park : five nights at freddys : undertale : pokemon : Edds World : bendy and the ink machine
DS★Carlos sunnysofi
Hello everyone im actually pretty new to Wii U so if you would like to be my friend go right ahead but I Will Not Freind People that either say bad words or a bunch of bad WORDS! Ok One More Thing Please Follow Me! One Last Thing! If You Think I'm A Girl I'm Actually A Boy! Bye!!!!!
TRB★David cocodrilo888
Wasup guys It's a me David Name: David Age: 11 Birthday 08/07/2006 Favorite Games: Minecraft, Smash Bros. Yoshi's Wooly World Friends: sunnysofi, dadrobert, kianqureshi, cocodrilo800 So that's about it. See ya. P.S, Let's try to hit 50 followers till, (*sniff*) Miiverse ends, Thx, P.S cocodrilo800 is my younger brother Are u still reading dis?
Angel Cat AngelKittyCat
Thanks for poking my face Hello! You can call me Angel Cat, Angel, or Cat! What do like? Well, I like reading, writing, cats, drawing, and video games (and other stuff I'm just listing a few). Fandoms: Undertale, BatIM, furry fandom, Vocaloid, Camp Camp (In other words I'm what some people call "cringe".)
mike tommygun6789
hi my favorite games are miitopia and tomodachi life
bribri bribri506
ouch! thanks for giving me a black eye now that you tapped my face, but i forgive you. anywho, welcome to my profile. im bribri i have wii wiiu and 3ds [ my 3ds user is in my followers ]. the things i love are: puppies games anime and i like cute stuff also I'm a big dork i luv bts [ what has japan done to me ] dont judge my KAWAIINESS :3
おちゃ(òωó)» shouko0131
[]~*・~顔ポチしてくれた方に感謝~・*~[] ~*・[]そしてフォロワーの皆様にも感謝[]・*~ おちゃんとこ遊び来てくれてあんがと *#・~お茶だよ~・#* ー♭#・~自己紹介~・#♭ー お茶のLoveなもの ハムスター♪ お肉♪ ヵr((やめておきます ボカロ♪♪ アニメ、東方が好きだよ♪ []~[]#*・その他・#[]~[] フォロー...絶対かえす リア友...ヨハネ★ホタル ★フラス★ ウォルフ えごころん 皆いいやつ★☆ ミバ友募集してるよ ~・#☆~ミバ友様☆#・~ Ally*カルマ様、☆YUUKI★様、りさ様、りみ様、あず様、ナドナド 最後まで見てくれて◇アートン◆
alex Aceblaziken63
★Karlos★ charlie280980
hi i'm Carlos, i like talking to friends from other contreys in this world i'm friendly and i love playing video games i have other cainds of video games i have a wiiu, nintendo wii, playstation2, nintendo64, i like playing with them but they are to old and delicate to play with them and i'm the game master king of the world and i love to play all video games in the world and i'm a game master
Bella JBellJBell
Ello! I'm just someone with a sence of humor... ~JBell
creper boy markf5998
Plz follow me I love miiverse If it comes to a End I will be so sad.I love when people send a frend request.when I first moved in I got like 46 frend requests.-:> I'm sorry if I let u down not much peps like me so can you send frend request.Don't read on!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm an unwanted.
jaden jadendelcid2007
hi im nine
スラリン♪ tsubaki74
おはこんにちばんは!!いつもフォローありがとうございます♪ミバたのしいですね!毎日のフォローまっています! よ ろ し く お 願 い し ま す! ~DS~ ・ニンテンドックス ・すみっこぐらし(お店みせをはじめるんです) .妖怪ウォッチ .トモコレ .ピカピカナースものがたり .ルーンファクトリー4 ~wiiu~ ・マイクラ ・マリオカート8 ・スマッシュブラザーズ ・スプラトゥーン 毎日、4時~5時や8時~9時ぐらいにやってます。よろ~!(・∀・) あと…コメントは、いろいろどうぞ!フォローは、ぜひどうぞ~~!
Rin puppies728
Hi! If you don't know me, here are 7 facts about me: 1. My real name is Arianna. 2. My favorite game is Pokemon Sun, although I'm a girl. 3. My favorite food is pancakes. 4. My favorite color is cyan. 5. My hobby is being a fashionista. 6. Dogs or Cats? I choose dogs! 7. My favorite Pokemon is Steenee (the evolved form of Bounsweet.)
Jayden JEV815
i am 10 years old I play Splatoon,Splatoon 2,paper mario color splash and mincraft.
あきら hamasaki2105
^•^αιεχ^•^ beba2594
Hello my name is Alexandra:(: You can call me alex !! Battle on splatoon? Add me as friends!:) Follow me!! Add me on sc !! (If u added me please let me know so i know who u are^_^ btw go on friends and my sc username will be there) Lets start a streak on sc ! Well bye !! :)♡
Kids Mikal-Payge
Hello everybody I was born in dallas texas and i love nachos . my favorite fruit is pineapples. I love the song hide away by daya !!!! I love daya !!! my favorite game is minecraft creative. l also follow my followers !!!
hombre bajabah
Thor letsplaygaming1
źθźθ ¤‡†⇔⇒ MOMISTHEBESTt
if you knows ones piece then we can be friends ( 0 _ 0 )
Clausмς Adt1050
Stay weird 'cause only the weird ones make it *Update* changed my name from "ClausTCB" to "Clausмς" ↓ the Super Awesomes ↓ ★ ηiqμε ★ Nintenerd Stephine βreηdα.D ↓ Ultimate Super Awesome ↓ to be determined
princess pilialoha1
hi everyone i,m sadie i love my sis and my mom i'm 14 i love descendants 2 i love china anne mcClain and booboo stewart i love to sing and i love wiiuchat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LUCAS AND MRACUS FYI Jake paulers help jake get thu with he troubles he is not bad
octa carolinayfamilia
Moose Moose4217
Kay katertotsmcg
Sadly, miiverse is ending and nintendo is stupid for doing it but you can still follow me on @constilationcosplay, there I will post gameplays, cosplays and more also I will make one last post one hour before miiverse dies so check that out Thank you for your time, Star
мрαηδα glxypanda
Welp mv i ded bye!
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
cris^ω^ 8417cris
ноlа şeguidme γ γσ les seguire γ les mσlα еп тоdаs sus publicaciónes ^ω^ ●ω● ☆ω☆ ›_‹
yss yss93160noisy
Salut tout le monde et bienvenue sur mon profil Miiverse,je m'appelle Youness ,j'ai 14 ans,je suis un fana de jeux 3ds comme POKEMON, SUPER SMASH BROS,MARIO, TRANSFORMERS,KIRBY Je suis un fan de manga comme Dragon Ball Z,One Piece★Abonne-toi à mon compte,et je m'abonnerai au tien★You subscribe to my account and I will subscribe to your★In addition,It will make me great fun<3TracedBackAndFollowMe
Hi. The names Mya, or you can call me Mya Papaya. A few things I am proud of in my life are my Pi...
Hi. The names Mya, or you can call me Mya Papaya. A few things I am proud of in my life are my Pinball/arcade in my basement at my dad's house. He has 13 arcades, or more. And he just bought a typewriter that was made in 1927 for $30! You can find those online for $575.
I am 11 years old.
Favorite movie: A Dog's purpose
I want to be a photographer or archeologist.
Favorite show: The Simpsons