Users Mya Is Following
EmmieNae97 erh160
The name's Em, and I love the new Super Smash Bros. game for the 3ds! :D
" smuck... smuck... smuck... "
LadyZorua☆ 100-Fluffy-cats
Hello! ^·^ I don't know what to say... D: I think I'm going to explode. But before I explode, I would just like to say.... Do a dance! \^.^ \ l 'w' l / :D/
TRB★David cocodrilo888
Wasup guys It's a me David Name: David Age: 11 Birthday 08/07/2006 Favorite Games: Minecraft, Smash Bros. Yoshi's Wooly World Friends: sunnysofi, dadrobert, kianqureshi, cocodrilo800 So that's about it. See ya. P.S, Let's try to hit 50 followers till, (*sniff*) Miiverse ends, Thx, P.S cocodrilo800 is my younger brother Are u still reading dis?
Nillei Sairaiment
Since the end date has been set, there isn't really any point to keeping this account separate from my main one. Feel free to check out the art over at Soltai (niveanoctis).
Angel Cat AngelKittyCat
Thanks for poking my face Hello! You can call me Angel Cat, Angel, or Cat! What do like? Well, I like reading, writing, cats, drawing, and video games (and other stuff I'm just listing a few). Fandoms: Undertale, BatIM, furry fandom, Vocaloid, Camp Camp (In other words I'm what some people call "cringe".)
Brittkitt Kittenfish30
Hi! Welcome to my Smash photography! I love to post Smash pics just for fun and some other games as well. Also, don't be surprised to see a lot of my main/amiibo, Ike. (He acts like he's the star of the show XD) I'll also be doing some drawings from time to time, mostly Pokémon drawings (I don't do drawing requests). So feel free to enjoy and have fun as well! ^ω^ I don't do friend requests.
jaden jadendelcid2007
hi im nine
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Jayden JEV815
i am 10 years old I play Splatoon,Splatoon 2,paper mario color splash and mincraft.
Gucci Girl piggylegs
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Isabella Kitty_1288
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hombre bajabah
Lou crazyfordaisy09
Hi! I'm Lou! I Love the Super Mario series and I'm CRAZY FOR PRINCESS DAISY! I also really enjoy the game Fire Emblem Awakening and find myself posting a bit on it :3 I hope you like what you see! :D DAISY FOR SMASH!!!! >:D (Hey. A kid can dream, right? :P) crazyfordaisy09 NintendoKiddo64 Lou Goodbye, everyone. May we all meet again someday.
Anasztazia trapworld
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
SadKat luvuroland
*starts to mumble* Hhelllo everyone... I am SadKat. I will never be happy again ;-; Is there a reason why I'm sad? Yes, there is. Miiverse is shutting down in November. It's been fun talking here with all of you! Farewell, friends and followers :( *starts bawling* GOOOODBYE! CRI!
izzy izzyg2005
Hi, i'm Isabel, but you can call me Izzy! I have a niece who is 1 year 3 months younger than me. I am 12 years old. My niece's name is Mya, I don't have a Wii U, so I will only be commenting back to you on my computer. I accaisionally will make Super Mario Maker levels on Mya's Wii U. I hope you all will like my levels and I'm sure they'll get better as I go! go follow mya, her name is mya papaya
♂Genbento♀ Genbento
Hi everynyan~ Nice to meet you~★ ☆I love many games but, that's not all! ☆I also love to draw! ☆I love Japan!! For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
я¢мMáveo83 Kristopher888
Otaku! Love drawing! (I don't accept drawing requests) Favorite characters from Mario; Yoshi, Daisy, and Toadette! (My cover says it all) Enjoys playing MK8 and Splatoon (2) Online! Wanna chat it up with me? Ďįşćőŕď... Maveo83#8160
W★H●Isaac barrkids
Favorite character: Rayquaza. Favorite game: SSB4. SSB4 main: Yoshi. SSB4 DLC: Mewtwo, Cloud, and Ryu. My Fidget Spinner pattern: Watermelon/Green and red. Favorite company: Nintendo.
ŁīłγснчØ-Ø kittygirlfnaf08
. . .īм тне меме маςтея *ģłīτснеς теггīыу* гīр мįįνегςе ī ģчеςς уоч шīłł ве мīςςеď īм ςтауīпģ тīłł тне епď ву тне шау... The Meme Master: ŁīłγснчØ-Ø ~ A glitching master of memes, only is glitching because of the end of Miiverse, will be fixed if found a cringy, memey site to post and say memes on.
Mya papaya myar2006
Hi! I'm mya! I'm 10. I have a 3ds, Wii U, and more. I have played Super Mario games since I was 2 years old. My dad even has an arcade in his basement! My room is also decorated with lots of Super Maro Bros stuff, so I hope that can give you an idea of how much I love Nintendo. I play Tomodatchi Life, Super Mario Maker, Nintendogs plus cats, Yoshi's New Island, Yoshi's Wooly World, and More.
karel karelbethune
Hi , I 'm Karel 'm 12 years I do I want to be one of the best makers of Mario maker like to make new friends miiverse and welcome to my profile
bribri bribri506
ouch! thanks for giving me a black eye now that you tapped my face, but i forgive you. anywho, welcome to my profile. im bribri i have wii wiiu and 3ds [ my 3ds user is in my followers ]. the things i love are: puppies games anime and i like cute stuff also I'm a big dork i luv bts [ what has japan done to me ] dont judge my KAWAIINESS :3
★J.Sāvăġě★ J-dogIsARealDog
Hey Guys I'm Jesse Saunders But You Can Call Me J-dog I'm Really Excited To Share My Post About Tomodachi Life With You! Sincerely, Jesse Saunders (J-dog)
kdawg KDawg1978
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amneet AmCookie
hello! welcome to my profile. Do you like Tomodachi Life?
HappyMii HappyMiinumber12
Hoi everyone my name is HappyMii and i am the happiest mii in miieverse!!! im not that like person but i want to get to 100 followers! so plz help me reach my goal. so like or follow (but dont u dar friend me ) my likes: age:no not telling u color:blue Games:ZELDA,splatoon,sonic,mario,eh consle:wiiu,ps3,(ps4?)and a SEGA GENISIS!!! plz comment on what i missed plz Bye happymiis! See GOJIRA!
♪Pinkitty♪ facemen3535
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››—kdean—› NeeshaBeesha
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BMH15 BamBamXL
Name: Brandon Hunter Nickname: BMH15 Favorite Games: Mario party island tour, Mario & Luigi Dream Team,Tomodachi life, Super Smash Bros. Age: 15 Music: Metal, Nu metal, Heavy Metal ,Classic Metal Classic Hip Hop, Little bit of new generation Rap which is todays Rap, And a Lil bit Y2K Pop.
AnimeLover Frozengirlanna
Hi I'm AnimeLover, I hope you enjoy my posts and soon follow me! Things I enjoy, 1. Anime 2. Sailor Moon 3. Pretty cure/Precure 4. Fairy tail the anime 5. Video games 6. meeting new friends 7.Sword Art Online 8.Tokyo mew mew 9.Fire Emblem 10.Nightcore music I hope I will meet many new friends and followers. Well enough about me let's get to know you! :з
bribri brially
hello miverse i'm brianna bribri is for short my favorite games is super mario maker and just dance 2016 I am 10 years old and I have a wii and wii u and a 3ds. sometimes I will give messages or tips to help people out and if you help me when I get stuck you will get a follow from me bri. i wanna be a rock star. im part of the mario fan club
Hi. The names Mya, or you can call me Mya Papaya. A few things I am proud of in my life are my Pi...
Hi. The names Mya, or you can call me Mya Papaya. A few things I am proud of in my life are my Pinball/arcade in my basement at my dad's house. He has 13 arcades, or more. And he just bought a typewriter that was made in 1927 for $30! You can find those online for $575.
I am 11 years old.
Favorite movie: A Dog's purpose
I want to be a photographer or archeologist.
Favorite show: The Simpsons