Nathan's Yeahs

New Super Luigi U Community


08/10/2017 5:13 PM

heat in my open discussion

Comment on Nathan's Post


08/06/2017 3:53 PM

missingno's number is 0

Comment on Nathan's Post


08/06/2017 2:50 PM

is 152 missing no. ?

In-Game Pokémon Art Academy Community


07/25/2017 4:53 AM

【突発的らくがき場w】  今日から4日間くらい、断続的にやっていく予定ですw

El Salvador Club


07/25/2017 6:32 AM

What is the glasses squad? My mii has glasses on xD glasses squad community

New Super Luigi U Community


07/25/2017 8:58 AM


In-Game Mario Kart 8 Community


07/25/2017 9:39 AM

I got 2 minutes and 3 seconds in Sweet Sweet Canyon! Can anyone beat my time?

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker

Riley W

07/14/2017 12:32 PM

Yep, I just released the Factory Highway-4 Preview! Go ahead and Play through it, and make sure to leave feedback so the full version can be released in the best quality we can get it!

Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/14/2017 2:00 PM

Happy Birthday Joanna! Hope you have a wonderful day! And I got you a Smash Bros. Hoodie for you!

Play Journal Entries Mario Kart 8


07/14/2017 11:13 AM

Here's another Update about what's going on with my life. I just got back from the Prom and my mum came out of the Hospital yesterday and her Hand is still hurting but her hand will be back next week.

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


07/08/2017 3:31 PM

Open Closed

Wii, 3DS et Wii U

Quelle est votre jeux préféré sur la Wii, la 3DS et la Wii U ?

New Super Luigi U Community


07/08/2017 1:39 PM

First 5 comments get a follow 5 after gets a yeah bomb

New Super Luigi U Community


07/08/2017 1:48 PM

↓↓↓Needs to follow me ↑↑↑Hello above

New Super Luigi U Community


07/08/2017 1:51 PM

If everyone who yeahs and comments on this post follows me.Shrek will be real

New Super Luigi U Community


07/08/2017 1:57 PM


New Super Luigi U Community


07/08/2017 2:03 PM

I phoned the Boss Baby he answerd OMG!!!

New Super Luigi U Community


07/08/2017 2:10 PM

I miss the user big D

Comment on Nathan's Post


06/29/2017 12:52 PM

people just give random friend requests