Users Nathan Is Following
Rippeя12 GoodMKJack
I'm only active on weekends. Going inactive. Let me know if you play Wiimmfi or CTGP-R on MKWii! My clans: я¢м ¢ğς мк¢ P.S. I only yeah things that I think are funny/weird. Check them frequently! :) Please click fav. post.
EL☆Brayden braydenbwiz
I am part of the EL★ clan. So if you want to join the EL clan, notify EL★Ephraim. I play awesome games like Mario Kart 8 and New Super Mario Bros. U! This Social Media is shutting down tonight! Please keep this social media up Nintendo! Few Facts about me: •I am autistic •My favorite video game character is Mario •My favorite color is orange •I am in 6th Grade •I do not do Wii U Chat
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
[ΣΨ]Gamex TheSmashinggamex
hoi i am beast im canadian born 9/11/???? age: questions remain unawnserd i like chezburgers and my oc now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oc: Name:Frost Age:16 Personality: Nice, Quite, Strong, Cowardish and A Nerd Relatives: None yet abillaty (if fantasy ice powers o.o) That My Oc -- Freinds To Check Out Kyledc1121 AngestyBlaze ☆saniyah☆! And Now I Have A Lucario.
Xiao xiao26
Quacker 2 Whoisthatmemurry
Quacker's Ds mii
†TCC★dash† Legitheroman207
Hi i'm Dash im just your average 13 year old i like to play mario maker and play in mario maker tournaments i also create mario maker tournaments shoutout for david and wesely they have helped me out alot out of posts? no co-leader of tcc member of 3mm and TRON alts: Dashalt (dashalt) i also host Mk8 rooms at 7:00 pm EST on saturdays and sundays im †saved† -The meme king
James animalracer
Hi! My Name Is James And I Love Sports And Mario Games Especially Super Mario Maker. I'm a Beginner In Gaming (Despite My Profile). I Am Ok At Mario Kart 8 I've Got 9.3K vr. I Sometimes Won't Be On Miiverse (Probably Playing Football/Soccer). I Just Love Puppies Aswell!If You Follow Me I Follow You. Rules. 1. NO Bu11ying! 2.NO St@r Begging/St@r Exchanges. Dats All From Me,Have A Fantastic Day
LeeShiNo-' FUOCK1
I live in 12 Saint-Tô in England. F u c k you! i dont care if i be banned!!
mr j mr.j66
i play video games
✏GLƒDNX 1q121q
hello im david a kid.. my games i play are toad treasure tracker lego batman sonic all star transformed well you probably know mario kart 8 mostly super mario bros wii U amiibos 8 GLF leader☎ feel free to be so whatever anyreason your here for on my profile feel free to be so and owyeah i forgot maddy♥♪ visit her profile one,s ID bunbuniscute
Chu - eh mychuyur
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess what?..I DON'T swear! Back up Profile is Chuy 2 . And Sister's is: Derpsarecool [ashley]. Don't friend Request me when I have a HUNDRED friends, Just Please!.. Don't do it in that Day! Also I accept Random Friend Requests. - I Do Wii U Chat! - I'm not online very OFTEN! Well.. daz it! Bye:3!
Ordi Y2Ordi
Nin◆Paddy† PaddyE
Hoy I'm Paedric! Me: Christian Male I'm 14 and 6"1 Clans: Leader of the StopTommy Clan Nin◆ Peeps to Follow: Ed™ (Edward_Wetter) Jess (coolspike80) Kong (Skyrocket712) Noah (NV63NV) Clarence (Tinyboy1997) Winnie (PikachooGal) Zom (phonatgeodeZom) Elzonire (TheWindMage) Noelle (lego_lover96) Diamond (landmarkchurch2) Ray (rayolinels) Maguire (Mcgreen554) Megan (Giant.Squirrels) #ThankYouClarence
★AToMic1☆ newclearfreek27
I like old games, new games, and new games that look and play like old games. ha NES-Wii U. When I'm not home, which is a lot, I am on my 3DS XL. Funny to use video game devices for so much more than video games now. Pictures, music, internet, movies, ect. I'm on here almost every day, so please add both of my Miiverse profiles so we can game it up together + Rock ouT! =) 3DS profile= xAToMic1x
Zane MarioMVP
Hi there! I'm a huge Nintendo fan! Miiverse is shutting down so I will no longer post anything. Thank you Nintendo for trying this innovative idea.
Baby Daisy batman5050
Hey Its Baby Daisy I Play Lots Of Mario Games And Minecraft And Im Also The Leader Of Daisy Worlds (DW) Which Is A Building Team On Minecraft And I Plan On Becoming A Video Game Collector Now Consoles I Have WiiU 3DS Switch NES Games That DW Is On Mario Kart 8 Minecraft: Wii U Edition DW Members jack Baby Rosalina CHRIS phinstar markus Kris Aqua Toad (All The Toads Use That Account)
Hugo(^ω^) Hugaurelie
Hi. I'm Hugo I play Splat1 and Splat2, M&L patners in the time. Bro=JustGott♥♥♥ GirlFriend=LiviaLol Best friend: (Wii u) Chanti Paloma Sheuly Ludivine R&y★Lemon♪ NG Shy max Michael etc... Best friend: (Switch) Maeva JustGott♥ Delta(^o^) Poké Patou Aip☆Eli13 Julian Kitty and Jelly Super Alex Danya Sheuly Dylan I play Switch and WiiU. Bye
WAZZUP, IT'S YA BOI RIDLEY U! I'm just a goofy whatchamacallit that does things! (Insert Life Story here) Most of my time here is spent on SMM (Super Mario Maker)! In SMM I'm Working on many Projects! Go check 'em out! Closed: YaBoiRiley Light S W I T C H: 4 8 9 0 1 1 5 8 9 8 9 7 I'll never forget you guys... Farewell... -Riley The Native Weird Thing
★λlεχ★ alexw03
Official Leukemia Survivor of 2016 Sup! The name's Alex. I'm 14 years old. I am a professional speedrunner and completionist that loves to be competitive. I may be a youngster, but I'll blow you away with my skill. Best Wii U achievements: MK8 - dBP: 1:03.221 (Former 4th American and 7th Worldwide) DKC:Tropical Freeze - 5-B: 52.29 (WR) SMM - Toadette: Treasure Tracker WR (1,159,000 clears)
SR|Eмilia ShadowLiink
Hi. My name is Emilia, I'm just another person who enjoys wasting time playing video games for children. I especially like the series of TLoZ, Mario & Sonic, but generally play anything Nintendo related. I currently reside in Denmark where I study mathematics and software engineering. Other interests include music, cartoons, movies, sports & sleeping. Eng/Esp MK8: dBP: 5th EU BC: 8th EU 74K VR
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
Doggy Dan DingleDan86
Hello everyone, and welcome! My original profile name is DingleDan86. I am 31 years of age and have been a long time cartoon enthusiast. I like to draw things (mostly animals, anthro, demons, dragons, unicorns, and other stuff) that I find interesting. Feel free to check out my artwork posts, if you like.
Papa PapaD00m
Let'sa go!
SlipStream AE4WiiU
Hi. The name is SlipStream or Eric if you like. 18 yo. MK8 racer and SMM level creator. ~Facts~ •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245WW. •44K stars and over 22K different WRs "2nd in the world" in SMM. •Taken by the most beautiful woman ♥Joanna♥ •I love to play basketball and just chill with everyone. •Extremely friendly. Always willing to chat. •DC - SlipStream#7767
Jordan jordan.oh4
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
NLM★Gleπ★ Supr_G
Hi im Glen Medrano. Im a 15 year old teen who loves Mario. Im an Experienced Maker in SMM. I have 9400★'s. [Lets see if I can get 10,000 by the end of the year.] Im also a Big Sonic fan! "Way past cool!" Miiverse ends in 6 hours. Goodbye guys! I will miss you all. Been using Miiverse since January 1st, 2016-November 8, 2017. Im president and leader of a clan NLM (Next Level Makers)
яƒ•quiny quinten9
hey my name is Quinten I am 12year old and i love gaming I like game since i was 5 And i started Five years ago to play with race and i've become good at I Have 99999race points with mario kart 8 The most you can get and I am also once almost the youngest of the world that he has achieved, I could hardly believe it's true and if you like my game activitiesfollow me this day bye, have a good day.
Saauna saauna
Im saauna and videogames is a daily part of my life. I love watching anime, such as Naruto or Welcome to the NHK I'm Christian and My dream is to become a concept artist. wii u chat is always acceptable. oh and if you follow me you could follow my great friends: mon mon judah Noah. out of post () free to post(*) #AFC!^^
#Animals ANIMALOVER115
This user's profile comment is private.
ςнσ¢кщдνε★ MARIOYEH
Welcome to the remains of Wave's Miiverse. If you read this I am no longer on the site or responding to last comments. THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE! Games I play are Mario Kart 8, (7.5k RVR) 7, (6k RVR) and Wii, (7000 vr) Splatoon (B+Rank) and Mario Maker on Wii U (4 medals) My dream job is music mixing and developing. I also like playing music!
1rZeldista cucarrazo81
hola gente de miiverse soy Zeldista bueno tambien me gusta black ops 2,mejores amigos(que aparte van a mi colegio menos una):Brian,Jordi_Nico,Ivan,Sergio,Filo(aunque aveces sela meta en propia puerta en el cole),Alex,victor,Marta379,2 Alejandro,pablo y e inventado una cancion es the legend of zelda breath of the wild es un juegazo lo vas a fliparyoloprove meilusioneyunbuenvizioyomepegue
Phil kmlones
Hi everyone! My (user)name is Phil and I am extremely good at the Minecraft Tumble Minigame! I don't have many friends but they are good friends. Check them out for me ok? Here's the deal: I don't use any game chat now. Except on AE7Bowser's games that is. No Wii U Chatting! I have Mario Kart, Mario 3D World, and Mario Maker to name a few.
Matthew dewitmb
I am Matthewtron! I like yeahs and followers. Team up and rule! Tron Islands has everything you need. So you need challenge? Get to Tron Alliance( my group of followers) I have 3DS account! It has came! Clans: TRON( leader ) UMC: (member) I have tournaments but can't find people. Members of clan: 22 ( do follow-follow to join. Now it is admin. ***
hombre bajabah
Legend of Zelda is the best
No clans im in (on this account)
In my other account im in the G...
Legend of Zelda is the best
No clans im in (on this account)
In my other account im in the GLƒ clan
#GLƒ is the best
other account name GLƒ★ηατнαη
to proof im not trolling