S★ ΜιðĢετ☆'s Followers
★☆★roma☆★☆ 7eleven600
こんちは~!もうすぐ中1の★☆★☆★☆romaですで~す。 最近しているゲーム YouTube マインクラフト スプラトゥーン スーパーマリオメーカーなどです! 最近、任天堂スイッチを買いました! 任天堂スイッチのゲーム スプラトゥーン2 マインクラフト マリオカート8 DX 12スイッチで~す! 僕の最高のフレンド・・・僕のフレンドの人、全員です! まぁ、こんなところですかね。 これからもミーバースにたくさん投稿していきます! ↓ ↓ ↓ 最後まで見てくれて有り難うございます! ↓ よく最後まで見ましたね! フォロー宜しく! 最後に顔ポチサンキュー!
kingston kingsto
WELP! IM TRASH..Hi!! some of you think imma boy but im not imma a girl this is my five yr old bro wiiU kingston i post for him!!♥♡ALSO IM 14 LIKES: softball (iplay softball now yay),SINGING,AND DANCING!!! IM FLEXIBLE TO!!! DISLIKES: MESSEY PEOPLE FAKE PEOPLE AND PEOPLE THAT ACT DUMB!! OK BYE FOR NOW!!♡♥♡ UM BYE STALKER FOR NOW!!! DOWN !!⇒ i got 99problems and ur all 99 of them!!
Luna Miperritabella
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のぞみちゃん RealMiggaSours
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DL♂/lLucas sky_lucas2008
half way to 400 followers but anyway hello i'm a fellow player on the and welcome to my profile games i play and rate: splatoon★★★★☆ Lost Ravers★★★★★ minecraft★★★★★ SMM (Super Mario Maker)★★★★★ Super Mario Run★★★☆☆ well thank you for looking but i got no more ideas for this so untill soon BYE :') BTW: if you want to play with me then just friend me untill then BYEEEEEEE(stampy):P WIP Deathrun MC
いつもバグの付き合いをしてくれてありがとうございます。 1ヶ月以上オフラインの方、または1ヶ月以上全く関わりが無かったと判断した場合、 そして、何よりもプラベの雰囲気を乱して迷惑行為を繰り返す方 以上に当てはまる方は、通告無しにフレンドリストから外しますので、悪しからずご了承ください。 ちなみに、フレンドが100人になっている為、フレリク送られてきても、当分の間お受け入れできないと思います。どうかご了承ください。サブ垢なら一つあります。「イカしょうてん☆サブ」という名を使ってますが、サブでもよかったらフレンドになってください。
londynn londynn2007
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thewiiukid chrisamaya5
hi my name is chris and i like making new friends
Ally ;P carloscorral85
hi i am ariana can i draw no what can you do be lazy and play video games for SIX hours what do you what to be when you are older a photographer do you have something to say about the closeing of miivers yes i think that is very dumb to close it cuz many people love and have so much fun on it and you get to see what other people are doing with ther lives [wii u]
le boss Laurent10103
salut tout le monde alors aujourd'hui vous aller compremdre je que je fais sur ma console WII U et tous ça bref en particulier je vous présenterai des photo de minecraft après rarement splatoon mais bon je sais que vous êtes bien assis confortablement dans votre canapé fauteuil ou autre chose bref si vous vous abonner je ferais pareil de mon coter.
titinsito titincito
candy keka2005
hola amigos como estan me llamo belinda tengo 12 años
☆Sυиsнιиε☆ CupcakeMittens
[Name] ♡ [Sunny] [Gender] ♡ [Transboy] [Pronouns] ♡ [He/Him] [*t: Rotten-Pastel-Boy*] [*t: Sunshine-Pie0817*] {♥Colors Live: SunshinePie♥} All i do on here anymore is draw memes and s post,,, sorry i guess lmao,,,
val valeriepillac
Salut je m'apelle Séléna j'ai 9 ans et je suis née le 8 novembre 2007 n'hésitez pas être mon ami je serai contente même si vous êtes un garçon .♥ gentille:★★★★★ intelligente:★★★★☆ mechante☆☆☆☆☆ parler a ses amies dans la wii u:★★★★★★★★★… mes meilleure amis sont: luna,ines,perrine,oliletoile et voila . et toi remonte tabonner!!
XFranModZX Franlepro
I've got 10 years old. Im pro player my favorite games:Minecraft Tomodachi life and MK7 (MLG) LIKESAO MLG :v suscibe and like to XxByFran6xX mi YT chanel
joe sonny.flick23
hi people
dylan dj.ugalde
hi my name is dylan and i love to play with people online and i love playing super smash bros and mario kart8 im 13. when people follow me i follow them back and make sure you follow me .and if you want to be friends my id is dj.ugalde
GoodbyeThx Umnamed
Adiós :'( Nombre:David Quiero que sepan que disfrute mucho estar con ver sus publicaciones Espero que nos encontremos en Switch Que todos se la pasen bien en estos últimos momentos que quedan Que Dios los bendiga y que les vaya bien en el futuro Aqui se despide de ustedes su buen amigo David Herrera Chao
PinkCherry The4GsWiiU
♪Hoping I would find true love,Pointing me on my way into your loving arms♪ my leader name:TS☆ωοιƒγτη preferably i like puting INYOURFACE im a clan leader name TS☆=Toxic Squids you can be in my clan, just put TS☆ but ask first^¬^ Hang-out with:TS☆Al, dαгκ ςqчiď TS☆ members: TS☆ €ħгδmε TS☆Al TS☆berto c TS☆U$αιτγ¿ TS☆Zerron TS☆*MDG* stay friendly ^ˇ•˙^
Glitchy Glitch2ndaccount
hello im Glitchy aka Ava this is my second account my main account is Glitchyglitch101 here are some things about me name Ava age 10 fav games Splatoon minecraft mk8 pokemon im online 3 or 4 days aweek im S+ on my main account my first my old level 50 account is avamac2006 my first S rank account is AvaMackay
ice chlorine10
Hi i am chlorice i lives in brunei
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
******* ** tiagocc2
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X famoso ayoub66699
hola ya que miserver se va voy hacer famoso en esto diaz a si que a darle y soy el X famoso üüüüüüüüüüüüüü :v mainkraa ok no
Kyle Thegoldenminer04
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Hunter elexiscurry
Masa sam6121
swagy dude swagygamerbrr
Hi I love star wars and gaming.
Capt. Gwil gwilblamo
Hello Everybody, Im Captain Gwil and i love playing video games, especially if it's Nintendo games. My all time fav is the Legend of Zelda series. My second is the Super Mario series.My third is Pokemon! Minecraft is cool too. Follow me and i'll follow you too! Yay Nintendo! Can't wait till Loz Botw and Super Mario For Wii u & Nintendo Switch. #ZeldaIsTheBest!
peluche CRISTOsana23
estrenando Wii U!!!,lo se demasiado tarde.
Cś★Nickěy rigomax
Hello i am Cs★Nickey i have some friends my favorite friends are CS Atlas, CS Nexus, shadow, Mikeysour, Raven, Anthony Crystal and my favorite video games are Splatoon, Mario kart, Bayonetta 2, Pokken Tournament, Super Mario Bros.U, and Yoshi's wooly world my favorite foods are pancakes, candy, and more favorite animals: dog panda bear lizards deer birds bunnies wolf geckos polar bears well bye
katherine katherinerome123
hi my name is katherine
keke Michael77793
hi i'm joe i like Mario Games my real name is Jordan
PyroGuy 9 splatoonkid0588
hello miiverse! let me introduce you all to my SECOND profile. ( nick name for first profile is gen. woomy) i love to play splatoon so look for my open discussions. ill be friends with almost everyone who sends request. hope y'all have a ton of fun with me. (^-^)
lildee deztheillest
hi im 10 summer has been very fun but the storm has done lots of danger
ansoni-kun ohayo-sama
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Hectorzote Hectorzote
Sad Travis TeeRavv
Hi I'm Travis!!I love having friends to play with,Just I don't have a lot and I only have 13:( Who knows if my life with my Wii U will be good or not,but hey we can fix this and work together to make my life awesome!!!:D Anyway,I almost forgot,I have a switch friend code for switch is:(SW-0281-4645-6036:) )Soooo,bye I'll see you guys in the mean time:)Bye!!!
★Ava⇒Pγгφ★ Glitchyglitch101
Hi im Ava im 10 years old i really like glitches friend me if u wanna do glitches with me i do follow for follow my favourite games are Splatoon MK8 mincraft and pokemon Hallo ich bin Ava ich bin 10 jahre alt Ich mag Glitches freund mich, wenn Sie wollen, um Glitches mit mir zu tun Ich folge für folgen meine Lieblingsspiele sind Splatoon MK8 Minecraft und Pokemon