Users S★ ΜιðĢετ☆ Is Following
joe sonny.flick23
hi people
XFranModZX Franlepro
I've got 10 years old. Im pro player my favorite games:Minecraft Tomodachi life and MK7 (MLG) LIKESAO MLG :v suscibe and like to XxByFran6xX mi YT chanel
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
Glitchy Glitch2ndaccount
hello im Glitchy aka Ava this is my second account my main account is Glitchyglitch101 here are some things about me name Ava age 10 fav games Splatoon minecraft mk8 pokemon im online 3 or 4 days aweek im S+ on my main account my first my old level 50 account is avamac2006 my first S rank account is AvaMackay
X famoso ayoub66699
hola ya que miserver se va voy hacer famoso en esto diaz a si que a darle y soy el X famoso üüüüüüüüüüüüüü :v mainkraa ok no
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
PinkCherry The4GsWiiU
♪Hoping I would find true love,Pointing me on my way into your loving arms♪ my leader name:TS☆ωοιƒγτη preferably i like puting INYOURFACE im a clan leader name TS☆=Toxic Squids you can be in my clan, just put TS☆ but ask first^¬^ Hang-out with:TS☆Al, dαгκ ςqчiď TS☆ members: TS☆ €ħгδmε TS☆Al TS☆berto c TS☆U$αιτγ¿ TS☆Zerron TS☆*MDG* stay friendly ^ˇ•˙^
PyroGuy 9 splatoonkid0588
hello miiverse! let me introduce you all to my SECOND profile. ( nick name for first profile is gen. woomy) i love to play splatoon so look for my open discussions. ill be friends with almost everyone who sends request. hope y'all have a ton of fun with me. (^-^)
lildee deztheillest
hi im 10 summer has been very fun but the storm has done lots of danger
Sad Travis TeeRavv
Hi I'm Travis!!I love having friends to play with,Just I don't have a lot and I only have 13:( Who knows if my life with my Wii U will be good or not,but hey we can fix this and work together to make my life awesome!!!:D Anyway,I almost forgot,I have a switch friend code for switch is:(SW-0281-4645-6036:) )Soooo,bye I'll see you guys in the mean time:)Bye!!!
kamryn baykam
hi im baylee me and my sister got this wii u for easter this year :) 2013 and we luv it here are some facts about me!!!!!! i love one direction my favorite color is purple my favorite animal is a dolphin and my favorite song is gold by britt nicole (and all of one directions songs duhh!) and i am running out of space soo bye i guess >:) hehe bye! peace out good bye miiverse
Terminator Kid-Icarus-Pro
★SAE☆ atsushihirono
★Ava⇒Pγгφ★ Glitchyglitch101
Hi im Ava im 10 years old i really like glitches friend me if u wanna do glitches with me i do follow for follow my favourite games are Splatoon MK8 mincraft and pokemon Hallo ich bin Ava ich bin 10 jahre alt Ich mag Glitches freund mich, wenn Sie wollen, um Glitches mit mir zu tun Ich folge für folgen meine Lieblingsspiele sind Splatoon MK8 Minecraft und Pokemon
Jack ;·p FEderstine
Hi! I love to play football and play videogames. My other profile is terrariaprogamer. I cannot friend u there.Best friends on miiverse: Woomy, WARREN, »— Toon —>, Madine, Dogegaming, BARÇA, and ÐЯįИКМУÏИК. I check the person's profile sometimes before following,and allways check before friending. If u could follow all my friends and followers that would be great they earned it ;p Thanks a bunch!
OctσDαrk▲▼ kurly26
coucou je suis muliti gameur qui adore les jeux nintendo,voila c est tous ce que j ai a dire
Marie-Fan 987OIG name is Marie and I am loved by many :D Thanks you to all my friends and followers I love you so much! *squid kisses* I'm part of a group called the Pandalings *hides my Bamboozler Mk lll from ♪Pαηdα.T♪* I don't do Wii U Chat so don't ask me... Stay Fresh! Better than you in games, no it's no but's Don't get me mad...
WΐttleWόlf TheGayWife
About me Dulcea 14 Im Pansexual Woomy-Chan and I been best friends since Pre-School!
Θсtσ$ηīρεr garfild27
Français:Au revoir miiverse,je vous aime tout le monde♥:'( English:Good bye miiverse,i love you everyone♥:'(
W.Octoling YellowVixen
Hey! Back again! My Old Account was been discontinued. Remember Agent 4? Better known as, FurryVixen? Well, guess who.
genesis pluto624
hi my name is genesis and i have 2 sisters and 1 brother! my oldest sister is lely and my 2nd oldest sister is emma and my brother name is caleb !i have 2 dogs one pitbull named magy and the other a husky named kisha and my cat milkyway!my parents are not Divorces soo i have a complete family!the thing that is in common is that we are all gamers!please enjoy me and my siblings profile on miiverse!
cello Cellojoseph12
So let's see, I like to rage at mario kart 8 and splatoon because I do it so often... My social skills are below average but I can manage, I'd love to get out of the house more but I live in an old people community -_- I'm in love with Woomy-Chan ^^ ♥♥♥
jack nerdz101
crazy GarrettFreeman
hi do you know what a NES its a 1980s video game console you should get one if you live in Lubbock Texas go to Ralphs Records and get one they are super fun and challenging
George afacb7441f
hi my name is george and i love games a and my family and my friends they are my life im single as a piglet
Dezeil dezeil11
austin judysawtelle
i am a kind kid
Hunter 464399
Hi I like the solar system,plants and my 3DS
★Emiliano★ axelemilian
hola me llamo Emiliano youtubers favoritos fernanfloo juegagerman elrubiosOMG niño rata vegeta777 degoboom towngemplay bersgamer y ya a y tambien yo amo a bendy and the ink machine gracias miverse :)
Heather Pokegirl1220
Things about me: Fave game:Yo-kai watch Fleshy Souls and Pokemon Sun Age:10 BIG YU-GI-OH FAN!!!!!!
Cookie4110 Gamer4110
When miiverse ends......TELL MY STORY! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0—0 ♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
Kritter 9896dd
hello you mii's im a gamer and making a metroid game..... nice to see fellow people commenting and etc. all the admins are cool im hoping miiverse will be alive and hoping nintendo grows and im learning more miiverse settings per day
aless garone4719
hi everyone
luigiking 1luigi1544
this is Raymond,Ray for short and Rayray is my nickname playing games is my game:).Oh and my profile picture is badges made to say 3DS.
swagy dude swagygamerbrr
Hi I love star wars and gaming.
Nancy Nancyneri82
s400dz s400dz
hola soy s400dz un gamer que le gustan los juegos como mario,sonic,smash,dragon ball,etc. tambien me gustan los animes de peleas y accion como son one punch man,dragon ball,digimon,pokemon.etc
★Annie★ Anapaola16
Hola a todos yo soy Sofia solo que tengo 2 nombres y me puse como Annie,NO tengo NV no me gusta el huevo lo vomito je. ☆Mis ⃃ son☆: Sherlyn,Thaly,Yeals,Lizeth,Celia, Sandra,JessicaRS,Jenni Niev,Diego SMB,♪Carla♪etc.. Ah y soy:Amable, Graciosa, Muy hermosa xp.Eh se la creyeron verdad no no soy hermosa bueno tal vez.XD SIGANME PLIS SERIE:La historia de Rosalina Serie favoritas:Todas de MiiverseXD
Melissa MelissaBlack1999
i hope my crush asks me out when we get back to school from break