**********'s Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: newidasdf



07/21/2016 12:45 PM

something told me something



07/21/2016 12:45 PM


Super Mario Maker


07/21/2016 12:22 PM

does somthing happen if you rich 10097 post

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 10:42 PM

someone play with me on friend smash

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 5:04 PM

how do you make mods

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 3:33 PM

please tell me what happens when you see ko with little make

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 3:20 PM

someone play with me if your not my friend friend me

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 11:24 AM

a bug

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 11:03 AM

can you use thes amiibo in my collection

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 10:58 AM

wich one shouid i do its a hard dissishin

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/19/2016 10:55 AM

brand new amiibo

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/17/2016 9:38 AM

can someone play with me and if your not friends with me friend me

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/16/2016 5:04 PM

net worths is amazing now i made a costoom of him

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/16/2016 2:28 PM

is shadow in here?

Super Mario Maker


07/15/2016 1:32 PM

whos herd of nightmeere on elm street

Super Mario Maker


07/15/2016 12:59 PM

yay dreix



07/13/2016 5:05 PM

what happend to my name i did not do that someone tell me what happend

Super Mario Maker


07/12/2016 4:28 PM

send me levels and i will send you levels

Super Mario Maker


07/12/2016 4:11 PM

new level please play

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/10/2016 11:10 AM

new amiibo

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U


07/10/2016 9:42 AM

aw a puppy its so cute but go your bloking my view