Users ********** Is Following
Teddy Teddy1103
ρδωεг★πг Super7seven
Greetings I am πг If you want to play a game of MK7 With me ask Well here explore this Meaningless Void called my profile ι ωιιι ωιπ
Najee Najshelton13
whats up miiverse i am a huge gamer i collect video games the consoles i have are ps2 gamecube nintendo 64 sega genesis and dreamcast nes snes and xbox one i told u huge gamer lol anyway enjoy my profile if u follow me it would be awesome thanks miiverse
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
TRG★ƒlцtçħ alenbb2
Hey guys, This is Space's 2nd Account! Follow 4 Follow Friends: 3/100 Followers: 12 Games: Almost all of them Other account: Type in alenbb in Activity feed Cant accept friend request's on this one, Sorry! D:
Matthew small-M1
I love Mario games and Sonic games some of my favorite ones are super mario 3D would and sonic heroes
JuggerNuat DragonsPearls999
hey im MAYHEM likes: food , metal music , the godzilla series, megaman, mlp, vocaloid, dinosaurs, and animals =D fav megaman characters: megaman, protoman ,bass , crashman , snakeman , murcury, pluto , uranus, jupiter, terra, sunstar, the other mmx characters i have favorite godzilla, mlp, and vocaloid characters butt i ran out of space hugs ? <(-_-<)
NLM★Gleπ★ Supr_G
Hi im Glen Medrano. Im a 15 year old teen who loves Mario. Im an Experienced Maker in SMM. I have 9400★'s. [Lets see if I can get 10,000 by the end of the year.] Im also a Big Sonic fan! "Way past cool!" Miiverse ends in 6 hours. Goodbye guys! I will miss you all. Been using Miiverse since January 1st, 2016-November 8, 2017. Im president and leader of a clan NLM (Next Level Makers)
********** philz105
Bonjour je vous juste à vous dire que ce compte est inactif en effet suite à un incendie que j'ai eu le Mercredi 13 Septembre j'ai réacheté de nouveau une Wii U et le reste donc rejoignez moi sur mon compte: Philz952005 allez sur les abonnements il est en premier,il y aura aussi mon message que j'avais avant donc n'hésitez à faire un tour :) Salut !
Jäcksön WillTheTotodile
I will be using this Mii for the final month of Miiverse. I will use a Mii even more special on the last few days. Goodbye, all of my old friends. At least I stayed until the bitter end. Hopefully I will get a Switch soon and have so much fun I'll forget about my sadness over Miiverse ending. But I will never truly forget my time here. -Birds are kewl.
Peanut Rayzaun_M_Pitts
You Guys are amazing
Geometry tennisfan11
Luc SmashBrawler57
Hi, i like gaming like fighting, racing, adventures, and action. I like listening to game music. I do Wii U chat sometimes, when i'm not busy. If you want to play with me online, you can. Bye. ;) Note: Don't Wii U chat me while i'm busy.
sinwook woki7688
저는 남자이지만, 십대라서 닌텐도 계좌를 만들 때 엄마 거로 만들었습니다. 저는 슈퍼 마리오 메이커만 거의 해서 피치 메달을 벌써 얻었습니다! I'm male, but I'm teenager. So I had made my nintendo account with mom's. I almost play Super Mario Maker. So I had got peach medal!
Ιηğŕιδ Ingydoosky
Hi! I'm Ingrid! And here are some things you should know about me: I have no age! I like pizza! I don't take friend requests! My favorite color is pink, purple and blue! My favorite youtuber is Alex/CraftedRL or whatever you want to call him! I'm female! I rate Profiles! I stink at Minecraft™! Bye my cookies!♥♡♥♡♥♡
TRG-ºςαмXº UdaBros
SamX's Profile- ♪"Splattack!" - Splatoon™♪ I joined Miiverse on 25/12/2015. ☆★☆Check out my open discussion!☆★☆ Thanks for 500 followers! I'm SamX! ◆Like my Profile Pic? Then 'Yeah' It!◆ Stay tuned to my Profile to make sure you keep up to date! ★Follow Me Too!★ ☆I'll follow U if U follow me! Thanks for checking out my profile!☆ ♥Anyway, See You Guys Later! -◆SamX◆
Chiaki SerenaeBraixen01
Hey there ✨ Wanna know something about me? Name: Giada (but feel free to call me Selena) Age: 14 Game: ~Fire Emblem (FE 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15) ~Danganronpa (Only the first two) ~Pokémon (all) ~ACNL ~MK 7 Anime: _Plastic memories _Danganronpa _re:zero _Soredemo Sekai Wa Utsukushii _Akagami no shirayukihime Other: Cat Francesco ❤ (Dont't forget to follow him) Max-Ranger-III
Gacha gacha26
Hi! I am Casey. My favorite game is Mario Maker.
Stampy stampylongnoseyt
luk bvbtyp09
»--> DART! DART-O57
Hi its »--> DART nothing else to say
Tim★SWAT tvjimv33
Hey Ich heiße Tim und bin 14 Jahre alt . Meine Lieblings Video Spielreihe ist Pokémon. Ich bin mit der 3.Gen aufgewachsen und zwar mit Rubin und Smaragd. Mein lieblingspokémon ist Rayquaza . Sonst Spiele ich auch The legend of Zelda,Super Smash Bros,Xenoblade Cronicles X, Splatoon und MarioMaker. Am liebsten spiel ich auf WiiU Mariomaker:)
★ŸțÉģ9★ simpleminds-1982
#BOOSISTHEBEST!!!! U GUYS R AWESOME!!! I don't do Wii U chat :P I don't accept friend requiests anymore MM People Remaining 22/22 And Finally I follow back people who follow me Oh, and this !NRUTER YAM I TAHT SREWOP TNEHCNIA EHT KLOVNI I !NRUB OT EMOC SAH EMIT YM ,LTOLOXA
Paden PadenOKC
Do it for the meme
im in a grup called
i dont know the memers yet i know one
glen my flower