Users ★cmas★Nick Is Following
Riptide♪^^ frozenmilkman
Hey, howaya. Miiverse is ending, and I'll Really miss you all. Follow for follow
Boywonder Boywonder412
MY name is Bryce nickname is Brice i like splatoon i want someone to play private battle a museum in splatoon that's amazing?! follow me and i will follow u! hope u enjoy ur day! ALSO INVITE ME IN DISNEY INFINITEY 3.0 NO ATTACKING PLZ THANK U AND HAVE A NICE DAY ♂:Boys &♀:Girls!
Deer!Shila Dorsey678
It's Shila! But, a deer/human! I love my friendos! Tom is my bestie! So, how ya'll doing today? DO NOT STEAL MY ART OR TRACE IT! No Friend requests unless I know or talked to you. No Wii U chat!!!! ♥My heart yearns to be entwined with another...♡ My wonderous children: JOY☆Choco? Tom Sophie I:I saucy Statisky Julian Angel OkayThen™ ◆SHREK◆ Ren flopbun flygonkid (★)on (☆)off (☆)outta posts
twinsies twinpowers22
hiii im aleaha and im gabriela. Yup were twins! our brother let us make an account we dont like video games very mech we just like youtube and netflix. ok thats it byeeeeeeee ♥
TJ Sweet2Cohen
Hi my name is tj and i like video games my favorite color is pink and my favorite food is pizza and i am 10 years old and my favorite video games are MineCraft,MarioMaker,GTA5,Fighting games,and Racing games and even more! also thank you guys for geting me up to 500 followers!
☆Alicia★ shadowhuntetd456
welcome to my profile well what's left of it. Here are two apps you can follow and still chat Wattpad Angelic Angel Two Accounts on on app game called Love dance First MagicalMelody Second Angle Princess* I had a great time meeting new people, Rping, trolls, wierd posts and much more. I'm going to miss You guys bye.
mr.dapper bigbutter456
my oc shades the wolf and alice shades is the fastest thing alive he can run past light speed he has sacred healing which heals all damage done to him after 15 seconds he has a dark and sacred form he wears a communicator and has an energy beam with it alice is an A.I that mainly stays in shades communicator she can make herself physical she mainly uses her abilitys to help shades in any situation
Sasuke beaniebotking223
hello...I am Sasuke Uchiha of the hidden leaf. I got this strange thing off a wierd kid I met one day. I'm married to my childhood firend Sakura and have a daughter named Sadara If you wish to talk to me feel free just be aware that I may not be on that often due to work fairwell...I guess
Yahaira Yaigirl
HIIII my name is Yaigirl i like playing alot of games and i am nice hope we can be friends
Kenny Empoleon6319
Welcome to my profile. I go by many names but people mainly call me Kenny. I'm a warrior from Earth. I love to rp and write stories so I can use multiple personalities. My goal is to be the most powerful player in gaming while making awesome comments on the way. See ya.
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
★Valen★ BmxFlips77
Ouch! You poked my face! That's ok, it happens a lot. Hello, my name is Valen! I'm 14 years old and I like to draw. Games I like to play: ★ Mario Kart 8 ★ Splatoon ★ Wii Sports Club ★ Super Mario Maker ★ Minecraft If you follow me, I will follow you back! If you send me a friend request, I will accept it! I do Wii U Chat. Bye!
♪Toxic♪ My_Toxic_Romance
ª\['³']/ª "Hai! Welcome!" All About Mii; -I'm emo! -I'm Pan! (Not Peter) -I play flute! -I'm an artist! -I'm depressed! -Level 16 in life! :P #awkwardbabysquad! He's pretty chill. Music. Enough said. "Te amo a la Luna y de regreso!" xxToxic [×]Out of posts? ª\['³']/ª
нαMm3Я Bяø BloodRex81
Pew Pew Pew
Skyler Yarnycat
Hi, I'm Skyler, AKA Yarny. Welcome to my little corner ♥Stuff about me♥ •I don't wiiu chat •Im read warrior cats •I roleplay •My Bday is November 5 ♥Games to find me on♥ •Minecraft •Terraria •Splatoon •Art academy ♥ My best friends ♥ •Mystical •Brittany •Emma •Ellie ♥Thats all for now ♥
Paul Gordon0311
My name is Paul. I usually do nothing except for Switch and 3DS. I know a little bit of Japanese, though not enough to do actual conversations with it. :/
chanell <3 chanellikursin
my name is chanell♥ and im so sad about miiverse closing plus my fish died :(
Max dogesmen
JadeLei727 JadeLei727
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Markiplier mrtobers14
hey guys it Markiplier here and im 12 Yys my date of birth 5/22/04 i like markiplier and Vanossgaming. im nice and have few friends i delete some of my friend because they grief my world :(
hallo ik ben dries verstraeten mijn beste vriend is Ben Van Steenlandt. ik ben de grootste fan van de wereld van link en sonic. Als je mij volgt volg ik jou, mijn lievelings spel is the legend of zelda en sonic boom. Mijn lievelings dier is een tijger en een hond,mijn huisdier is een hond genaamt paté. Ik maak snel vrienden. geef a.u.b een ja op al mijn posts en ook op die van Ben. Tot ziens ;)
Mario jr mariopro730
OW! my face! be careful! anyway, you want the know about me! look below! im ** years old my favorite animes are: hetalia hunterXhunter fairy tail brave beats my favorite games are minecraft splatoon poken tornament MK8
LEGOkid208 TeamMazz
Thank you for bringing this amazing community together. please friend me on nintendo switch if you have one (friend me on wii u first) Thank you :)
Naufal.3 naufal_chini
● Holaa :D, Adios TURN DAWN FOR WHAT TUTURUTU (Okya)xD ◆Naufalmellaman :D ☆Años 128 :V ▲ ←illuminati confirmed xD Juegos Splatoon ,jd 2016 ,mario kart 8,super mario maker etc... visitad mi otra cuenta :D : Naufah.3 Soy millonario ■˛■ en Splatoon xD
Thomas superwiiubros
Well, it's time to say goodbye. The past 5 years of my life have been amazing. I'll miss Miiverse. I guess it's true, you never truly appreciate something until it's gone. Be sure to find me on Closedverse. -Tom
Ethan atomic-ethan
Hey guys! My name is Ethan. I'm a pretty awesome gamer. I'm 12 years old and other than playing videogames I really love to draw, play action figures, and collect collectables. My favorite Wii U game is probably Splatoon, next to Super Mario Maker. One interesting fact about me is that I have Type 1 Diabetes. My tip of advice for you: just remember, the world is a big place!
•Diamond• diamondadias
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aria sportsforlife
The girytomboy motto pretty hurts so thats why i dont try to make myself look beautiful just comes natural 'pretty hurts we shine the light on whatevers worst try to fixx something but u cant fix what u cant see its your SOUL that needs the surgery' ~ Beyonce Knowles
★♪Angela♪★ angelaortega
ola amigos
Sιļνεrςταг haddockcurt
Hello! My name is Lauren and I love video games! Things about meh: I don't draw a lot on miiverse, most of the time in real life. I love cats! I also don't do wii u chat, or accept a blank friend request. Absol is my favorite pokémon. Also my favorite anime is Black Butler. Enough about me, see ya around miiverse! Update: Since school has started I won't be online as much.
★☆clair☆★ singlehottie_1
im clair im bio and single wana d8?
zakiyah zakiyahasiazaria
hi my name is zakiyah and im 11 years old and i can chat now and i have a twin sisther name zaria and ihave too other sisthers name asia and bria
Khoeckman elyknamkceoh
MOTD: Splatfest needed Hi, ik ben Kyle: 13 jaar, ik speel het liefst Super Mario Maker. Als je me een plezier wilt doen, geef me dan een ★ :D. Ik post elke dag zeker 1 post op m'n accound, veel plezier hier! -Favoriete games: Splatoon™, Super Mario Maker. -Mij: Ik ben 1,55m, eet het liefts Ribben - jongen ♂ Doel: 1000 sterren halen op SMM. Nu: ☆Sterren: 992|1200 ●Munten: 5|6
karel karelbethune
Hi , I 'm Karel 'm 12 years I do I want to be one of the best makers of Mario maker like to make new friends miiverse and welcome to my profile
applesauce creeperswag287
Jacob Jacob51746
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Jose kidplaysgames101
Hi I play lots of games and i have a 3DS account called ProGamerkid13
Nikita NikitaLycan
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Yasmín Yassykins123
Heller, I'm Yassykins123 and welcome to my page! - I spend most of my time playing video games, watching anime, and listening to music, reading Wattpad or surfing YouTube. - I talk alot and love llamas!☆ My Besties Till Death are: Jaylene, Yaniris, Fabiana, Joshua, Daven, Jyelle☆★ -Single or taken: You don't need to know. -I'm a weird one¦) -Friend code: 1779-3660-6982
Nique Nataline
Damon Damon212
I love math and i love all you guys and girls.what ever you do in life don't pay attention to the haters cuse haters gonna hate.
kellykonda nicolekelly220
★I am a girl ★Send Me Friend Request ★Follow For Follow ★Wii U Chat ★Bisexual (prefer girls tho) ★Age …ASK ★Single ♪If He A Dog Imma Dog To♪
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