★cmas★Nick's Friends
♪Stel♪ ShadowGalix667
Hey im a very new here and would love to know you meow =^.^= I love art I am kinda not new here i know some amazing artist like Artist,SPIDERWEEB,etc. Anyway I love Rps,Art,Laughing,And being silly(meaning I will say something stupid XD) Friends:ammar My fav. Art:Didnt make one Special someone:No one Age:Young(not saying) Skin:light Brown Etc Goodbye and see you later. :3
TOÑO RamboNambo
I like whales
♪Toxic♪ My_Toxic_Romance
ª\['³']/ª "Hai! Welcome!" All About Mii; -I'm emo! -I'm Pan! (Not Peter) -I play flute! -I'm an artist! -I'm depressed! -Level 16 in life! :P #awkwardbabysquad! He's pretty chill. Music. Enough said. "Te amo a la Luna y de regreso!" xxToxic [×]Out of posts? ª\['³']/ª
xXSuperAJX xXSuperAJXx
Hello everyone! Its xXSuperAJXx!
cupkay kwav8tor
hi im cupkay and i love minecraft .
Liam Cool_Beans_Guy
I like minecraft
Huntley coolgirl92
Hai. I'm Huntley, in the clan TDS (The Derpy Squids). I like turtles, Nintendo, Sploon, and potatoes. Don't judge. Please no blank friend requests! Ok I'm done talking. Bye bye
Killzone yester356
when i get a game i finish it in 1 day the most time it took me to finish a game was 1 day and a half (minecraft)
Perry AgentP2.0
Ayato² SplatoonMM
Hello i am Ayato (13) this is my 2nd account. ONLY FOR MIIVERSE AND MINECRAFT My 1st account ID is poeeep. WII U CHAT ONLY FRIENDS I PLAY MUCH.
Joebuz angellololololzz
im new to wii u so please i need friends so if u play lego games send me a friend request and ill be happy to help u in lego games if u want help i will help you since i played lego batman lego batman 2 and now im playing lego jurrasic world so i will help u if u need help with a game just ask and i will help you out if you get stuck on a game!!!!!
Kenzie Macken21
Hi I do rp's everyday so fallow me to be in ALL. Taken! Those who fight for us i would like to say thank you! You don't know how good you have it until you lose it! I love my family and my Bf! If you have Splatoon and want to play with me Friend Request me and say #SPLATOON! Don't be afraid to just talk to me if your feeling upset! Thank you friends and fallowers!
Anthony Anthony89810
Hi! My name is Anthony! I love Mario, Minecraft, Pokemon, and Harry Potter! My favorite Pokemon is Gengar! ;)
★ναηεςςα★ vanessagirl1
Heyy! im Vanessa im new here please be nice im 13 tyler is an awesome friend. thanks bye. god is #1 i don't wiiu chat. and im taken soo yeah
kingcobra7 squidmao
bigc1222 BigC100
GemWolf6 Wolfgirl808
Hi i'm EnderWolf but you can call me wolfgirl808 so you can be my friend and if your a fan of ender only then your a enderwolf so you can wii u chat me but i'm a early bird so only when i message you guys saying let's talk so if you want here's my favourite's: Anime,fnaf,enderman's,wolves,love,being a emo nerd,and love everyone.Dislike's creepers,divorces,getting in trouble, and HATERS. so yeah;)
Dan danieljensen01
Azariah nolong
NEKO-X superbros.wii
shoutout to: TCPink and papablanco!!! go check them out they are awesome!!!!!! i halve a twin sis : r2d2girl go follow her my name is ophelia her name is jasmine we are named after jewels TCPink is my big sis
Tere scrillix25
noah noahhoetger1100
hi my name is noah and im 15 and ive played the wii u,3ds xl,3ds,the :new: 3ds xl, and gamecube, wii, minecraft for ps3,ps4 and xbox 360 and xbox one and i got 3 computers 1 i play on minecraft and its the newest 1, the 2nd 1 i play call of duty advanced warfare, the 3rd i do other things on ,1 thing for certain i love SPLATOON,MINECRAFT PC EDITION i have every mod pack and i never want to get off
tommy TEXTEW2
Aidan 2.0 PoochieGamer74
Hi, I'm Aidan 2.0. i usally
Josie Sohotomi
Max dogesmen
Era EraSie
Hi! I'm Era. I'm new to this so i'd appreciate all of your help and friendship! :) About Me: 1. I'm 20 2. Favorite color is blue 3. I like to draw, sculpt, and sing. 4. I don't do Wii U Chat with anyone under 17 5. I like to challenge myself but I can only push myself so far. I developed Psoriatic Arthritis when I was 15 so I can't be on the game for long periods of time
Jacob Jacob51746
This user's profile comment is private.
Mr.J TheDeadMister
bish u guessed it
φLunaψ PrincessLuna13
Hi Iam Luna ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ Iam loyal to my friends and followers i dont do wii U chat Join the elf army status:Splatoon craze!!!!!! what I like doing on miiverse Drawing♥♥♥♡♡ Chatting♥♥♥♥♡ Online () Offline (♥) bye bye elf luna
Useless senilegrandma
Thomas michaelmurphee
hello there everyone
Belle Creeper-Power-05
♥Hello and welcome to my profile! You may see everything i posted and played! 1.Fnaf 2.Super Smash Bro's 3.Splatoon 4.Tomodachi Life 5.Anima Crossing Things I HATE 1.Bullies 2.Makeup 3.Being Hungry 4.Saying Im Starving 5.Other Kinds Of Speakings And My New Favorite Game Is Fran Bow
player523 player523
Sgt.Eagle jetvacmaster
Hello, my name is Sgt.Eagle I know ALOT about Star wars, including Rebels and The Clone Wars My four best miiverse friends are: Linkman777,Nahara-R/ Sffffffffff,and NinjaNathan I have many good friends(Who are awesome!) Im also a Nerd... "To defeat an enemy you must know them. Not simply their battle tactics, but their history, philosophy, art" -Grand Admiral Thrawn
mas jelinsky
hey i am mas and i play splatoon and mario kart 8. I will be getting super smash bros for wiiu soon so you can friend me or follow and i will add you.
Tommy Swag2015
Hi Im Tommy Im not a really a good player on the wii but i learn fast so follow me to give me tips or to play with
seth timcastro
G€Νξςΐς RRVAFV43
hi welcome to my page everyone. clans: SM★ leader of ψφΐƒ★ age__ gender: male/♂ Monty and Sadie are my 2 dogs. games: Splatoon, Super Smash bros. wiiu, Super Mario 3d world, Miiverse & Nintendo Land. sport: football posts: mostly about Splatoon. goal: 100 friends. favorite animal: wolf. favorite food: tacos. favorite game: Splatoon. status: cool, tough, sporty ♥ my family Stay Fresh!
liam lee112233
SPLATOON IS HERE ARE U STILL SCROLLING Thanks for scrolling all the way down FOLLOW4FOLLOW!!!!!!!!!!
Ninty Pizza_Man420MLG
I know, I know I've let you down I've been a fool to myself I thought that I could Live for no one else But now, through all the hurt & pain It's time for me to respect The ones you love Mean more than anything So with sadness in my heart Feel the best thing I could do Is end it all And leave forever What's done is done It feels so bad What once was happy now is sad
$€τh923→→∞ Chocolate_923
ςnRiggins Braves1995
hi there! welcome to my profile! i love games like splatoon and mario kart! also please don't just send me a random friend request! Plus i have a 3DS XL as well! if you want to friend request me chat with me in one of my post's and we might just be friends!
Mikey Mikeycat
i love gaming, and have been a life long gamer, love to play splatoon, and squad battles
☆©Łęø™★ DaBossNoel
Hello everyone im leon, im 11 years old. My goal is to get lots of followers and put as many post as I can to intertan you.
Dry Bones antjr86
everyone play minecraft
(PRINCESS) Gamesis
Hello everyone, how are you? im GAMESIS, My favorite games are Black ops, Smash bros, Mario kart, and Just dance. If you want to be my friend, just give me a request. ANYONE WANT TO PLAY BLACK OPS??? Anyway have a nice day. #ILoveFriends #HappyFace
Katya artstadion
i'm an ADULT =) but i don't mind playing with kids. i'm from Russia. love nintendo, sweets and sleaping. name: Katya = Катя (in russian) favorite game: MK8! have:mario kart 8, smash, nintendo land, pikmin, 3d mario wourld, donk kong, super smash, luigi year, mario2D, art of balance,... etc. lots of games on nintendo 3Ds welcome! feel free to write to me. )
Luigi SuperLuigi424242
It's Luigi Time! I'm Luigi (of course), and I otherwise should be found to be very sensible. Most of my posts are common-sense, or funny, and if you want a great game critic/humorist then follow me! I'll see you in the comments!
MechaX ejmommywii2
Hi. welcome to my profile my favorite game:splatoon ask any questions comments i like cats drawing anime ^(^-^)>o pankaces
Boywonder Boywonder412
MY name is Bryce nickname is Brice i like splatoon i want someone to play private battle a museum in splatoon that's amazing?! follow me and i will follow u! hope u enjoy ur day! ALSO INVITE ME IN DISNEY INFINITEY 3.0 NO ATTACKING PLZ THANK U AND HAVE A NICE DAY ♂:Boys &♀:Girls!
Akivo dm7172
Hey, I'm Akivo!
max hamzajanjua
the last leval of super mario 3D world is soooooooooo hard!
Bryce412 KILZXZombie
Just some kid in MURICAH
Red RedTPlayer
Just a girl that loves to play games! I'm Red, I like to draw and make friends. You'll mostly see self insert trash and squid kids from me. I'll friend you if youre a cool squid I played with. Feel free to drop a message on any posts. ^u^ Prepare for memeaplaooza, cuz i got memes.
coolguy cooperdog101
hi im coolguy and this is two people using this its the actual coolguy (thats not my real name) the other is keagan we share this wii u and he has a 3ds profile just like me mine are the same things so if your interested in any of my posts you can yeah and/or comment and/or follow plz
bi0spark bi0spark
stuff goes here, right?
ニッキー_[SBS] OmegaD
im gonna teach u ur abc`s taste rainbows u <wasted> welcome to my profile :p shrek is love shrek is life things can get...random... one time i met Shedletsky (¬_¬)-not again (^o^)-yay i love this song ps. my real name is bryson joshua dessaure #poopemoji4life #savetheworld
Kyle-chan Krazydood
ben bowser369
Ryan ryanbabas18
Hey guys ryan here. My favorite games: Minecraft,super mario maker & GH Live. Sssssee ya later.
Ivan ithagod
FireWolf cheekyone
I love playing video games, been gaming since I was little. To me, it's the best way to get away from reality and all the terrors it holds. If you send me a friend request, I will accept it. I don't care if you have a profile or not. so long as it don't say anything like kill all fluffy bunnies, I'll friend you. Likewise, if you want a follower, follow me and I'll follow you too.
B-rad bradley124786
The Y. Yoshiftw
Videogame Enthusiast \ Nintendofan \ Animefan \ Tech buff etc. I love The Legend of Zelda, Xenoblade, Fire Emblem and METROID! I can't wait to play Fire Emblem Fates,RIVE,Yooka Laylee,Dragon Quest 7,8,11 and Zelda : Breath of the Wild. Also can't wait to finally see NX.
Reid Da_Jiggsta
Games are fun
§»ιıηκ« linkman777
my favorite games of all time are the legend of zelda but i love Twillight Princess alot.my best friends in miiverse are:Jetvacmaster,Nahara-R/Naharagames,TajahTheSonicFan,cowboysurfer/Thesupersurfer,Jamarion1456/duanemoore30,NinjaNathan12 & MicJay,follow these awesome friends.i love to play splatoon.i want to keep miiverse safe everyday and if you break the rules i'll report you. im AWESOME.
Ghost ghost66
Im using a new 3DS MH4U Edition :0 FT: (All shiny) 6iv Chespin, 6iv Jirachi, Darmanitan, Tentacruel, Cyndaquil, Genesect, Lucario, Gallade, 6iv Zekrom, 6iv Shaymin, and Quagsire Not for trade but i already have: (All shiny) 6iv Darkrai, another 6iv Genesect, mew, 6iv Arcues, Another Gallde LF:Offers (★ Arcues with judgement, Roar of time, Special rend, Shadow force. Insta yes)
Nique Nataline
TODD ToddEffinHaley
wesley jeysi230273
my birthday is actually december 18
DogeSwag67 roostey
i need 100 friends thats that my goal!!! and i played minecraft AND HEROBRINE WAS IN MY FRIENDS WORLD! NU! im sad now#LIKEABOSS and hi guys i forgot about that dont forget to join my Splatoon team! (u can only join if u had Splatoon) AND A GOT TO LEVEL 20 IN SPLATOON!!!! OMG sorry for being hyper! I AM GETTING minecraft wii u edition! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so sorry tonygee!!
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