Brandon's Followers
saoirse rainbowsa
if you guys can see this:( im sorry that i cant post i WAS not avalailible to miiverse ask sierra what happend to me she knows and i am at washingtion gorgia by the time you can see this i love ya'll and hope you can have a nice day and i still play BOTW W/DLC by the time i am back from washington gorgia miiverse will be closed have a good time in miiverse bye
Princess hi_its_aniya
cuphead Clowncatfish
hi i am a fan to wii u an i hope i have a fun life with the wii u company my mii is bowser jr i have the games super smash bros. an super mario makir an super mario bros. u + super luigi u i hope iL mete new friends in wii u i 1 of tham is omar i olso hav the amiibos mario bowser kiby R.O.B mr game an watch an duck hunt and toad my sistums are only DS i my birthday is aprol 13th i olso bie miis
cayleb LuvMyBoyz22
Pasthor•ω• PasthorRothers
Hey World! Its-a me, Pasthor! I love playing video games like the Super Mario, Mega Man (and X), Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Rayman, Super Smash Bros or the Kirby series. None of that FPS trash. (Overwatch is fine.) …… Another thing I love to do draw. Forgive my terrible anime style. It is supposed to be how Megaman was drawn by his creator, Kenji Inafune. ……
★☆♪£εøñ★☆♪ muaddibatreides
I do NOT wii chat and I will be friends with anyone! I play smash 4 the most out of the games i have i also play MK8 you are more than welcome to be friends with me (unless your a girl i am not old enough for girlfriends).
Lewlew Lewlew06
Hi my name is Lewlew and I am 11 YRS old.I will always Follow people When I Think Their Stuff Is Legit.I LUUUUVE Sonic,Mario,Smash,You Name Any Nintendo Games I Love Em. I Would Like At Least 100 Followers,If That Happens My Mind Will Be Blown...Anyway...BYE!!!!!!!!!!
jessy kingkongooo
★Setyuo♪<2 0812ar
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bts is lit kinoelb
i hate it but i wouldn't have my best memory if it wasn't for this place so i guess thanks twttr: DABEVERYMORNLNG dscrd: minecraft yang #5547 (not really active)
Logan MrLogan
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»—çölę—> hunter020406
Name:Hunter (real life) Age:14 Favorite subject:Math favorite game:pokemon shuffle my # list #Pray4Paris #KeepGaming #LoveGaming #LoveYou
Corina Rival_Ziggy
Hi,there how are you? I'm just a some silly ġiгl hobbies: swimming, singing, art, volleyball, etc. likes: Zootopia, Twilight, Starbucks, fav games: Splatoon, ssbs4, mk8, and more, When I get older one day I would want to go around the world helping people to setting them free from poverty. Besties are 1. ★Jdog.exe☆ 2.TCQ 3. ROCK!!!! Thx for reading and God bless you!!
Angel Angelking980
hello people if you wan't to train in smash let me know im a good player so yeah bye
luXxi luXxixi
hello everybody!!welcome to my account!!i love music and i also love gaming.follow me, and get a free follow.
Downfall TheDownfall
Uprising, its foolish to oppose me, because on Day Three, You and the others will be nothing more than history! Smashers Beware, Challenge Me If You Dare, I Am Your Worst Nightmare. I Am Your Downfall, I Am Your Demise, Surrender and I Might Comprise. In Three Days Time It Will End, Then, I Will WIN!!!!! Elliot is gone, you're next.
blr2 otter12224
this is my side account so when i run out of post my main is otter1224
"brokenS" Broken_Stone_122
the official miiverse account for the story "Broken Stone" ill be writeing the story here so it easy to find and read oh also. my name is brandon and im the author of this story go to my miiverse otter1224 to know about me
Jeff CaptainFalcon5
Hey, I'm Jeff. Feel free to ask me any Marvel, Nintendo or Game Grumps question, even if it doesn't relate to the post. My votes for the Smash ballot are Captain Syrup, Ryota Hayami, ExciteBiker, Party Phil, and Wolf. My favorite games are PM: TTYD, KI:U and Zelda. I hate Sticker Star. I'm also a big Marvel fan, and a hard core Lovely. Hail Hydra I Am Groot
★☆Ellie☆★ Bannworth
Hi guys! You wanna know more about silly ol' me? Fine... Well.. I play The Legend of Zelda alot, along with Pokémon and Super Mario.. I also play Animal Jam... if you guys are into that. and I love reading books, especially Warrior Cats, currently on the 3rd book in The New Prophecy :3 Soo.. That's all about me, gaming AND reading-wise.. So stop reading and go back to what you were doing! Bye!
Tevy Auktevian27
Hi,my name is Auktevian.Call me Tevy!!! I am 15 years old I love pokemon,anime,&youtube Shoot follow 4 follow & friend request here! My favorite color is red(also blue&black! My fav leg pokemon is Genesect!!! Another thing,I ♥ POKEMON!!! l also have a black Wii U!!! I now have a Xbox 360!!! I finally got a red«new»3ds XL!!! See me on your friend list!!!!!!:] GET SHWIFTY!!!←(my catchphrase)
Aleisha aleishajellybear
O haii
Masonkj TrainerMkj
Hi guys it's masonkj I was banned so here's my account on te wii u
Roland:3 RedstoneEndermen
O.o you found me!!! Well it's time to introduce myself. Im Roland the Raichu. I'm bilingual (english and español), a artist, a writer, and a talent wasting singer. I don't know if you will like me or not... But what does that matter to me... . Also... I hope you like what I make and post... Thanks for reading. (^-^)/
Yuki's GF elfwarriorchic
Hi... I'm guessing you want to know about me ( this is such a drag...) well anyway my favourite anime's are fruits basket, kyou kara maoh and kamisama hajimemashita! favourite colour is blue favourite food is ramen and cake (not together) hate crowds...
QŰЕЕΝ EvA Evalina91
Swagger smashmanlol
мίςнψмίςн… Dont_E_Um
Henry vikingfan101
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ριχεł ★ BrianErickson
Hello everyone! I'm a very passionate gamer and artist. I enjoy spending time with family, and hanging out with my close friends.
A.M wings-tied
Plarp u lift m8 lov the cronch nebby squad assemble smug duck trash dove rael gobbly guess who picked up wakfu and started watching it on a daily basis sin bee
Shane Jurassicore2000
Kenn KJ_2016
Hello there, welcome to my page. I been on here for awhile and I been working on playing the games that are top selling or really fun to play.
allie SnoppyLink
i like to play video games and play outside sometimes.and also play with friends and play mariocart 8
Princess lkijuh
TODAY SHALL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN YESTERDAY I LOVE SKILLET!!!!!!!! Name: Sarah Juanita Manis Age: 15 Birthday: August 10th
яаιηγ_βοι Pixie04
I'm a grill. *ºβιº*. I натε myself at the MoMeNt. I am ºεмο τяαςнº, so. Yeah. I'm obsessed with P!ATD, TØP, TDG, and MCR. My "art" is cringe. Talk to me anytime, I'm almost always free. My Peoples: Vellbe0621 (Bab :'>) DJ_GamerGirl (Sweetest Thing) Meuh773 (Chill Boi) rcminecrafter (Great Art and Fren) wolflover15 (Best Fren) ƒοııοω τнεм!! Out of posts. K, βγε.
hi im brandon and im 16 a witter and like pretty much every thing from
E to M games from anime t...
hi im brandon and im 16 a witter and like pretty much every thing from
E to M games from anime to cartoons i also read comics and love tons of music
i really love tmnt, and tons of things
and im a really big megaman classic fan iv played all the games iv read the manga & im reading the comics
if you like megaman look up megaman gigamix on youtube it a amazing fanmade animation thing