just got back into playing this after way to long of a break
Brandon's Post

a reminder that there is a shrimp that can punch things so fast that water boilers around it and it makes a small air pocket that almost immediately implodes on itself basically punching things twi...

the 1986 transformer movie is still one of the greatest memories of my child hood i love the movie so much i need a ps4 now for that new transformer game

*topman robbing a bank* cop: stop or ill shoot top:"don't shoot im danceing don't shoot me when im dan-"*gets tased*

*looks at phon youtube* nothing new wait..... *sees rwby volume 3*ohhhhhh MY GOD!!!!!!!! ITS HALF LIFE 3 MOTHER 3 ALL CONFIRMED THANK YOU LORD OF THE INTERNET GABE

am i the only one who doesn't like ken's new look in street fighter v he just looks so different he doesn't even look like ken and its really wired because ryu looks the same as ever

a reminder that in golden sun dark dawn isaac can sense every liveing thing in a giant forest and can pen point a small child at the edge of the forest

a reminder that there is more characters in metdroid series then just samus and ridley rundas for smash

when you think about it pit was only like 10 or 12 in the fist game when he climbed his way out of hell[the underworld] defeating\killing anyone in his way including medusa and in uprising is only ...

my school has been token over magic i see people playing everyone at breakfast 3 tables were full of people playing now a friend is teaching me how to "mijiks" the gurdling
hi im brandon and im 16 a witter and like pretty much every thing from
E to M games from anime t...
hi im brandon and im 16 a witter and like pretty much every thing from
E to M games from anime to cartoons i also read comics and love tons of music
i really love tmnt, and tons of things
and im a really big megaman classic fan iv played all the games iv read the manga & im reading the comics
if you like megaman look up megaman gigamix on youtube it a amazing fanmade animation thing