miiverse c fini dans 14 heures on se retrouve sur picto poste c'est dommage... bises à tous!
Gail Force's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Community

electrick serpant
does anyone know how i can find the electric dragon causing the storm and defeat it? thx

its been great
thank you all my followers and friends for the support over the years. its been fun reading everyons comments and viewing all of your arts. this was actually my fi...

Adíos, amigos.
I try and make one last drawing before I shut the door. Stay cool kitties. Ayy lmao, MachShfive
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

You know one day in the future Nintendo will insert that Miiverse music into one of there games somewhere, and it’s all going to come flooding back.


I don't always comment as much as I should but wanted to say before it's all over how much I've enjoyed your beautiful art here over the years! Thank you! I hope you'll keep creating and sharing el...

Thanks for sharing your mesmerizing art Gail, it was really wonderful, ^u^ and thanks for the support as well always encouraging to see some great artist's yeah my post. :) Keep on Rockin' Gail I'm...
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so mu...
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥