Gail Force's Followers
Skull Kid Xtra-Xtrem
Top Series: Zelda Metroid Resident Evil Assassin´s Creed Splatoon Starfox F-Zero DK Pikmin Kirby Mario Geist Eternal Darkness Project Zero ZombiU Silent Hill Killer 7 NMH DMC Viewtiful Joe Fallout Left4Dead FEAR Doom GTA Postal Far Cry Crisis Call of Duty/Cthulhu/Juarez XIII Time Splitters Hitman Manhunt Mortal Kombat Street Fighter Capcom vs Tekken Naruto Dragonball One Piece and so on...
Blz3NTE vicentepepino
me gusta los gatos y me gusta la costra y la paella y gran fan de los videojuegos y los comics peli favorita : alien 1 videojuegos favoritos : pikmin , LOL , sonic adv comida favorita : pizza amo los animales me gusta dibujar cosas sin sentido animes: flcl ,evangelion y jojos series: rick y morty , hora de aventuras y shout park musica:de to menos reggueaton xD hablo catalá y ingles
Jeff MiiSuperhero
「Sοłδιεг」 Soldier_74
Soldier : 76 ~Overwatch. MK : ~Points MK7 : +12000 ~Points MK8 : +4000 (On my first account, not on this) Splatoon : ~Level 1 ~Rank S+ 99 I am a French guy so I speak French but I speak also English, Deutsch and a little Japanese. I don't make subscriptions. Sorry.. :/ AND I HAVEN'T THE NINTENDO SWITCH. :/ F#CK IT Lel. xD Have a nice day. :) Road to +200 followers ! ;)
Cristoffer Kuin_Sereniti
Righteous, honest and simple man. Obsessed with justice, fire and the law. Name: Christoffer Age: 28 Occupation: Job. Interests: Gaming, walking, forest, nature. Favourite season: Winter Books: Song of Ice and Fire (waiting for Winds of Winter.) Tv-series: Game of Thrones. My motto is "Give it time" My favourite quote: I will not become a page in someone else's history book.
Hi! I'm a Nintendochild since +25 years.♥ Through Mario Maker I came first time to Miiverse. :) You will see also some of my drawings which I have made with Art Academy. I have blocked the friend request function! I use the friendlist only for people I personally know. Feel free to comment on my posts or to follow me! :) ★Treat anyone the way you would like to be treated!★
gino pucci ginopucci
thanks you followers if I didn't get you I'm still trying if your not restricted or banned I do have a girlfriend name Kristin Miller she and me lives in Idaho and we are now kissing each other on the lips when we see each other we are boyfriend-girlfriend the rest of it is private
Munk2 Kav-Munk
Hello. This is Munk2. If you recognize a person named Munk, congratulations, you get a star:★. This is the same person. Now, you've seen everything, now go. Also, horrible drawings. Also pizza. 55 followers. No longer banned! 150 followers! Thanks! Love you all! Keep it going! Two more weeks until Miiverse ends. Lets end it with a bang! The 400 character limit is trash.
touché sidnetyiscool
hi. i lost all my followers. my sister and i are racing to 900. help me reach 900 before her. i post in english, spanish, portuguese, german, french, greek, swedish, italian, chinese, and japanese. I DON'T DO FRIEND REQUESTS!!!! go follow these people, Adrina (blue) Ethan B, and more to come. i love making friends.
Alexis Alexisx123
Hi my name is Alexis. I love going on youtube on my 3DS and listening to music.I love fashion.I know how to do all kinds of braids to do on me and other people.I have a sister named Alaina and a brother named Paul and my mom's name is Jennifer and my dad's name is paul and my grandma's name is Lorraine and my best friend is Kayla Cuesta. I have 4 cats. Follow me and I will follow you back.
Thomas FieryMarioMaster
Hi guys
AJ♪ Audrease
Hey ppl :) I'm 16 Love Super Smash Bros and Super Mario I play piano I like to cook Favorite college: LSU Easy to get along with Im in 11th grade i have boyfriend♥ Listen to hip-hop and pop music Being rude means blocked i enjoy spending time with my baby cousin
cαt tatycastro
thats awesome!
raffa rufi-olimar-mari
♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ il mondo é una dolce melodia.. interrotta da rumori molesti ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ ================================= godo dell'anonimato dei mii quindi.. no informations sono un'identitá indefinita così come insegna nintendo potrei dire solo che.. ma non si dice..meglio non rischiare.. comunque.. benvenuto in questo profilo.. sempre in evoluzione.. nintendo copyright
********** CTGPBRSTMs
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$LoveTemi★ tybros
Facts About Me: *My name is Xianna *I'm seven years old *I'm a BATIM FAN *I like Bendi-Realated things *Defintly romace too! #OutaBreath Ok LETS MOAR *I like Scooby-Doo *I LOVE all my followers! *Plz folow Me and my friends: Jolie, Emilie, EJ, LoveAbby, Bonnet, LoveZoe, ★Harriet★X My friends and Cannelle. *Hosts UNDERCLAN and SAVEMIIVERSECLAN. I'm in the Love Clan!!
bub NJS780
Pumii pachita53
Hola, soy Pumii, siempre estoy muy activa en Miiverse, mis juegos favoritos son: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild Mario Kart 8 Splatoon Tomodachi Life Fatal Frame Super Smash Bros
мαχιε kattttttttieeeee
▲BIEVENUE»»I am Maxie!I take request 24/7,I will answer your questions, and I will follow you back. ▼FANDOMS»»Creepypasta,Homestuck,Batim,ect. ▲INFO»»♀,Taken,a freshman in highschool,I love to draw. ▼?»»Here :3 ▲FOLLOWTHEM»» *Phantom *FrogSatan *Sage ★ι αм βαçк★
#Lubin Lubin.Barbe
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#*őķăķā*# io.niwano
おはこんばんにちは! 【僕のプロフィール】 出身…新潟 ピカピカの中ー バリバリのオタク♪ あとは、フツーの人間性だ……… フォローは100%返します! 無言フォローもOK!! 主にとび森を投稿します。 たまにその他もやりますので♪ イニシャルD、湾岸がすごい好き!! 車も全般好き!! 好きな車、NSX,R34.シルビアです! フォロワー100人突破!応援してくれた人達ありがとう!次は、500人目指します!! 活動復帰します♪ ミーバースありがとう… 最後まで見てくれた君が好き♪
KJZ p-kanman
こんにちはゲーム大好き、中3のKJZです!よろしくお願いします!!\(^∀^)/最近、学校の、体育館で、跳び箱10段跳びの、踏み台、無しの練習をしてます! あと、皆さんには、彼女や、彼氏は、いますか?いたら、フォローか、コメントしてください! 10月18日更新!\(^∀^)/
RMVJanie¤ Glover5
GoodVibes MagicalFeelings
「また何処かで出逢う日まで有り難うございました」 今さらですが気になっていた方々をフォローさせていただいています! 皆様のイラストが観れなくなる事が悲しいです! 人の褌で相撲を取る事を生業としております。 ★リアル時間、優先なのです。 失敗ばかり繰り返します 酔い絵、素晴らしい絵、真似できん!絵、羨ましい絵、尊敬等々にそうだね!!!!!連続共感してしまいます! 【一期一会】廻り合いに感謝しています★ 気味が悪いと、感じてしまいましたらごめんなさい ■主な成分:スコブル!ネガティブ☆♪
主にテラリアをプレイしてます 宜しくです!! フォローしてくれると幸いです!! コメも嬉しいです!! フレリクは送れませんペコリ 名前terraria 趣味 ゲーム テレビを見る事 小学5年です!! プール75m泳げます!! 得意な事 計算 ゲーム 苦手な食べ物は マヨネーズです(マヨラーの人スミマセン) 紅生姜 お好み焼き 牛乳 トマト(大きい方) 好きな食べ物は たこ焼き 蜂の子 ミニトマト 蜂の巣 ティッシュ アルミホイル おつまみ 葉っぱ 好きな曲 千本桜 色は匂えど散りぬるを ナイト・オブ・ナイツ ムーンロード戦bgm カゲロウデイズ
TheWarrior Flamebro99
Hello!Im Flame heres some stuff about me Games:Minecraft,CubeSift,and more! Friend :Go take a peek! What i like:Warrior,FNAF,BATIM,Duck season,LPS. Why i love Miiveres:Well it lets people minds run wild.People that cant friend each other can cumunicate , laugh , and tell there fellings. WE WILL MISS YOU MIIVERES AND OTHER PEOPLE!
Ρεяςσηηε†~ MELINA360
.·•Mέłίηα .·•11 αης {5 έмε} .·•92 {Aςηίεяες•Łα βαςε} .·•Ałġεяίεηηε/Pσяτυġαίςε .·•30/12/2005 .·•ßί ετ ƒίέяε •ω• .·•Čαρяίċσяηε {‹3~Ğυίłħεм_Tσммγ_Aητσ~‹3} »——————————————————› .·•·.†.·•*{BTS}*•·.†.·•·.
мαιαçнı●¬● superbudd
Hello Errbody My new is back. Im back with my new mii I havent changed anything im still me. śçħőőι наś ßεεη оκ ●¬●. Im thinking on moving off wii u for a while i shall return though. Im really just a Artist in Training but i'll become a master artist soon all I need is a little more training and im good. My goal is to reach: 300 follows
★Lea☆ PhilippJayen
Hi ich bin Lea und 11 jahre alt.Liebe Tiere und bin sehr nett.Meine Hobbys sind Fußball und Handball spielen,Lesen und jemanden Helfen.Ich akzeptiere gerne Entschuldigungen und bin in den clan Nintendofans und HD und ich bin in den SZC club ich freunde mich auch gerne an.Wenn ihr mir folgt den folge ich auch.Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß und viel Glück Tschüss
Dragon NightmareMewtu
Hallo Ich Mag Pokemon Und Donkey Kong Spyro Skylanders Und Starfox Und One piece Und Auch Naruto Und Dragonball Z Und Sonic Und Super Mario So Wie Metroid Das Sind Die Spiele Und Animes Die Ich Mag Und Ich Mag Auch Meine Freunde :)
»SMV_adri« adrianixguapy
Hola a todos soy Adriana¡¡¡ #kawaii #foreveryoung #savemiiverse #adrianixguapy dale a ese boton tan cuky que pone SEGUIR y disfruta de todo lo que cuelgo¡¡¡ hay esperanzas para salvar miiverse¡¡¡gracias a todos por firmar si quieres saber de que va esto de las esperanzas preguntamelo en un comen. BESOS MIS AMORES
Hallo Freunde Ich Mag Euch :) Und Ich Mag Auch Animes Und Ich Mag Video-Spiele So Wie Donkey Kong Castlevania Pokemon Mario Sonic Spyro Skylanders Zelda Starfox One Piece Dragonball Z Animal Crossing Yoshi Kingdom Hearts Luigi Power Rangers Spongebob Super Smash Bros Metroid Yugioh! Digimon Batman Superman Ironman Spider-Man He-Man Harry Potter Und Filme Mag Ich Auch Und Ich Mag Meine Freunde ☆
hey und willkommen auf meinem profil hier sind ein par fakten über mich geboren eintrit am 27.8.2015 und spiele gern batle cats pop auf dem nintendo. Ich zeichne gern vorallem pokémon. Liblings essen: eis,nudeln,kein fleisch bin vigitarier. sorry kein sage ich nicht auser sie wils. bay-bay ●●●● DANKE FÜR 134 FOLGER. SCHAFFEN WIR150 enderung am 07.08.2017
Mel Fox.exe
ich bin Mel Und ich mag animes und spiele so wie donkeykong mario starfox pokemon onepiece dragonballz tmnt batman superman he-man power rangers digimon sonic castlevania naruto und ich mag alle meine freunde
Javi_#SMV Neojavi
#SaveMiiverse Tengo 37, me gusta dibujar, pintar, fotografía, la naturaleza y los videojuegos =) Soy khaotico en Deviantart. Old school ;-D I'm 37 years old I like draw, paint, photography, nature and videogames. -- khaotico in DA Juguemos, Let's play Jugador desde la atari 2600, Luego nes, snes,n64,dreamcast,gamecube...y ahora Wiiu Gamer since atari 2600,nes,snes,n64, Dc,GC...and now WiiU!!!
あっきーザウルス onigirisenbei123
MINCRKHUT:WIIU EDITION UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN® ユニバーサル スタジオ ジャパン® UNIVERSAL STUDIOS JAPAN 再現計画 皆様に最高の1日を過ごしてもらいたい ユニバーサル スタジオ ジャパン へようこそ! 大変長らくお待たせしました!! 間もなくゲートがオープンします! たくさんの夢。驚きの体験。忘れられない出会い。 世界最高が皆様を待っています!! よぉ~し!みんな~!いっくよぉ~ それでは!! オープン!!!!!!! 詳しくはお気に入りのお絵描きのUSJサイトまで 世界最高を、お届けしたい。
ÐαЯк ςτĄя VIDarkStarIV
i love anime alot. i also love nightcore, my favorite band is demon hunter. i really love miiverse, i love talking to all of you guys, i will follow as many of you guys as possible, and i hope i get alot of followers too. i actually live in the united states, not the virgin islands. i'll miss all of you when miiverse ends.
jonathan hosorio1964
Iam a nice gamer and love to play Minecraft join friends on batlemode talk to then play Mario Kart 8 make my own server so people can join me and get new cars and motorcycles!
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Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so mu...
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥