slsls's Followers
nemo Nemo_Fish_Water
How did you know about that? Want to go to Amtrak Town, obviously? Sounds like I have been having like 3 or more talking-to children the other day, so I wish that my ETA is just broken... Mind me if I walk my dog to Hornet Hobbies, and check my leave-taking list. Now we came to Halifax to see Chip. ‘‘Hi!’’ said Chip. ‘‘Oh no! I forgot my backpack...’’ said Chip, then don't leave my list alone...
Angel #2 BlueAngelland6
Hey guys! This is my back up account in case I run out of posts on my old one. So have a nice day! Thank you guys for 400 follows! Online: () Offline: (•)
Jayne.B lukebliss
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jhordy jhordy
Zachary ZackSmack
Hi i'm Zach Fewins i'm a Nintendo gamers. I like TV shows like Cartoon Network,Spongebob,& the Simpsons.
Evan Awesome179A
I am 8. My name is Evan. My favorite color is green. I am crishtin. I also like music and playing on PC's. I am smart! I live with 4 pepol and a favorite sports are soker, swimming, rokecliming, running, biking and I run a tryatholon every year. I want to be a invanter. I trost in god. I do not aprove of fiting. together we can stop bolleinng. I go on a lot of trips. I like animal crossing.
AmpKitty AMPK12
Hi everyone in Miiverse! Just letting u know, but I am not on miiverse a lot so if u havent seen a post from me thats why. Anyway, a little about me: Some ppl call me: Anna, Annie, and Anna Marie. The 3ds games I play r: - ACNL\ ACHHD - Mario Kart 7 - Tomadachi Life And other games I have. Acnl Character: Anna from Sunshine - Bye...
Alien ScottFoster
*you try to read this Alien's profile info... but you dont understand what it says* cgxxggvcf ftddggfgd fyyfyffffbyyf byhfyyhhv hfgghburvgdihdnd vjvjnnckfb hekdd@ddx733ä]ääíä8]ö)í0] udheeripmiiversehfdjdhdbdbcdhdhsjehvhggvghgfreetddghv4623542012-2017647363hhvhchffgdhghguyggjgjhgithadagoodlifegfhcccfjgkgjghhf
Yanice-AW Kyogre-03
Salut Miiverse. Moi c'est Yanice j'ai 11ans. Je suis en CM2 J'accepte vos demande d'amis Mes Youtubeur préféré Siphano Squeezie Le Bled'Art Aypierre CBGames Steelorse et Agentgb Mes jeux préférés Wii U: Minecraft Wii U Édition Wii: Lapin Crètin. DS: Pokemon Saphir Amiibo: Snapeur (Cap.Flacons) Et Bazoower (Bowser) Poto: Fayasamba Lucas DarkLuk71 Naïm Augustin88 leBaugosse Tonns62 et Sonicdu16 A+
zai izaiah246
My name is IZAIAH and i am 12 years old and i live in florence CO.I luv to play video games, watching tv and eating.I also like to go to church.If you follow me are yeah my post i will follow you.My favorite bands are skillet,fallout boy and imagine dragons
?????????? benlamb1997
David teamvarga
LOADING ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★100% WHAT UP!!!!! *cough* HOW IS IT GOING!!!! so.... SPLATOON IS LEGIT!!
DOMOREEVIL thomasgodude
Message from a nintendo 3DS system
Ron hhhhhhhhhhhhhhg
scoutdapup,Yo-yo,and porky are awesome
Melis mpruitt1243
hi i am becca
Michael dlakertor
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Happy New Year We're on The 2016 Favorite Color Purple But 2017 Is coming up After 2016 Nintendo ...
Happy New Year We're on The 2016 Favorite Color Purple But 2017 Is coming up After 2016 Nintendo TVii Has been removed at Aug 11 3:00