Users slsls Is Following
GMeerkat GeekyMeerkat
Pokemon and Fantasy Life ftw!
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。
NSW☆Paul Folkloner
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed. Thanks for all the support and the wonderful memories. I'll see you NeXt time.
Maki EvilMakiPR
Hola gente aqui un Boricua gamer que juego de todo. Tengo el Wii U Bundle de Wind Waker HD. Tambien tengo canal de YouTube(xXMakiManPRXx). Y hago Lets Plays de Wii U y 3DS. Y pues nada me pueden agregar en confianza!
Cher skyhighblu
★☆Mickey☆★ chiby-furry
Hiya, the name's Mick. I'm a lil' nerdy mouse who loves Nintendo, Disney and draw random things related with Mario and Me (duh.) I mostly do sloppy drawings and silly comics Psst(I'm a pokemon fan too, but remember, its a secret. Favorite pokemon? Jolteon,Dragonite,Luxray,Weavile,Greninja) Oh boy.. Well that's all, see ya! Love u all!♥ Mario&Mickey are just friends Don't ship em' >:V
AmpKitty AMPK12
Hi everyone in Miiverse! Just letting u know, but I am not on miiverse a lot so if u havent seen a post from me thats why. Anyway, a little about me: Some ppl call me: Anna, Annie, and Anna Marie. The 3ds games I play r: - ACNL\ ACHHD - Mario Kart 7 - Tomadachi Life And other games I have. Acnl Character: Anna from Sunshine - Bye...
Chris Chris15Cruz
Im ready for any challenge all im going to say. Oh! Im a BEAST AT MARIO KART 7 so watch out. Dont forget to follow me though i will probably follow you back once i figure out how to use all this lol. (3DS user)
Alien ScottFoster
*you try to read this Alien's profile info... but you dont understand what it says* cgxxggvcf ftddggfgd fyyfyffffbyyf byhfyyhhv hfgghburvgdihdnd vjvjnnckfb hekdd@ddx733ä]ääíä8]ö)í0] udheeripmiiversehfdjdhdbdbcdhdhsjehvhggvghgfreetddghv4623542012-2017647363hhvhchffgdhghguyggjgjhgithadagoodlifegfhcccfjgkgjghhf
Link zelda1010101
Angel ViridiFromNature
Hey guys. I'm Angel. Age: 14 Favorite color: Blue Favorite hobbies: Draw, listen to music, video gaming, dancing, and playing Roblox Favorite characters: Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Tetra, Ness, Lucas, Ice Climbers, Baby Luigi, Kirby, and Tiff Languages: English, some Spanish (learning Japanese) ♥ Status: Taken Thanks guys for 1070 follows! Online: () Offline: (•) Sleeping: () At School: ()
knuckles narutouzamaki08
Hay I'm Knuckles I'm 8 my real name is Sherrod. I like food. My favorite food is chicken. My favorite show is Pac-man. And my favorite sport is football. I like video games and playing. outdoors and I like telling funny jokes. and I go through all my ↑↓ that my life peaceout!!!
Derek♪ Hacking-For-You
MK7 player with 99999VR on Rock rock mountain. Date reached 10/3/15. Also I am not from Canada. I made the mistake when making this account. My real region is USA. Will be gone online though. Will miss all my friends. Goodbye. x(
ニッキー★にせ Nikki29
【Y.F.C会員】 最近はTViiから実況するだけのアカウントになってます。 偽者にはご注意を。(本物ミーバースに降臨はよ) 画力はありません。 メッセージのやり取りは余りしません。 Wii Uチャットは出来ません。 フレンドリクエストは受け付けてますが 連続投稿やマルチポストしたり放送禁止用語を書く人はフレンドになっても後に外します。 宜しくお願いします。 I’m looking for friends only Japanese because l do not speak English. 利用ガイド違反者は 悪・即・斬 今までミーバースはバイバイありがとうさようなら
zai izaiah246
My name is IZAIAH and i am 12 years old and i live in florence CO.I luv to play video games, watching tv and eating.I also like to go to church.If you follow me are yeah my post i will follow you.My favorite bands are skillet,fallout boy and imagine dragons
Yanice-AW Kyogre-03
Salut Miiverse. Moi c'est Yanice j'ai 11ans. Je suis en CM2 J'accepte vos demande d'amis Mes Youtubeur préféré Siphano Squeezie Le Bled'Art Aypierre CBGames Steelorse et Agentgb Mes jeux préférés Wii U: Minecraft Wii U Édition Wii: Lapin Crètin. DS: Pokemon Saphir Amiibo: Snapeur (Cap.Flacons) Et Bazoower (Bowser) Poto: Fayasamba Lucas DarkLuk71 Naïm Augustin88 leBaugosse Tonns62 et Sonicdu16 A+
SouthOp SouthOp1909
This user's profile comment is private.
DAVIS 00 Davish1
My name is jason Haha fooled u lol I'm 16 and I make silly drawings I would like to thank the user who made 2500+ accounts just to follow me Alt account: THENEWDAVIS00
aa So_the_Shop
DOMOREEVIL thomasgodude
Message from a nintendo 3DS system
David teamvarga
LOADING ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★100% WHAT UP!!!!! *cough* HOW IS IT GOING!!!! so.... SPLATOON IS LEGIT!!
Ronnie WhiteRenegade
I've finally got a Wii U! Now I'll probably post on Miiverse more often. Having a blast playing Super Smash Bros. right now, and I'm very much looking forward to the upcoming Zelda and Star Fox for Wii U.
Ron hhhhhhhhhhhhhhg
scoutdapup,Yo-yo,and porky are awesome
あらき araki0429
そー sou0927
Dakimeon Dakimeon
Hi there! I'm an italian old-school player who used to start gaming when child, with the unforgettable NES; I love Mario games and I'm actually a huge Donkey Kong fan too. Nintendo and Capcom have always been my favourite software houses. I like Resident Evil and Street Fighter series so much! Please never forget: I'm a zombie genocider! :D
Miles MonkeyKing76
Andre osuyaha
Hey Studs
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
Evan Awesome179A
I am 8. My name is Evan. My favorite color is green. I am crishtin. I also like music and playing on PC's. I am smart! I live with 4 pepol and a favorite sports are soker, swimming, rokecliming, running, biking and I run a tryatholon every year. I want to be a invanter. I trost in god. I do not aprove of fiting. together we can stop bolleinng. I go on a lot of trips. I like animal crossing.
Brian 586828
Oh, hey. :v I draw on here occasionally. You can view some more of my art on my DA if you're willing to do so. DA account: Briandrawsstuff
?????????? benlamb1997
Yanice Moignon1
Salut je suis un grand fan de Pikmin de lapin crètin de kirby rayman de mario et de zelda J'avais comme meilleurs jeux kirby aventure wii sur wii. Mes meilleur amis sont Lucas (lulufolloye) et Diégo (Diego44810) Lenny (Lionlen) et BК#Yaya (RaymanPoulet2000). mes meilleure youtubeurs sont Superbrioche666 Frigiel Arc11111 Siphano le code tournois MK8 est 0175-0514-8884
Brayden Brayden123
Happy New Year We're on The 2016 Favorite Color Purple But 2017 Is coming up After 2016 Nintendo ...
Happy New Year We're on The 2016 Favorite Color Purple But 2017 Is coming up After 2016 Nintendo TVii Has been removed at Aug 11 3:00