Users Toon Link Is Following
Mimik bzzbzz3013
Bonjour à tous je suis Mimik le sous-chef de la team Wolf le chef est wolf1 abonner vous à moi et je m'abonnerais à vous. Comme vous le savez miiverse ferme bientôt et maintenant c'est quasiment la guerre sur miiverse. Abonner vous à mon compte miiverse, aller je vous fait de gros bisous mes licornes
anatole anat1er
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Link jugurtha1289
Mario kart 7 is amzing. I ALWAYS WIN!
Mustard Real_Master929
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Ali☆ Allyssa00
Hi, I like games. I want to travel to Asia☆
ANDREA∞PRO raaaaaaas
HOLA ∞pros , no os voy adecir lo q todos os dicen,( lo de sigueme y yo te sigo) q es eso SOY ANDREA ∞PRO sigueme si tu quieres si no no me sigas bla, bla, bla A y no os voy a soltar todo ese rollo q los demas dicen , solo disfruta de mis publis a y tengo 10 años IDIOMAS (q se hablar): ESPAÑOL como no ,INGLES obligatorio pero me gusta, CHINO LO ODIO A MUERTE(voy a una academia),Y FRANCÉS
☆Lumy☆ FrostyLuma999
So there's this one girl named "Lunar" who orders a "McFlurry" at McDonalds on a daily basis. Go look for her!
prozack 775241
Hi My Name Is ProZack Wanna Play With Me ?
bluerain82 julia8082
my name is julia alex yamamoto my nickname is bluerain, yamamoto, takeshi–chan and blue–chan my fav anime male characters name is tyl yamamoto takeshi my fav music is vocaloid my fav animals is wolf my fav birds is hawk my fav games is pokemon, zelda games and tomoachi life my fav movies is action movies my fav cartoon characters name is danny phantom my fav games characters name is link
mao(マオ) daimaou_0522
10/9 更新 どうも、おはこんばんわ! まおです。 フォロワーさん 290人突破! ありがとうございます フレンド大募集中です! 気軽に、フレンドリクエスト送ってください。 [好きなゲーム] 1.ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2.スプラトゥーン 3.マインクラフト 4.ピクミン3 5.マリオカート8 6.ポッ挙 [フレンド 7人] 1人目. たけMVS#5 2人目. けいし 3人目. まりものマリネ 4人目. かくせいしたモヤシ 5人目. Y-T 6人目. かずき 7人目. ぼっちくん ゼルダの伝説が楽しすぎる!! 神獣あと2体 ハート:13個 がんばり:○ ガノンを倒すまで、絶対に諦めないぞ! マインクラフト データが、全て消えてしまったーー!!!! 絶対に荒らさないでね... スプラトゥーン データが、全て消えてしまったーー!!!!
flash fire TheMLGamersXD
Hey guys, its me flashfire and I just wanted to say whats up? I hope you all enjoy the final hours of Miiverse with me, and that we make the Seventh of November a Day to be remembered! Thanks for 123 FLAMING FOLLOWERS! To all my followers who don't get to see the last days of Miiverse, I'm very sorry and I love you guys. D': Wohoo! I'm online!
Mike MikeMatei
Enjoy the drawings and thanks for following!
Michelle spongebobfan024
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Jake★WN Wiiu_Jake
Hello everyone! I'm Jake★WN! Here's some stuff about me! ● I've been a Miiverse user for 4 years! ● I love pizza, video games, cats, dogs, family, and lots more! ● I play Nintendo Land, Wii Sports Club, and Pac-Man. ● I've played video games for 9 years! ● My best friends on Wii U are AwesomeGamerland, Layla264, TheLightsaber, GYSPEY, and bible47. ● I DON'T WII U CHAT. That's about it, bye!
Nicogamer1 Nicogamer1
hi guys is nicogamer im a comment im a drowing and im a gamer :0 and im 10 and i do anything you guys said just following me and lets get up to 3000 so good juck asking me some questions and tell me waht to play or drow
CJ RF1475
mia 123punch
Sup peps! My name is Mia and I'm a rock'n'roll chick,well not really, but I do love things that are from nintendo and I can kick butt in Mario kart 8 and Injustice league litteraly! I like things cute and I love Miiveres and I can't wait to see all the fun and creative things all you gals and guys do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nancy Bookitten44
Hi. Hugs everyone. I love games that are family friendly. I'm an overprotective aunt. I also love animals and making people smile. I tend to visit miiverse at odd hours. When I can't sleep, I may come on. I tend to be a bit overly positive sometimes. I'm also a bit of a sci-fi fantasy book nerd. I'm a foodie who is also a super picky eater. I'm a Cleveland Cavs fan
Tahara Zuchire
anything you need to know is at my other account. (network ID mei_meiak)
DibzNr blackranger34
Hi! My name is Alex, i'm from the UK and I LOVE the Smash Bros series!! I play every entry but N64 Fav games: 1) SSB4 2) SSBM 3) KH2FM 4) Metroid Prime 2 5) Metroid Prime 6) Metroid Prime 3 Fav music: Rain Fav thing to do: Eat McDonalds On the final day of miiverse i'm gonna make it my goal to get perma-banned (Cause why not?)
Random guy spncrjhn
this profile comment is hidden by admins admin: *eyebrow raises* *you were supposed to laugh at th^^^at* why are you still here?
☆Кагт★♪← cheery08
Hello! I'll miss you guys really much when MV ends :[ нарру еагļу хмаς! So I hope you guys are well ;) Thanks for the yeahs,encouragement and happiness! I really appreciate my followers too! Thanks2 ;)
leilani hughes1579
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eri eribee3
hello i do weird miiverse posts and im cringey xD im really weird ok
☆ςυρerRιτα OliverandCompany
If you're an O&C fan, you came to the right place! If you decided to follow me, you're truly awesome! If you came to block/unfollow me, then I must of made you pretty salty. But Why should I worry, why should I care? This account is mainly devoted to one of Walt Disney's under appreciated classics Oliver and Company! So expect lots of random O&C FanArt! I mainly play Smash 4 & Pokkén T!
•ςαναηηαн• 1freegal
Bye everyone.
Andy MacG AndyMacG09
I'm Andy Mac. There isn't much known about me, but, I'm a gamer and anime viewer. My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda. My favorite anime is One Piece. I'm 15 years old and a sophomore in highschool.
John dylamaddox
zuzu 44ii5599
PROKOPIS☆♂ fast0909five
Hello!My name is Prokopis i am from Greece my sport is karate my favourite game is GTA 5 please FOLLOW ME and this is my profile thanks for read! BYE BYE! :·)
DarkLinkle akhter
I am Muslim.I LOVE The Legend Of Zelda!Wait, who are you!?GET OUT! Check out my drawings!If you like LOZ, anyway. I love Lindtt chocolate, especially their Lindor ones. I hate nuts of any kind. Chili Chicken is delicious.So is spicy soup. My favorite color is Cerulean.I have a tiny crush on Toon Link,(LIES)he's so cute!(TRUTH) He and Kirby are so cute, I could eat Kirby and kiss Toonie!
Link Fluffykiko
Hello! Thanks for clicking my face! I'm Link, the courage piece of the Triforce. I will do anything to stop evil and fight for the people of Hyrule. I love Nintendo games and systems and I hope you do as well! I also love making puns!(^-^) Thank you all for being fantastic people in the Nintendo community. Miiverse is shutting down soon.......*Sigh*
Tj bleach4b5
♪Welcome~♪ ºTJ º16 ºFavorite Places: Florida, California, Japan, Korea (Wishes to travel to Japan/Korea) ºSingle ºLike: Snow, Being lazy, procrastinate, Cold weathers and cold places, Fall, Beanie, hoodies, 80's/90's anime, japanese culture and history, Drawing/Sketches. ºοº Hot Dog! (< ••• Waka Waka (Plz excuse my english, it almost good, but its bad) Feel free to chat with me on Wii U Chat.
Angry Joe opc1234
This user's profile comment is private.
Justin thezeldanerd2017
Hi I like Legend Of Zelda alot Breath of wild was awesome im just 12year old kid that like the legend of zelda. Sports: I do cross country(thats where you run... alot). ( And girls i taken)
Anthony pens09champs
Nintendo You've taken this too far! Miiverse is a happy place! Sure it has its ups and downs, But thats no reason to shut it down! I thought you liked your fans! Look at how much misery you are causing them! DO NOT END MIIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!! #DONTENDMIIVERSE!!!!! THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA!!!!!!!!!! I'M NEVER PLAYING ANOTHER NINTENDO GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I move out, I wanna be an Adventurer! Exploring Forests, Caves, Old Abandoned Mines, and Fin...
When I move out, I wanna be an Adventurer! Exploring Forests, Caves, Old Abandoned Mines, and Finding Treasure!