Toon Link's Friends
CJ RF1475
Nelson+ legendofzelda259
MATCH MY RESOLVE - ASH/ ∞ Stuff about ме Cringey Banned alot Akward Dumb Mexican ADHD Sarcastic, Me NEVER! Likes rick and morty цςιεςς Good at super smash bros Follow these people : Zetsu Ash Tyler & Sky HUNGRY FOR APPLES? YOUR NOT.... OK I like Loz Mario & Smash & more ıξανε пощ This will go on forever if u like
Kaito RouttMeister
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Melissa CinnaminMouse
hi,my name is Melissa.I am 14.I have a wii u, a 3ds, a nintendo 64, and a tablet, game cube and a play station 2. I have played mario games legend of zelda games.and sims games and harvest moon games and pikmin games and animal crossing games. All of th games i listed i have played more than one of those games.i am a Christian.
Jona_E Jona_ESM
shamon shamon456
$MLGJack$ Hero_In_Blue6008
Hey! Why did you tap my face? That hurt! *sigh* Since your here,I might as well go ahead and introduce my self... My name is Jack I have Terraria,Minecraft,MK8 And other amazing games!(don't forget about Splatoon!) I am single(Just putting that out there) I am 13 Years old I am a great friend I hate bullies If you are a troller,griefer or a bad friend,I will block/unfriend you Well,See ya!!
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
Joe 67 Joe_67
I have ben into video games for a long time. Now I wont to make a chanle on youtube!
Markiplier Tinyboxjim
Oh,hello everybody this is Markiplier and welcome to this Mr.mesoloney profile! If you think I'm fake I don't care,really at all. :/ ------------------------------------------ If ya do... WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL MARKIPLIER MIIVERSE PROFILE!!! *Background characters clap and cheer* Thank you! Anyways,Always and I mean ALWAYS floof the hair for more power,got it?
prozack 775241
Hi My Name Is ProZack Wanna Play With Me ?
KS»Dustin dara011281
Im a ulgy as year old in Massachusetts and graduated middleschool like holly $#!@ not even going to lie that felt great!
Tyler jykgmdtkd
Profile comment hidden by admin.
nicky gamer123344Kid
hey if you all want to follow me and/or friend me, feel free, im always looking for friends.
Chara GameMasterLog101
Hey Guys I'm MasterHunter Y I Play Lots of Games In fact you could even call me GameMaster Games Owned:SuperMario Maker,MineCraft Wii U,Super Smash Bros Wii U,Splatoon,Mario Party 10,Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess,Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker,MarioKart 8. I Love:Anime,Music,MineCraft,Video Games,Girls, and More! And As Always I Love You All-GameMaster
Eli EliA1099
Hola! ^o^ I love to play any nintendo games, and I especially like Mario Kart. I enjoy working with computers, and I LOVE playing the guitar! friend me! I don't bite!
Chris thepyroarking
My name is Chris.I am 15 I typically enjoy any game franchise, and i would give any type of game a try if someone recommends it. I am doing a nuzlocke challenge of pokemon Silver A Nuzlocke Challenge is where: can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in a place 2.if a pokemon faints,release it,it "died" Wii-U chat is forbidded in this household!
mei mei_meiak
i am a purple and orange unicorn with tiny fairy wings on my horn i fart rainbows can fly and i eat pickle flavored cotton candy my ultimate form is a pink dragon fifty feet tall with a wing spread of two whole feet!! i take bubble gum baths i eat soda and drink pizza care to join me?P.S. follow wow «Bree» izzy wolf and valerie! oh and i guess i'm pretty much a comedian
jake jdgameboy11
I'm 13 & A hardcore Zelda fan! I also love Mario. it's sad that miiverse is ending but it will live on at MVhaven as well our hearts, goodbye miiverse, and thank you! my favorite Zelda games: NES: Zelda II SNES: A link to the past N64/GCN: majora's mask Wii: Skyward sword Wiiu: Breath of the wild 3DS: ocarina of time 3D Switch: Breath of the wild currently playing: BoTW, triforce heroes.
Link Fluffykiko
Hello! Thanks for clicking my face! I'm Link, the courage piece of the Triforce. I will do anything to stop evil and fight for the people of Hyrule. I love Nintendo games and systems and I hope you do as well! I also love making puns!(^-^) Thank you all for being fantastic people in the Nintendo community. Miiverse is shutting down soon.......*Sigh*
UltraLX LuigixoDaisy44
Hey I'm UltraLX I'm The God of forms.I'm huge fan of all mario hero characters and a fan of Bowser.that's bout it.
logantus noscope37
hello, I would really like to be your friend my favorite games are loz botw, minecraft, mariokart, undertale, and super smash huge loz fan too, plz follow.I live in st. louis I want to work for nintendo can I get 150 followers plz hi? whats up go shoo plz? leave me alone! I warned you
Mimik bzzbzz3013
Bonjour à tous je suis Mimik le sous-chef de la team Wolf le chef est wolf1 abonner vous à moi et je m'abonnerais à vous. Comme vous le savez miiverse ferme bientôt et maintenant c'est quasiment la guerre sur miiverse. Abonner vous à mon compte miiverse, aller je vous fait de gros bisous mes licornes
stampycat summer.preston
Youtubeboy Youtubeboy871
Hello beautiful humans of the world. i love games. If You friend request me to wii u chat than (smack lips smacklips) than no. I love to play games but mostly rpgs,adventure,and shooting, and creativity. I hope i can make new friends. Here is some information about me. My favorite colors:Red Black and white favorite sports:Soccer and basketball. Thx for reading i hope i can make new friends (^o^)
Jake roblox201
danny dannyp16
hi my name is danny when i grow up i want to help people across the world also i do wii u chat whenever you want yes im lonley :(
cherrypup♪ cherrypup309
Heyo, I like to draw and play video games! Thats... kinda it
Max_Gr Max_F1
Hi ! I'm Max. I play a lot Need For Speed MW U and Splatoon. I still have the GameCube® ^^
SpongeyKid ManSponge4410
This user's profile comment is private.
Angry Joe opc1234
This user's profile comment is private.
CatBaby&co pilimer13
Brittany brittbritt6720
Hi my name is Brittany♥☆♥☆ I love my wii u I love my friends,fam and followers I love all my peeps thank u for everything u guys gave me I love u all xoxo♥♥♡♡☆☆♥♥♡♡☆☆My favorite games: Minecraft,Rpg,Splatoon,Wii party u,Super mario games, and Roblox.I love manga,anime Rpg. My favorite genres: Romance, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Action, Slice of life, and Thriller ask me anything.♥
☆ςυρerRιτα OliverandCompany
If you're an O&C fan, you came to the right place! If you decided to follow me, you're truly awesome! If you came to block/unfollow me, then I must of made you pretty salty. But Why should I worry, why should I care? This account is mainly devoted to one of Walt Disney's under appreciated classics Oliver and Company! So expect lots of random O&C FanArt! I mainly play Smash 4 & Pokkén T!
John dylamaddox
Felk FILK12
HI everyone
Andy MacG AndyMacG09
I'm Andy Mac. There isn't much known about me, but, I'm a gamer and anime viewer. My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda. My favorite anime is One Piece. I'm 15 years old and a sophomore in highschool.
Lia lia174
¿Quien soy? Un ser Humano :v ¿Donde vivo? Planeta Tierra :v ¿Cual es mi edad? Edad Contemporánea.∞ :v ¿Religión? Creencia Cristiana † ¿Como me llamo?Yo no me llamo a mi me llaman. Me llaman Lia. Bv ♪ ¡Amo los instrumentos!♪ Who am I? a Human being. Where do I live? I live in planet Earth. How old am I? Im young∞ :v Religion? Christian Belief † What's my name? Lia :vD ♪ I love instruments! ♪
Lex Alexi1402
Hey I'm Lex, Lvl.18 in life, Floridian, Aries, 6'4 and still getting taller T_T ... Anyway here's some stuff I Love:Volleyball,Guitar(El&Ac),Piano,LoZ!,Bass,Drums,P!TD,ClassicRock,JoshDun!Techno,Metal,TØP,Screamo,Hardrock,Campfires, TACOS!TheBeach,Cooking for Mi Amigos:MollyJo,Matthew,Jacob,Lance,Andrew, Jr,&Andy.P.S. I'm a Christian(Also I'm in love with Harold, Don't Judge.)(>o<) ~PEACE!
Noel RingWraith8
K+T☆★☆★☆ Klutchkins
hello im kendal i love cake and food :3 and my favorite colors are blood red and pitch black and i love scary movies im 13 i wii u chat and i dont care how old you are be careful i can be sassy sometimes lol and Tyler is the best guy in the world he is my king i need him I love him so back off boys!
Anthony pens09champs
Nintendo You've taken this too far! Miiverse is a happy place! Sure it has its ups and downs, But thats no reason to shut it down! I thought you liked your fans! Look at how much misery you are causing them! DO NOT END MIIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!! #DONTENDMIIVERSE!!!!! THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA!!!!!!!!!! I'M NEVER PLAYING ANOTHER NINTENDO GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I move out, I wanna be an Adventurer! Exploring Forests, Caves, Old Abandoned Mines, and Fin...
When I move out, I wanna be an Adventurer! Exploring Forests, Caves, Old Abandoned Mines, and Finding Treasure!