windwaker is cool game
felix's Yeahs

wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves wolves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sister could use some of this advice. She speeds through dialogue without reading what other characters have to say, then expects me to give her all of the answers when she doesn't know what to ...
hi I'm a 13 year old boy how is 5'2''. I like the color bleu and board games but, I mostly play v...
hi I'm a 13 year old boy how is 5'2''. I like the color bleu and board games but, I mostly play video games. my favorit is the legend of zelda seires. they're amazing, so much adventuring around and just try and figure out what to do to move on your adventur. any ways make sur to explore EVERY thing in a game you might just find somthing worth finding.
good luck on your games
singed: Felix