felix's Friends
Wolf Lover Purplethehusky
Splatoon and Netflix are fun but Youtube is so far the best in my opinion.
Ursa whisperstar13
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender. "That's what mothers are like; if you mess with their babies...they'll bite you back!"
camron CAMMAN0122
william nvmbmwgtvtty-gbf
I am a good friend. je suis un bon ami. yo soy un buen amigo. eu sou um bom amigo. ich bin ein guter freund. ek is 'n goeie vriend. ja sam dobar prijatelj. jeg er en god ven. kha pha chao pen pheuon thi di. ego autem sum vir bonus amicus.
Ta'Veair taveair07
This user's profile comment is private.
fmodsmydjf hdducvofimollmll
Rashad SkywalkerX95
Hello everyone!This is my third miiverse profile.My other two were corrupted so i made this one.I am a very fun and cool person hope you follow and friend me. NO WII U CHAT FOR NOW.
Aliénor ninja55009
Coucou tout le monde! Je suis Aliénor et j'ai 13 ans. Abonnez-vous à moi je m'abonnerai à vous directement. Et j'accepte toutes les demandes d'amis. bisous à tous ;) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
cool guy★ deathboy600
hi im 12 and my favorite game is mario kart 8 and i think its th coolist game ever. i do wiiu chat in afternoon and no calling at 10-12
Mr.e 2903knave
McEvan9 is Here! I am a gamer that has a lot of experience.I am very good at games like Stick It To The Man,Minecraft and Dust:An Elysian tale. I have a Wii U ,a GBA SP,a Xbox 360 a NES, a Dsi ,and a 3Ds.Its suppost to be McEvan9 not Mr.E when I set up Nid for my 3DS I linked it to my Wii U it said choose McEvan9 or Mr.E. I thought it ment just for the 3DS so I choose it.Thats why its Mr.E.
mouna mouna10
salut moi c'est mouna demander moi en amie svp
megamanx75 megamanx75
salut a tous les amis
HeartPixel darkworld64
Hi! i am Heart,i draw retro games with pixels.I play all types of games, i dream to become an animator. I play fps, Mmo, Rpg and etc... My drawings are from Nintendo, Sega, Atari, Colecovission etc.. my favorites games: FPS: team fortress 2 & Doom RPG: Paper mario ttyd or Child & Light terror: SCP Cointainment Breach adventure: The legend of zelda (nes) accion: Megaman X puzzle: Portal 2
louis Louis88390
Morgan banzaHD
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Norlan Norlan64
How To Make Money Online:tinyurl.com/8a6w6qq
Nathan nathan022
allo tout le monde ^^ tu veut parler t'amusser et rire vous avez tomber sur la bonne personne !! :) jaime les jeux vidéo jaime la nature jaime lire j'aime SURTOUT parler avec des gens si tu veut m'parler ajoute moi ^_^ !!
leo super_GOOba-64.1
Billy BillyChristopher
Hello everybody, welcome to my profile! this is Billy here the retro gamer, bringing you back to the good days of Gameboy, Gamecube, and Super Nintendo. However I have a soft spot for the Kirby series. But in a sense I love Nintendo, just remember to respect your retro and Game On!...P.S. my secound hobby is to draw! And I'm 16 years old in case any of you guys were curious :3
blackops2 blackopskill
bonjour les jeux vidéo c'est une de mes passions et j'adore avoir des amis alors devenez amis avec moi dès maintenant parce qu'il reste 3 places
octoling donaven
Hi kids and anamtronics i am the real toy freddy and my sis is jonue so yeah friend me and her but she is wrong about me x tamka NO WII CHAT U! loves:?????? i do roleplays too but a chose toy freddy p.s i don't cuss. keep going down my otp is freddy x joune @tamka me: (walks away)
aqua Dylan-Boudou
Slt j'm'appel Dylan et j'ai 16 ans et pourtant je mesure 1m93 j'ai une petite chaîne youtube (aqua 83) qui ne demande qu'à progrésser. Mes jeux préféré (zelda ssb ac4 etc...) mes mangas préféré sont one piece fairy tail et Kore wa zombie desu ka.
Gus closetgamer80
~Gaboue Gabichoue
Hi! I'm a girl, I'm 17 and I accept and follow almost everyone so yeah :) I love games like Minecraft, Skyrim, Fallout, Animal Crossing, Mk8, Mario Paper, Zelda and many other games! Just ask if you want to play Minecraft or Mk8 :) Aussi, je parle français alors gênez-vous pas :D
Bonjour (^.^) Voilà les jeux que je possède actuellement. (Hyrule Warriors. Mario Kart 8. Ninja Gaiden 3. Bayonetta 2. Smash Wii U. Super Mario Maker) Toute requête d'amis je les accepte.
Julouf andre88390
Jules, 15ans Fifa/mario kart 8/most wanted Foot-judo Abonne toi ;) ☆★☆★☆ Merci a mes abonné et mes amis !!!
suis Québécois venez jouer avec moi mon autre 3DS fonctionne toujours c'est juste que je l'utilise moins alors ne me laissez pas tombé. je suis FABRICE AVERNA j'ai 26 ans. passionné d'électronique et de technologie. pour avoir vous savez quoi de mon 3DSXL envoyer le moi par message privé. uniquement pour mes amis Wii U déjà ami avec 3DS original. J'AIME JOUER SÛR DES JEUX INTERNET
Boo James3467
Hello, i am Boo. I am 21 I have two accounts. Account: TheBoo64 Name: Boo Thanks for viewing my profile. I think Anime and Manga rock. I love The legend of Zelda, monster hunter, Fire emblem and Pokémon games.
Emile pOnTiFeXmAx1mUs
Hi! I am a french-canadian and I very like Mario and Zelda. My Wii U games: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, WWHD, DKCTF,Pikmin 3, MK8, Game and Wario, Hyrule Warriors, Super Smash Bros, Twilight Princess HD, Mario Maker I speak French and English I have a 3DS My favorite music band is Rush
hi I'm a 13 year old boy how is 5'2''. I like the color bleu and board games but, I mostly play v...
hi I'm a 13 year old boy how is 5'2''. I like the color bleu and board games but, I mostly play video games. my favorit is the legend of zelda seires. they're amazing, so much adventuring around and just try and figure out what to do to move on your adventur. any ways make sur to explore EVERY thing in a game you might just find somthing worth finding.
good luck on your games
singed: Felix