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Super Mario Maker


01/28/2017 3:15 PM

Would anyone like to play my new levels or maybe check out my other ones to, if so just click on the pitcure for my latest level's I.D.

Super Mario Maker


12/21/2016 6:19 AM

Is it just me or is that costume pretty creepy,just imagination walking down the street and you find a walking head.

Super Mario Maker


12/20/2016 2:47 PM

Is anyone else suprised that so many people give up so easily on your levels,even when they are nice simple traditional platforming ones,seriously its like 1 death and then they don't try again and...

Super Mario Maker


12/16/2016 4:53 PM

Click the pitcure,and look at it carefully,someone somehow managed to die,although theres nothing that could possibly hurt them,very weird.

Super Mario Maker


12/12/2016 6:14 AM

Are you kidding me?This was my first attempt aswell! :(

Super Mario Maker


12/04/2016 11:34 AM

Its about time that someone who makes decent and enjoyable levels appears first,unlike that girl,all she ever did was make full-auto levels and slap anime characters on the front for extra stars fr...

Super Mario Maker


11/30/2016 12:23 PM

what does the new version 1.45 do?So far nintendo haven't announced it either maybe they are adding the new stuff tomorrow.



11/28/2016 4:24 PM

I just got the rare title screen where luigi stumbles!

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker


11/26/2016 7:23 AM

Who else finds it INCREDIBLY hard to angle they key correctly so that it can reach the platform becuase i had to start over 7 times, becuase sometimes it doesn't reach the platform becuase of he...

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker


11/24/2016 3:18 PM

Who else thought that once you completed level 18 it was finished!Anyway im definitely not complaining this is a super fun game to play.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker


11/24/2016 1:06 PM

i just got the game becuase i liked the mini-levels in SM3DW and so far it looks like its going to be a pretty awesome game

Super Mario Maker


11/22/2016 1:03 PM

wow!I was on 100 mario challenge i pressed the pause button this level got 10 STARS?!Somepeople create amazing ones and they get less than 5...WOW people actually enjoy levels that take no effort t...

Super Mario Maker


11/18/2016 11:03 AM

click this pitcure and look at the level thumbnail is that just me or is it slighting revealing the sub zone at the top of it?

Super Mario Maker


11/17/2016 1:26 PM

how to be a popular SMM player 101 1.Make the 1000000000000th auto level and slap an anime character on it. 2.Ask for stars 3.Don't make good levels instead make super hard ones 4.Copy large areas ...

Super Mario Maker


11/17/2016 1:14 PM

i got that far and it was my first attempt too :(

Super Mario Maker


11/16/2016 10:40 AM

i don't want to start an argument but dosent it annoy you that amazing levels go unoticed while the popular stuff is just an 'auto level' and maybe they stick an anime character on the front becua...

Super Mario 3D World


11/13/2016 1:53 PM

A random patch of invisible floating water!

Super Mario Maker


11/13/2016 8:20 AM

i was playing this hard 40sec speedrun level and i finished it with 1 second to spare!

Super Mario Maker


11/05/2016 11:44 AM

oh no!