John's Followers
Tiny Beans Helonious
i love super mario maker
Chris.L(2) ChillyPolarBear
SuperLuigi 1Luigi1Mario1
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Trollface tristansingh
Hello guys, and welcome to my profile. U guys, plz follow me on what i am doing. I play many Wii U games. The recent Wii U games i received was Star Fox Zero, Yoshi's Woolly World, Terraria Wii U and Pokkén Tournament! So guys plz follow me and i will follow u! Also guys, thanks for reading and i will be able to send/receive friend requests in one year! So let's keep in touch guys! ;) Also, LUV U!
ħī! țнэ паме įş ιαψια ßüț γσυ çåņ ċąļļ мз ΙεεΙεε Emo ★☆☆☆☆ Girly Girl ★★★☆☆ Tomboy ★★☆☆☆ Gay ★★☆☆☆ Bi ★★★★★ Myself ★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ρ!ατð♪♥♡ ΤØΡ♭♡♥ Noob flute player Very popular irl ö
Eva audreymarisse
Wassup Everyone! The Name's Eva Jones! I'm 24 years old and I'm a girl who is a fan of great stuff. And usually, I don't Wii U chat. Right now, I'll have to make things better than ever!
bowser201 DevonM0806
my name is devon and I like to play minecraft and other games.
Adam adam1738
hai! im adam
★ok★ fredbear71
i left. i may check occasionally but not much.
CHARA[dz] waiRAdayo
9/2更新!もうなんか秋を感じますね。関東は寒いくらいです。 やることが多すぎて頭が痛い。 もう今年もあと約3ヵ月で終わりですな(´・ω・`) 最近ニンテンドーハードに触れてないので、オンラインや投稿はかなり少なくなる模様です。 湾岸ミッドナイトとかいう機体で金を費やしております。 話しできる人話そう! 今はSONYハード、PCゲームなどをやっています。 中々返信や、フォロー返しは遅れますが。 今後ともよろしくだゾ。
§мφφ†ħίε max2002wiiu
Hello. I'm Nin★M@× and I like Smash bros. I'm really insane. I make Mario Maker levels. Friend me. I am also on the 3DS. Look for Max20023ds. I will do splatfests. Why do i even bother anymore?
Jenna-Mae Jenna-Mae_Evans
Hi. My name is Jenna-Mae Evans, a 13-year-old cartoon character from Cardiff in Wales. I'm more of an artistic girl, and I like being social more often. It's something that truly makes my day, and I like to make it part of my day-to-day routine. I want to continue living a social life. I'll be on Miiverse during Mondays to Fridays. I may also use it on weekends. Keep eyes peeled. #NoWiiUChat
★autumn★ng aaAutumnMc
hi im autumn age 15 grade 9 *fav color purple *luv animals *i luv rp *im nice untill u hurt my friends *im very competitive especially in soccer *follow 4 follow *a huuuge thx u to my 450+ followers @every1: hi, how r u, im soo srry i haven't been online in a while, i didn't have any wifi T_T
Appa angrynyanvirus
Hi i'm appa i am a san jose sharks fan if you are a san jose sharks fan follow me or friend me #SHARKS FOR LIFE !!! And we reach to 100 Followers friend me we can play splatoon together or Wii U Chat If you read that wanna play smash?
TS★CHASE TheMonkeyisBack
Hey im TS★CHASE and im apart of TS★CLAN well here is somethings about me Relationship Status: Taken by my lovely Dessy Fav Game:Arkham Knight Fav Song: Neyo One in million Hobbies: Basketball,Games, PS4 Things I Hate:People who think their funny,Toys What You Guys Should Do:Follow Me Thats It!!!!!! PS my mii will change often!!!!! #SWAG!
Jai jw298900 name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:( βυτ ΐ ďσ нäνξ şőмё тħīňģş ťħăť мâķę мё ħăρργ: 1.My best friend..:) 2.Puns.. 3.Spongebob..(dont judge) 4.My brother..(sometimes) 5.Food ťħīņğş i ħāťě: 1.Judgy people 2.My life 3.Doge (that terrifying meme) 4.Cake 5.My depression/anxiety 6.High School..and all the creepy people in it.. ¬_¬ âù řęνίόг
xX_Alex_Xx Alex_ProGamerSMR
Hello! This is Alex Derps other account! I made this for Super Mario Run but I forgot my password for my first account.... but I will get the password soon! I mostly play Super Mario Maker, Don't Starve Giant Edition and will play other games soon!
Adam Rogue-for-Life43
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z dkgkfjh
ya me
Jacob Grep XxzespyxX
Hey i'm grump! Welcome to my profile! My favorite games are ssb4, pokemon (red, blue, green, yellow, silver, gold, sapphire, ruby, emerald, ect.) crash bandicoot, crash bandicoot cortex strikes back, crash bandicoot warped, banjo kazooie, banjo tooie, sly cooper and the thevius racoonus, sly cooper 2 band of thevies, sly cooper 3, kirby super star, half life 2, portal, portal 2, and more!
Chomp TheNEWchainchomp
I'm just a Y Cromosome from the hive. And ½ of the "Operation 360 Noscope" clan. A long time ago, stuff and stuff and people did stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff. And stuff happened a stuff did stuff stuff. Some facts: ● Hate Undertale and FNAF ● Can't draw memes
mc☆alex♪ alexbeck85
yo names alex fav games: fnaf pkmn shuffle/ rumble world, any lego games and many more to come clan: EG = the best clan bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s i do follow 4 follow
Theepicz1 Theepicz1
Hi there! I enjoy playing lots of Nintendo games and look forward to see you playing them too! Let's-a-go!
DUBSTEP!!! dubstep82781
Hello my name is DUBSTEP! I love DUBSTEP (obviously)! I am here to spread new music into your lives and make the world of music better than it is. Things about me!↓ Im a 15 year old male! I love anime, comedy, and horror. I love video games and yu-gi-oh! Thats all, if you wanna know more then comment on one of my posts and ill get back to you as soon as possible. DUBSTEP=LIFE!
Nico SpyroTheDragon0X
dianaJB 2dianaJ
This user's profile comment is private.
Theryn Suytterh
Hello there! some facts about me: ☆ I'm 11 ☆ I'm in 6th grade ☆ I live in canada ☆ I play : lego , zelda , mario , and pokémon ☆ Favourite holiday: CHRISTMAS! ☆ I LOVE cat's / kitten's! ☆My real name is Theryn Follow These peeps!: cherry , doctor mario , meme wizardand L.K.S.I II ▲▼ means Im out of posts ;-; means sad •⇔•means I have HOMEWORK AND HAVE A GOOD DAY :D I can has cheeseburger?
PĀ◆Dαгkz connor03z
Isobel cutePinkMonkey
O.C's: Trixy (Neko Fox) Vivian (Neko Wolf) Arianne (Neko Fox) Arabella (Human) Naomi (Angel) Isobel (Demon) Peyton (Vampire)
adam mayberry2013
I love to talk and sometimes weird things if you like to talk about weird things or regular things friend me and I don't mind very personal questions. Hello I like Mario. I play Super Mario Maker and Smash Brothers and I'm a youtube fanatic. Thank you for stoppin by! I don't wii u chat just messages please. Please follow ,Alyssa,Kebo™, SOPHIE§,and GhøstFrog.
Venus 123456_kaokaokao
♪Heyo! My name is Tessa and I'm 13. Here's some info about me!!♪ ♥I'm homeschooled ♥Single ♥I love country music, metal, and rock. ♥I have anxiety, ADD, OCD, and ďερгεςςıοи ♥My OC is Venus; the wolf-human ♥No bullies allowed! ♥No Wii U Chat ∞Go follow these people!∞ Anna~SI James τν☆SamTTE C Meister ★☆That's really it! Byeeee!!!☆★
Cole Zatbot
Derpster Alt.ChrisLopes
Dalila YouRoflMyWaffles
oh hey. I didn't see you there Stuff about me: I'm 11 years old I'm half Polish half Algerian but I can't speak any of my native languages I don't watch anime much but I read some manga, bc the art styles are decent call me a little girl and I will vomit glitter on you WAIT! Before you leave... Follow meh brother, ‹вёăšłž›. or not, that's great too :)
∞Destroyer arc-park
Unfortunately, my WillU pad got fried because during a thunderstorm I forgot it was charging. That means that until further notice, I can't play a ton of my favorite games. SMM is one of the biggest losses. I apologize for my inactivity.
Ajax2901 francois2901
salut a tous je cherche des amis je suis seul dans ma vie :( . (abonnez-vous)
EVAN PaddyMario157
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
ドーナツ sugar.drums
bschlee gottfried123456y
hallo Ich bin 12 Jahre alt Liblings spiel (e): Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 fifa 13 Willkommen auf meinen Profil fifa 13 ist auch voll cool Liebe Grüße splatoon ist bei mir gerade voll auf trab Im Privaten Kampf können mit mir alle spielen Ich bin oft Online in splatoon. ich hoffe mein Prfil gefält euch (P.S. in fifa 13 bin ich auch voll gut) ----------------------------------------
Noah Joetalata
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a var...
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan
Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean
(according to the questioners.)