Users τεςςα↓ Is Following
Ariana Alcalaprincess13
hi in very friendly n like to meet new pple.
♀Brittney♀ BrittneyFord
hello im brittney ford can u rate me in as well?
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
.•☆Jade☆•. Jade003
-A LITTLE PRESENTATION •Name: Jade •Age: 14 •City: Rome -COSE CHE HO ⇒2 piercing ⇒2 sorelle ⇒1 fratello ⇒1 ragazzo Tantissimi amici e amiche -COSE CHE ADORO ~estate ~musica trap ~me stessa -CANTANTI PREFERITI (trap) ♪Izi ♪Tedua ♪Dark Polo Gang ♪Sfera Ebbasta ♪Rkomi -CANZONI PREFERITE …Mercedes Nero (izi, tedua, sfera ebbasta) …Con me (izi) …Apnea (rkomi) …Cono Gelato (DPG) If u want follow me
hi guys my name is jay jay and im 14 i play mk8 im the 2x champion and my favourite character is mario, my favourite angles are kari and steph qt and im one of the AO members KS , BH and AR
Samer megalo123456
this has been great nintendo see you nest time my friends see you next time
Diego Turron1
lol jajaja me gustaria ser buestro amigo
Eclipse SpiritEclipse
My days of Miiverse were short. 10/2/17-10/3/17
owen owensmom17
uj cristobalobal
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Matt babyfernando2012
yes i do play
BurntToast calebgore
Im a 13 year old 7th grader who LOVES to play super mario and legend of zelda and sometimes pokemon. My very first gane i ever playec was mario kart wii [again i was just 13] in fact i still have my wii from 2007 to 2017 i like OOT and a link to the past and i like super mario world or super mario 64 and the paper mario series
SirMaster★ whunter16
Hi everybody! I'm SirMaster★ Age: 12 Started miiverse: May 2016 Second account: TheCoolMan
MIKE KaineLee.Sp
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Justin™★~☆ LanceRider
Hey there, Ladies & Jets! Itz ya Poké Guy Of Awesomeness; Today lies the final day of Miiverse. While this may be our last journey on here I would like to say that it was an honor serving you on the frontlines; providing Pokemon skits, riddles, drawings, etc for the past 5 years! Maybe our paths shall cross again in time. Who knows(maybe Arceus?!)? See ya on the flipside!
Zac|SMO zac-chocrockrrr
Hey guys its Zac! I am a huge Nintendo fan, I like franchises like: Zelda, Mario,Pokemon, etc! i am hyped for Zelda Breath Of The Wild!!!!!! ←(Written before BOTW was out) Facts about me: I play ALOT of animal crossing New Leaf and i also watch Anime! E3 2017 was amazing the HYPE FOR MARIO ODDYSEY IS AMAZING, I LOVE THIS GAME! 0 Days Till Mario Odyssey!
aaria aaria06
l love taij
gameinator gameinator15
hi its a me casey
ζειδα☆★ kookie_lover5623
Hello my name is jessica and yea soo follow please!
matt mathiscoquelle
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Kasuto NewKasuto
My favorite video game series is the Legend of Zelda. I have beaten many of the Zelda games, so I spend time helping gamers with the classic Zelda games. I have played Nintendo systems since the NES days. I have beat over 100 games including LoZ, Zelda II, TMNT NES version, Pilotwings, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Castlevania 3. I like RPGs. I can speak Japanese. I am okay at Mario Kart 8.
fred CFBB8137
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matt driftec120
I'm Tired ItzDoritoImTired
time to whine about the new jersey state road infastructare there are more than two genders dеаdаss )))))
Javonna Javonnaboo
Link Zelda_Lover438
Hi I'm Link/Zelda_Lover438 my original name is Luke Sayer My favorite franchise is Zelda my favorite games are, 10 Infinity 3DS 9 Pokemon Y 8 Spirit Tracks 7 Mario kart 7 6 Yo-kai Watch 5 Ocarina of time3D 4 Tri-force Heros 3 Nintendo land 2 Majora's mask 3D 1 Breath of the Wild my favorite youtuber is Zeldamaster I like bacon a lot,I also like to read,and if you follow me I will follow you back!
Tybie Norris0901
Heyyyyyy people this is all about me its gonna be lit!! Full name: Tybie Norris Age: i don't want to go that far unless i trust u looks: sea blue eyes, rose gold hair, skinny, ripped jeans, boots and t-shirt. personality: Happy, honest, smart, kind, shy, idk if this counts as part of your personality but i like romantic things Taken by: Kelortiz love u babe!!
Ellen pikazebra
This user's comment is private. You can leave now i mean it. I Will just go. Real comment: Don't let miiverse end!! #Dontendmiiverse Thank you 100 followers!! My next goal is 125 followers. \(^o^)/ F 4 F!!! But in the mean time make sure to follow.... (M)Nyanko JroViens MemeSenpai goodbye Miiverse >·< Dawn of the third day. 24 hours remain
いっせい momohito21
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Ghost Cora Articoco15
Hi! How's it going? I'm KoCora. I'm a Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy typing poems, drawing pictures, a Christian, and I am a kind person. And those of you that are wondering who I am, I am also Coco's alt.
こうへい adachikouhei1219
顔ポチありがとうww 残りミーバース少ないけどフレンド募集中だよ これからもよろしく('∀') 小6の野球少年 地味にチーム入りww だが勝てない(´_`)
koopa-kid9 redcat1
yo im aryan i like the legend of zelda,fire emblem street fighter and more. i know everything about video games and console oh i also like daft punk and deadmou5
bob saraNINUK
HI WORLD!!!! I'm sooo excited to meet you!:):):» i'm freaking out WHY ME!!! Why do you want to you want to see my channel DON'T you have something awsome to do!!! WELL THANKS FOR WATCHING bye i said bye!!!! OKAY well hi person nice to meet you i'll just shake your hand →¤ :»:» double c PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i f i follow you its because of your t
siah Sonicsiah87
hello!!! i am josiah im 13,i like legged of zelda ,xenoblade ,sonic the heghog, and want to play splatoon my favorite food is fris.
h sdfdfv
Its Ya Boy
Jhowdy links2345
Nothing to see here
curly fry Spaghetti-King95
hello! uh, i dunno what to write for a profile comment, however, i really like splatoon and rhythm games! yyyyeah.
YuukiYuuki SwordArtOnline1O
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hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow ...
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!