τεςςα↓'s Friends
ζειδα☆★ kookie_lover5623
Hello my name is jessica and yea soo follow please!
siah Sonicsiah87
hello!!! i am josiah im 13,i like legged of zelda ,xenoblade ,sonic the heghog, and want to play splatoon my favorite food is fris.
Kira Supergirl5555
Hello, miiverse fans! here are a few things about me: I'm 15 l have one cat and one dog. I completed ocarina of time, skyward sword, and wind waker. I'm working on twilight princess. l won't be on everyday.Thank You for reading.
Ðαмιαη damian22102
Hi I'm The Damian X3. I hope I can make new friends and make you happy. I help people with personal problems so if you need someone too talk to, I am an option. I have trust issues so I'm going to have to get to know you gender: male (you're surprised?) age: 15 weight: around 140 height: 5'7 (im smol) Taken by: Ogechi (not on MV) i Wii U Chat :3 online [ ] offline[√] out of posts[ ]
Haley cat kawaiikitty1235
If your feeling down, just read this you'll feel alot worse R.I.P Miiverse Nov. 7 th
Hi i love video games and i like to watch tv. i love pizza and Mountain Dew
kenai monkeyboy24178
i am a good friend
Melissa CinnaminMouse
hi,my name is Melissa.I am 14.I have a wii u, a 3ds, a nintendo 64, and a tablet, game cube and a play station 2. I have played mario games legend of zelda games.and sims games and harvest moon games and pikmin games and animal crossing games. All of th games i listed i have played more than one of those games.i am a Christian.
Robert RobertSanow72101
All right, so you found my page, well done. First I'd like to note that the time zone I'm in is Central Time Zone, or (CDT). My name is Robert, I'm in the 11th grade, and I get out of school at 2:00 PM. This info is critical if anyone wants to play online with me, so that's why I'm letting you know.
Arisa Queen_Arisa
hi! I'm Arisa, I do not do Wii U Chat My favorite anime are : Future diary, Inuyasha, Kimi ni Tokode and Kamisama Kiss. Total anime watch : 82 Favorite games: Legend of Zelda : wind waker, Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess, Mario kart and minecraft.
$jake$ Lovin06
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DJski4000 DJGamer4000
Hi im DeMarcus i have a profile but it is very old so i made a new one hope you follow me and friend me
Ednna HannyRoddy
Gamer veteran, mi first console Nintendo 64 + Zelda Ocarina Of Time since 1997. :-)
Lucas Blazerfire123
I'm someone who's willing to be a friend and likes online multiplayer.
ςpς★Kayla purplefreak777
To think I'll cease to exist on here. Hmm. This was a beautiful place, of course excluding the last-min trolls. I accept death with grace, and will move on, like all the other average users. Tbh, I love Miiverse, k? I made really good friends on here, and it was fun journaling my Nintendo experience. Gosh, I now realize how dearly I'll miss this place... But let's stay strong and good. Farewell...
Chris4Life ChrisRules711160
Goodbye miiverse, it was good knowing you, i hope something like this comes to the switch, R.I.P. :-(
fred CFBB8137
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michael spaceship2001
Hi my name's Michael and welcome to my wonderful world of awesomeness. I will follow anyone that follows me. I just hit 100 followers and now my goal is to reach 200 followers and I will accept friend requests. And another thing, I don't do Wii U chat. Also, I'm not gonna be making anymore series because Miiverse is ending.
Mousegamin Mousegaming31
Theo seval177
Hey Leute und herzlich Willkommen zu mein Profil!! Ich heiß' Chuck. und hab im 12.3 Geburtstag! mein mii ist 37 Jahre alt. ich selbst bin ich 8 Jahre alt.
Bryden WingSpurz
Hai peeps! I love animal crossing,Super Mario,And Other Games Too! I LIKE DRAWING PUCTURES ON WII U
Tybie Norris0901
Heyyyyyy people this is all about me its gonna be lit!! Full name: Tybie Norris Age: i don't want to go that far unless i trust u looks: sea blue eyes, rose gold hair, skinny, ripped jeans, boots and t-shirt. personality: Happy, honest, smart, kind, shy, idk if this counts as part of your personality but i like romantic things Taken by: Kelortiz love u babe!!
Papa Malo CesarCalisaya
hola soy nuevo busco amigos gamers
Jayla jaylareed14
hi! my name is jayla! im friendly sweet and funny. and i like to post stuff a lot on miiverse. but if you want to know more about me, then be my friend. and i will love to know you more. so if you want to be my friend, then go ahead! i dont care who you are, as long as you dont kill me im good. LOL!!!
DM AlfredoDuran
Harry P. HarryPotterMB
welcome to my page! aka the wonderfull world of boringness. i love zelda, splatoon, and minecraft. i am also a big harry potter fan!!
NINTENDOE3 Heiz_Herrmann
folger über— — — Freunde 100 am 11.09.2016 habe ich auf diesem Profil von mir den ersten Beitrag gemacht. Heiz_Herrmann schon seit über 1 Jahr. Vergebene"Yeahs über 207.000 Beiträge 1077_1078 ich habe eigene Communitys von Mario Kart 8 eine gute Nachricht ich werde mein Profil NintendoE3 doch weiter leiten und hir noch das fienalle Besste Freunde (the Kevins zone®) ……………………………………………………………………………………
uj cristobalobal
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Spencer SpeeTaps
Hey out there fellow Wii U gamers! My name is Spencer. Some things to know about me: - I am 20 - I love music - I play drums, guitar, and bass (bass is my favorite) - Burgers are yummy - I am always looking for people to game with! - I am almost funny sometimes iiii]; )' I play Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and I'd even consider buying a game if someone wanted to game together! ;) Friend me, game on!
logantus noscope37
hello, I would really like to be your friend my favorite games are loz botw, minecraft, mariokart, undertale, and super smash huge loz fan too, plz follow.I live in st. louis I want to work for nintendo can I get 150 followers plz hi? whats up go shoo plz? leave me alone! I warned you
Wii U Chat PrincessPeachHi8
♥Love P.Peach+P.Daisy+Tony★♪♭♀♂♥ ♥★P.Nancy+P.Kevi+P.Julie★♀♂♪♭♥ Princess Peach ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀♚ロゼッタ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⭐Queen of the Mushrooms⭐ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❝My Name Is Princess Peach❞ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀❥Ꮪɪɴɢʟᴇ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ஐ..•.¸¸• All
Megs :) deedeezunigaone
Er.........hi i'm OctoKate◆ Relationship:Taken ♥ No Touching him! i Do Squid Party! Squid Pet:[anyone] Favorite Song of the year: Gorillaz-Stobelite My Clan Octoclan ◆ OctoZelda◆ OctoFish◆ My Favorite Squids:Everyone On My Friend liςt
kev alphaomega105123
hello! thank's for checking out my profile! Minecraft is my favorite game and have many worlds to host, including an advanced survival world, many minigame worlds, skyblock, free creative, my amazing redstone test world, my maze runner roleplay world, a huge city, and my zombie apocalypse world! come on down! but if you commit a serious crime and are banned in one of my worlds, you are unfriended
the kid heredi
swit rory1980
thanks to all of my friends for this amount of friends i wanted 10 but now i have over 99! thx a lot!
Ara Aracely712
Aracely Rodriguez have a jesus day!!! i love drawing :)
lol albanou123
salut ajouter moi en ami si vous voulez
Alexander Alexandino1201
Hi and My names is Alexander Perry Weyand And i like to play video games on my 2Ds .
☆Hannah★♀♪ spongebeautiful
i'm Hannah 14 years b-day 9/9 MY FAV CHARACTER IS CORRIN (even in dragon form also he is my senpai don't judge me) I have a crush on him >/ω/< My mains are Corrin Mewtwo Lucina and Roy i love fire emblem MK8 TLOZ Pokémon and Mario Also no blank Friend request please don't friend me for no reason cause it's weird Fav games right now:MK8X M&S 2016 rio olympic game started Miiverse on 8/8/15
fgjjfvbnnn Pikabrid
THAT☆B0Í★♪ sonicth350
octa carolinayfamilia
ellie elsalovesbolt
Hi my name is ellie and welcome to my little corner of miiverse stuff about me im 10 i wii u chat i roleplay games to find me on♥★♪ splatoon♥ minecraft♥ breath of the wild♥★♪ smash bros and mario♥ my best friends♥ eli♥ emma♥ yarny♥ sally♥ tybonnie♥ sonic♥ and tessa♥ have fun looking around the derpiest profile on miiverse byee have a pawsome day nya~♥★
camm camm75
n vv v vc KhromeReap3r
ganar :D
SKS∞Choco∞ johnation
English-I love video games and pizza my favorite weapon in splatoon is the carbon roller I love squid partying!:-)I can speak spanish and had a teacher who taught me english and I will miss her a ton! Español-me gusta pizza y juegos y mi favorito cosa en splatoon es la carbón rolar me gusta a tener fiestas en splatoon:-).Tenia un maestra que me enseño Inglés y yo la voy a extrañar ¡mucho! Clan:SKS
Jayden Praise_Tom_Brady
hey im Jayden!! I am a big fan of Zelda,Splatoon, and Mario games!! If you follow me i'll follow you back. "PEACE OUT". ' 'ω' my age is between 12-15 i also have a 3ds plz follow my friends Tessa and Neaon!!!! ps im dank af
wendy gaston57
Nathan nathanj336
This page is all about Zelda and Kirby! So sit back and grab your tomato or whatever, and enjoy. sincerely, KirbGurb~
thunderboy rockrocko
I PLAY DISNEY Infinity2.0 I AM AMAZING AND Just TO LET YOU KNOW EVERY Thing IS AWLSOME and I play mario kart 8
KYO bosskryul
go to mv Tri1stan
hello welcome to the official miiverse of kirbywordy, note: really bad internet, disconnects are common. ppl needing to be unbanned bambimelon choc chip shadoelucifan009 charityambeau octolexi! no! she's banned
Lisa Lisa1992x
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Zetsu+ Zetsumi16
Goodbye Miiverse! Though it is hard to let Miiverse go, I'll never forget all it has done for me. Thank you Hono Kito, Tucker, Aron, Rene, and a few others! You have helped me more than you think! Happy Halloween, and Merry Christmas! Be happy though because we all had fun and Zelda Month starts in a week! I hope you all have happy lives! One more day of fun and weird post we shall enjoy!!
Pietro RickyVerdoora
I love videogame
Lillop barbara05
Link zeldarulz25
Favorite Series : The Legend of Zelda Favorite Game : Ocarina of Time Favorite Pokemon : Lucario Miiverse is Dead as of November 8th Goodbye everyone I will miss you
Someone JamieDom2005
boi why u poke on meh face?! friend me if u like Mudkips or Undertale. part of the Ditzy clan.
IvanHylian IvanHylian
DealWithit madmaxey
Hello my beautiful creeps. I am Innocent Nerd, im 15, I like videogames, (such as Undertale, Legend of Zelda series, Final Fantasy, Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, and the list goes on. )anime, cosplaying, drawing cats, horror movies, movies in general, and reading creepypastas, my favorite colours are Black and Blue. My religion is Christianity. and i might start up my own youtube channel.
Charz VelvetPython
Hi there, I like all kinds of games. I've been a Nintendo diehard from the very start! Some of my favorite series: Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Street Fighter, Persona, ACNL, Harvest Moon, Castlevania, Disgaea, Pokemon. I can't resist platformers or anything with a cute female protagonist.
Fiona C FionaClarke1111
My name is Sylvester DeBray. I was born in 1988 in Portland Oregon in my spare time I like to play video games - especially the Nintendo Wii U and XBOX 360. I also enjoy playing my CASIO WK 500 keyboard, playing on my Apple Macbook, listening to records, swimming, and bowling. I am also a huge fan of Irish culture and the music that comes with it! AICS 4 Life
Tif Misty_Rain_12
the egg came about 750 million years before the chicken. that is the answer to the question 'which came first; the chicken or the egg.' Joking aside, that number of years could be easily argued bcz there are as yet no definite tangible fossils that can prove exactly when or what species of creature laid the first egg.
Young Bo YoungBo
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eliman elimam
Josh Octavian87
Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.
Dennis Al_Wesker
Dr.recker littlec63
kirby©™……… kirby_wordy12369
about mii i love nintendo and play a handful of games... im now accepting friend invites again :) also since online multiplayer is more readily available i might add you ao we can play mario kart 8 snd smash bros u :)
Chi Chi744
To love... is an awfully big adventure. One that is not known by the body, but is perceived in the heart.
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow ...
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!