Ray's Yeahs

Wyoming Club


45 minutes ago

Ah, I can't put to words what is going on right now. I came on here 3.5 years ago and made this profound insight: "use a powerup". I was a clueless thirteen year old... More than 3.5 years have pas...


1 minute ago

Blake, Miiverse has had quite a run! “I met people.” That’s very, let’s call it, Blakesian. ;) See you around other places, I hope?

Comment on CutterL's Post


18 minutes ago

I'll be here until 1am...go sign my yearbook!

Comment on CutterL's Post


19 minutes ago

It's been cool seeing some “retired” users come back and make a farewell post though, also it hasn't been as chaotic as I was expectating from the NSLUC. And I'm actually feeling pretty calm about ...

Comment on CutterL's Post


19 minutes ago

I feel like there's still a lot I want to say, but IDK...here's some more quick stuff. It's kind of weird that the rest of the world seems to not care about Miiverse closing, like no big Youtubers ...

Comment on Ray's Post


43 minutes ago

It's a fine post Ray. Open and raw ... see you in a few months bro. Hopefully I get to know you a little better, so I'm not just remembered for storming out of the Den of Trials when our random thi...

Play Journal Entries Xenoblade Chronicles 3D


1 hour ago

My emotional state right now. What about yours? So glad my final post is from Xenoblade. This is the last time I click on that weird green people icon on my 3DS...

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26 minutes ago

Its kind of surreal to think that this place will no longer exist in about 2 hours. Heck, they already shut down the American Luigi U community.

Comment on Stagger's Post


1 hour ago

experienced in any medium. A lot of fun in the sidequest and exploring, creative ideas, even a little light puzzling ... I am a story nut though, and it really delivers there. 2: Breath of the ... ...

Comment on Stagger's Post


1 hour ago

abandoned franchise than I am in my beloved LoZ. That's a weird reality to cope with for me. ;) 1: BotW ... no need to meander off about my love/hate here or my reasons for it for the umpteenth tim...

Comment on Stagger's Post


3 hours ago

♪ Its the final countdown! ♪ *Synth rift intensifies*

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


10/22/2017 10:44 AM

Open Closed

Miiverse Memorial Moment...

Ok so as we know miiverse is ending and I'm going to be alone again, but I will remember moments, good and bad times or just the life so I want to comment down wha...

New Hampshire Club


2 hours ago

This is my last post with this account before Miiverse ends, due to the 30 post limit. Check some of my recent Play Journals for more concluding posts! Also, ask the bird that is blue about "coolje...

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E$ Wii U

1 hour ago

@Nintendoer: Ray already got it.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Lotus P.

1 hour ago

I thought it would be fitting to give one last late message here on Miiverse before I closes forever. Thank you all for the great fun. I met some really amazing artists from around the world and ha...


1 hour ago

Bye Lotus.

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages


3 hours ago

Well... It's almost that time. Thanks for all the memories Miiverse. And to all my friends and acquaintances I wish you nothing but the very best in life. Game on my friends, game on!

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1 hour ago

Been a pleasure talking with you on here. See you at the haven.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 hours ago

Quick say goodbye to Miiverse before anything else happens. NSLU is sadly lost now.

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Comment on Matthew's Post


8 hours ago

here to the bitter end, so you might still see me today commenting on others' posts or responding to messages. But this will be my last post on here. And once again, thank you all for supporting my...

Comment on Matthew's Post


9 hours ago

who knows, really? Nintendo is an odd company, but that's what makes them great. Once again...I'm glad to have come here. I'm glad to have met so many people. I'm glad those people are now my frie...

Comment on Elzonire's Post


2 hours ago

Same here, John! Thanks for being there. I can't say it any better than Ray. Oh man. Eight comments left after this.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


7 hours ago

My first Miiverse post was in December of 2012 asking if 007 Legends had decent multiplayer or if I should stick with FPS on other consoles. Since then I’ve posted 641 times. Not as much as some bu...

Captain N

5 hours ago

When there were players on, 007 Legends multiplayer was so so. Goldeneye was way better.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


9 hours ago

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Discussions Amazon Instant Video Community


11 hours ago

Open Closed


Let me start off by saying that I dont have any other type of social media. Miiverse was it for me. I also dont have too many real life friends. My journey on here...

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Ridley X3

52 minutes ago

Well I added a few people from the group I spend WWE nights with onto my Switch thanks to the lack of admin interference. So least I'll be able to chat about WWE with them again some day. Shame it ...