Miiverse. It's been an amazing 3 years on here for me, ever since I first logged in just to browse and was too scared to comment, to making random posts and being delighted that people responded, t...
Ray's Post

Nov 8th. 71 days left of Miiverse. It's a shame that it ends so soon, but yeah. It's how it is. This place has brought great times and has been the first internet community I've really felt I have ...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Whew! Come this June, there'll be 10! Link amiibo in total (11 counting Wolf Link). It would be nice if there was a little more variety in the Zelda amiibo line, but... I guess options for which Li...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I had lots of fun at the Nintendo Switch preview event I went to yesterday! Thank you to Nintendo of America for the invite. I will describe some of my impressions in the comments of this post. Inc...

I've now confirmed that I'll be going to the Nintendo Switch preview event on Sat Feb 25 (in two weeks) in San Francisco with my dad. Looking forward to it, it should be interesting. I'm glad Ninte...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Just went to see the Zelda Symphony concert. It was nice to be sitting in a big room with hundreds of Zelda fans, and the music was great. There was a bit of a heavy focus on Ocarina of Time, but t...
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki...
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it).
Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end.
It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all.
"I... see you later"