Ξς/Jessie's Followers
Cj jkawesome150
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone
RubiVanada OmegaRevived
Omega-Generation(1998 - 2008) Indigo/Crystal Child / 11/25/2003 / ♀ -Proud to be a Furry- Summer Lapislight/ Luna the Phoenix- -Likes: Riding the Bus, the 90's, TV, YT[↓], Miiverse, And just Chillin'. YouTube Time: 326:53 WiiU Sports Clubs I Own: Rhode Island(Part of it), Peru, New Jersey, North and South Carolina, New Mexico, Hawaii. Until we meet again, wherever, whenever.....
harri harrimcguire
nice guy chaming to everyone i meet 8 got 15 frends in real life rely good at football. frends lucas jack ethan harry lewis my name harri mcgire other friends calum joe jacob and max. check out my followers dont like me like them
c_Eι¡τё! ajnathan435
< Oηιγ 1 dαγ ιεfτ... > <I will miss everyone in the following community's> -Scribblenauts Unlimited -Animal Crossing: New Leaf -Everybody's Message Community It's been a good time. Everyone. Thank you for everything. Sad to let this go... I loved Miiverse. ============================= ♥Farewell, 2012-2017♥ 1 day. Great...
Lily Bean Melilee01
drugs are bad because you get cancer ,sick,and dieubides
★Suta~Kun☆ Bad_Brony
Lucario is love. Lucario is life. Lucario is senpai. Lucario is wife. - ★Suta~Kun☆ 2017
bob Weremammoth
The world is a scene. -Shakespear Since this place is to end, I have to thanks all the people I have meet, all the people that I have dueled in Splatoon, all the people that I have raced again in Mario Kart, all the people in Minecraft, and, of course, all the artists I have meet. To all of you, Thanks, and take care. bob
alexander cowan001
jil jil101
Noah angelaad
Janchi Janchi03
Weapons I use In Spatloon RAP: Heavy Splating Tri-Slosher Mess with me You'll be cannon fodder Custom Blaster Vanilla Blaster Can't touch this Im the Blaster Master Bamboozler Mark One You gon' get rekt So stay away son Wait a sec I saw a typo Well this is akward... ...Yo Im too slick My rhymes are sick Um... Something that rhymes with Ick Yeaaaaaaah Mic Drop*
lhcen yyyfdvgfcddffvse
bonjour je mappelle max jais 14 ans le jeux que je préfére ses super mario maker et aussi mon jeux préféré dans la ps3 ses call of duty moder wafarne 2et 3 j aime la couleur bleu obenez vous
BECCA beccamuenzgirl
my name is Rebecca but u can call me Becca!!!i am 15. i enjoy skateboarding. i love anime and hope to meet new ppl and make some really cool friends!!! XD love u all <3 follow 4 A FOLLOW :) ‹3LOVE U GUYS XOXO go follow my friend Zeak ‹3 and Artemis <3 and Ben Solo ‹3 =mine 4 ever Ben Solo is my boyfriend so girls..BACK OFF hes mine <3
Its me Cj skywalker is my sub name i love super smash bros and resident evil revalations only on 3DS i dont have a wii U YET here are some random things about me - I want more followers and stuff - I love to travel - ssb is my top game [next to resident evil revalations] - i like to challenge people if there willing to play but it looks like people dont got 3ds these days well thats it mostly
Curtis jtremb5
SKa2 SuperKawan2
Hellllllllllo gamers I'm the SKa2 and welcome to my profile. I'm a pro gamer just like you with a HUGE experience with Super Mario, I will be making posts about gameplay tips, character history, questions, and more. Make sure you check on my profile every day to see more. Feel free to friend request me and make sure you follow me and my friends (friend list). I'm the SKa2 saying ''Stay Awesome''
ryan nesshousemuchty
ziana zianawhite
ih my name ziana and i like to play alot of games with family and friends so i hope you friend me
elizabeth monsterman87
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ĶŚTom Г waluigi-tom
Hi im Tom My Shoutouts Oliver (mariooliver) Franky (franky106) Jack (SuperLuigi0151) Jordan (MariojordanLuigi) Sky (Skylandersluca) Lil (Pashamai55 or Rosalina-lil) Jace (JaceCarterMiller) Tyler (Triplets27) Canneto (cannetobeach) Chealsea (Luigi106) Darth Bob (Starwarsfinn) Bryn (bryncornwell) Hero Porky (MegaMatter) Mario (SUPERMARIOYAHOO) Luigi (CowardlyGreen) Wario (WARIOWAFTY) Wa
Tornado R. GanonGold
Devon PhantomzkullX79
Miiverse may be going, but you can find me elsewhere. Things you might want to know: •Nega Devon is my alt. •Ι have aspergers syndrome. •My favourite pokémon are Honchkrow, Cobalion аnd Еmроlеоn. •Ι main Ganondorf in Smash. •Ι hаvе rооm 79 in Ηοtеl Βiglеy. •I want Waluigi to have his own game. •Ι аm аgаinst Μiivеrsе dаting. •Μy fаvоuritе cоlоurs аrе рurрlе аnd blаck.
Yahmean nephra
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Alex captainBam
Hi! like to listen to rock bands such as STP, RHCP, Nirvana, Velvet Revolver, and many, many, many, MANY more. My favorite video game is Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. You might not have heard of it because it was made October 25th 2006.Yeah I actually know when it was released! My favorite super-hero is Spider-Man. Okay, you can go look around my profile now!
Luke S-Pest
swiggity swooty zero suit booty
JD 2.0 Griggily
Goodbye, Miiverse. You will be missed dearly. It was fun while it lasted, everyone. But hey, if you have a Nintendo Switch, you might see me as JD 3.0! ;) A community for large and tiny even for some who are really whiny But sadly it's the end of it all goodbye everyone, it's been a ball. -Miiverse, written by JD. Check out my final post in the top right corner. Goodbye
Haylie GlitchingHaylie
kage kage22
My name is Kage but pronounced Cage. Characters I want to see in Super Smash Bros 6: All Veterans(SSB64-SSB4/5)(MINUS Snake) Skull Kid Black Shadow Ryu Hayabusa Yooka-Laylee New Fire Emblem rep if there is a new game out by then Gengar Obscure Retro fighters Tekken Rep Ragna the Bloodedge Dry Bowser Shovel Knight(if popularity/games increase) Scorpion Chibi-Robo Custom Robo
Yanni Yanni-WiiU
My name is Yanni and I'm part of JYGamingGuys I love video games as much as I love my friends and family. All of them mean a lot to me. I also LOVE music, especially gaming music. I'm very creative at times and I'm pretty sensitive with emotions. Please don't troll or bully me on my posts, thank you. I can't wait to get the Nintendo Switch March 3rd!
Unknown MoonCrystal4580
Hi, I'm Mimi. •Nintendo fan. •Favorite franchises: SSB (I guess), (old/real) FE, MK, LoZ, Kirby, HM(Harvest Moon), etc. •Sailor Moon fan. I really like HM. ^o^ Theme Song: Listen - Index Case And... That's all of can think of to say. *Please don't send me a friend request unless I know you, thank you.*
jheferson jhefersonmonagas
:-) Dios es mi amigo Fiel y tanbien es conpañero y mi padre fiel en toda mi vida
*★ØŁΐΣΘη★* 5SMEG2M
HOLA A TODOS,mi nombre es Kevin,soy de chile(aunque ponde de Estados unidos) soy FAN de la saga Kirby, M●THER, Pikmin y Punch-Out, ademas de Undertale y Smash. soy amante de los juegos de aventura y RPG,soy parte del clan PGN,ojala que te dibiertas biendo mi perfil y actibidad y si le das ‘ajá’ a unos de mis mensajes te segire, saludos,ajas y asta luego :D
Emm™ SuperGoldLuigi1
[Age:14] +This profile is rarely active. crippling depression,adhd,good memes,and other golden things of this generation that isn't trash.
Jon pitkojon
Hi all! Welcome to my profile! My name is Jon, I live in the UK and I am a fan of all things Nintendo! I am currently studying German at University, das ist echt geil! (Really cool!) I also play drums, bass guitar and I enjoy playing tennis and squash in my freetime. I am a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda, Earthbound and Metroid Prime, and enjoy playing Smash Bros. and Mario Kart too!
Austin GameStriker2
Name - Austin B-Day - Feb 8, 1999 Gender - Male Hobbies - Gaming/Drawing Bio - A shy guy that talks to himself about games as if somebody listens. P.S I don't wii u chat!!! Does anyone even read this stuff?
POLLUZ RabberLuffy
heya, i'm POLLUZ, you might find me on PC games i'm a normal-depressed-friendly kind of dude mha fave games: super smash bros pokken tournament splatoon well, now you can go... still here? you must be very determined ... YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A REALLY BAD TIME IF YOU SCROLL AFTER THIS SENTENCE lol,jk
daakness daakness
KodyDraws fiveholematt
When i started Miiverse:May, 2015 Go Follow: Falina (She's awesome!) Tylex (He's awesome!) shaneo mac (He's a great guy!) connorjr$$ (He's awesome!)